"still reflecting on my project under the terms i have previously thought of but this time being more aware of several aspects such as the fact that for it i gave up all the possibilities to have a power role in society and that institutions representing power cannot tolerate the autonomy i have been able to generate"
"a period trying to come up with the ultimate design to present my project reflecting on the rather hermetic design but also on the very fact that my good intentions are very much challenged by the conservative politicians who has attempted to sabotage them"
"still coming up with general reflections about my project also at times inspired by nietzsche for example in relation as to whether the latter part of my life became less adventurous but then also declaring once again the sort of uprooting i experience when trying to get back to my roots making this my ultimate adventure with my museum building in my native alps"
"more elaborated reflections still in line with my previous thinking understanding also the escalation of my practice with also my life getting more intense with kids but also with society increasingly hostile towards my project yet reflecting on the sort of psychological stability if not elimination of the psychological factor from myself other than in period of revisions of the actual structure of the project which get me very engrossed to find a new solution"
"reflections mostly got while up in the mountains trying to finish the arks thinking of all the evil that could eventually happen to me from those who decided to go most against me"
"less elaborate reflections made while succeeding to set up the ark and later getting back to holland to my secluded life leaving aside any form of social glory i could have gained from my hard fought for work and also isolating myself and removing my project for any form of social media and such"
"reflecting about my work at first sort of enslaving myself with a low paid work wanting to forget about all the nasty comments on social media addressed to the ark i so much fatigued to built but then setting myself free from the situation gaining the strength to keep up with the museum again generally reflecting on this struggle in relation to the easy vomit of the captivated middle class"
"feeling perhaps quite affected by the reading of pasolini and his concept of homologation later also however traveling to italy to resume the work with my ark there and reacting to once again having to work with much of the community and the angry local politicians maneuvering it against me"
"quite a strange period in my life as well as in this central part of the project dropping out all together from society and feeling most happy about the focus i have on my work keeping rather sane without ever trying to get recognition and thus also compromise not only my work but also my sincere and simple existence with it"
"discovering more and more myself as libertarian minded but above all as a person who broke free from all the conventions to pursue his o"wn nature and make a synthesis of it to communicate not so much to my contemporaries but to future generations to also enable them to set free from any authoritarian mindset"
"a period thinking more and more on the consequences of an increasingly institutionalized humanity with regimes of automation controlling it seeing my project as a way out of this and especially as a way to keep as a solid human with also a through understanding of the consequences of institutionalization and regimentation with a strong interest in the lives of the most vulnerable"
"being clear with myself about my role of not trying to get any fame or money with my project but creating a small ecology of life reflecting on the endurance and consistency required to do so"
"still submitting myself to my role of evolving meaning over time knowing that at every attempt i try to come out with them i a pushed back and in this repsect coming to the realization that i just have to keep on getting more naturally powerful to face the terrible and artificially sustained power of the establishment"
"maintaining my acknowledgment that through the practicing of my life-commitment i am able not of changing society of finding a new direction that can be an inspiration to other humans as to how to recover one's own nature and mindfulness so as to evolve in the generally decaying surrounding"
"getting firm about the fact that i only cultivate myself as hunter-gatherers would do without cultivating anything else including my career or a social-media profile also avoiding the use of narcotics reaching quite an in depth communication without them and generally abstaining from being part of a system deteriorating human society and the environment"
"getting closer and closer to the hunter-gatherer literature and way of being beginning to reject civilization and in favour of a civilization of the self and a reconnection with nature going beyond the more traditionally socialist both proletarian and egalitarian ideas"
"still very much with my head into hunter-gathering and reflecting my own practice as not so much a result of a too bureaucratic civilization but rather as a form of fluent storytelling as much as the one brought forward by old hunter-gatherers with however a feeling that humanity is going down a suicidal path so uprooted it is from nature and so much in need to get into nature-reconnecting practices like mine"
"getting more insights on how poor but content i am with my project also feeling forged by it trying to abstain from partaking to any of the neolithic practices leading to civilization and turning more consciously into a modern hunter-gatherer who has to anyway cope with the rituals civilization imposes on his tribe"