"trying to point out that in the present situation in which humanity is kept captive on board of ship-states there is nothing more opposing to hunter-gatherers than the clerk-like figures the ship generates but a kind of hunter-gatherer attitude can be achieved in the first place diverting the energy to contribute to the system to instead engage with the surrounding with the aim of feeding an autonomous framework only the lifeboat can provide as a clear statement to want to disembark the ship and return to a more egalitarian and ecological type of living"


"pushing one step forward the allegory of arkists building lifeboats to make it back to a primordial nature saying that these lifeboats are also the seeds enabling them to make of themselves a primordial nature and in this encouraging them of fully manifesting their nature rather than embracing a gray type of socialist-like collectiveness given that in the end this collectiveness can be easily gained with all the energy arkists acquire in manifesting their nature in full"


"talking on how there is no hope in just rewilding civilization by planting a few trees and stewarding their growth but how rewilding ought to be conceived as a process first investing individuals in need to get a hold of their consciousness and reforest it seeing how this process is not merely about letting human nature grow wild and inaccessible but in stewarding it back to a more primordial and thriving state which will naturally affect others and can be the departure that could cause the power-system to whither giving the possibility to the environment to grow primordial again"


"amplifying the discussion concerning the prejudice people on the ship are force to believe that progress is reached only with civilization but also the prejudice of many primitivists that put too little focus on culture especially the one generated by individuals as a way to cultivate their consciousness and gain autonomy for a very destructive system that is consuming them and the environment seeing ultimately how the power of nature can only grow as any type of worldly power whiter including the ones of individuals trying to pursue their careers as part of the power-structure of the ship"


"going back to idea of arkists being right the opposite of the richest capitalists building rocket-ships to leave the earth after they fully deplete in order to get rich with arkists instead building lifeboats to make it back to the earth and escape such suicidal ideas of the most progressivist elites also discussing how arkism defies religions but is aware that a spirituality like that of hunter-gatherers is needed to keep decentralization and prevent the rise of any other forms of centralization and that this decentralized spirituality is really fed by the one to one engagement of each individual with reality and this engagement is the core ritual to maintain without any of the obfuscating superstitions typical of more neolithic type of people"


"developing on the paradox that the more the ship promises humanity they will ultimately colonize outerspace the more humanity is relegated in the indoors of the ship turning into mere clerks and opting instead to stay on planet earth and recover the real and powerful outdoors the megamachine of the ship is fully using and abusing but insisting on the fact that rewilding ought to happen first at the conscious level of each individual fully committed to regrow into a primordial tree but engaging with his or her local surrounding so as to in a second stage reconstitute the social forest that can whither the ship altogether"


"coming to the question as to what makes certain people so real and getting to understand that it is their unique relation with authentic places that civilization has eradicated by enforcing all humanity in its ship-environment but seeing how to dedicate oneself to the making of lifeboats not only provides the missing place in which to regain a human type of ecology but also it foments the need to make it off the ship and reconnect to an untamed nature"


"insisting of the necessity to engage with the surrounding in order to become hunter-gatherer-like while in parallel developing a type of consciousness that is in itself a type of self-rewilding which is perhaps the only option for ordinary people relegated on board of the ship-civilization so much enforcing a sun god religion bringing humanity in building megamachines justifying their pyramidal structure with arkism being the counter-tendency of wanting to make it back on earth and re-enable the growth of local ecologies and the micro-culture that are so much contributing to biodiversity but are what empires always eradicates in the name of the very sun god religion on which they are based and without which they would falter"


"considering civilization itself as a great colonization of the wilderness and seeing degrowth as the only rational way to proceed with however a power-structure not willing to let go and considering arkism as the act of smuggling with lifeboats resources back to the planet with the mainstream tendency of just taking from the planet in order to empower the ship and let it able to depart for the nothingness of outer space coming to think more of depowering as a more successful strategy than degrowth"


"considering the fact that also in the process of rewilding the self from a state of total cultivation by the system the first stage is almost a demonstration that people need the ship to take care of them in the form of a gardener that is there to cultivate society into different sectors and spray all the needed pesticides with arkism however claiming that by subtracting oneself from this massive cultivation one can steward the process of self-rewilding so that the growth of just brambles can be avoided and a primordial forest can be achieved with the following stage in which this inner forest can be projected out into the an environment colonized by the ship and its extractivist tentacles"


"talking on how romanticism has been the practice filling up the increasing gap generated by civilization between humans and the environment and how by now this gap can no longer be filled with both humans on one side and the environment on the other been fully domesticated and talking about arkism as a practice of de-domestication but no longer having people focusing on their domus which turns them into empty bourgeoisie empowering the ship and its destructive behavior but by focusing on filling up lifeboats so as to escape the ship and in the process relearn to be hunter-gatherer like so as to ultimately fill up the gap with the nature"


"re-assessing technology not as a hard-primitivist who concludes that any technology leads to misery but as an arkist who sees the need to use technology in order to create an ecological oasis within the sterile and lifeless environment of the ship also considering the fact that either way the future humanity will have to be very versatile in feeding their decentralized communities adopting the debris of civilization to sustain it while at the same time following up to the healing of the natural environment and its rewilding giving up the attitude of dominance towards the natural word and replacing it with that of feeling surprise and festive as well as grateful for all the surprises it brings"


"based on lewis mumford conception of the megamachine and its worshiping of the sun god perceiving how modern civilization has also developed in such a worship with its priest-astrologer-like scientists and advocating for a more pre-enlightenment humanism that is in essence a rewilding of the consciousness in a more combinatorial and regenerative fashion as that conceived by early humanists with their memory theaters as some kind of ways to forest the self and enable a type of nomadism within it with the duty of arkists being that of stewarding such a process as well as stimulating it giving that human nature as such on board of the ship-civilization is bare at the convenience of the system which wants to make a mono-culture out of it"


"keeping up reflecting on not so much only the natural world being deprived of the forest but also humans who are by now also deprived of the possibility of constituting themselves into social type of forest with collaboration only meant to gain vertical power rather than for a more horizontal type of interaction that the ship with its centralized system hinders from the start and discussing how if each individual is kept isolated and forced to power the system he or she can likewise abstain from it in order to power his or her inner nature and constitute a micro type of forest such as promoted by the humanities of the middle ages"


"considering how on board of the ship one feels free while in fact its very architecture provides a constraints that are like blinders forcing people to only point up to power and disabling them from the possibility to be free in evolving horizontally as their human nature would tell them to do so as to also be beneficial to the environment considering also that in order to be free one has to build this natural environment and therefore needs a methodology to do this that is not the oppressive ritualism of the ship but is the will to regenerate"


"going more in depth with the question of whether people who are concerned with civilization and its nature-destroying character should be using or not technology and seeing that if one hand technology is used to increment power and in turn distance humanity from nature people rejecting the power-structure can in fact use technology to get humanity closer to nature in a type of creative activism that is that of the arkists building lifeboats so as to be ready to get off the ship and its belligerent power-structure"


"inspired by readings about hunter-gatherers concluding that villagification in a sense brought much of the superstitions and unnatural rituals which are also very much part of the global-village life on board of the ship-states with all their scientific elites removing not only subjectivity from reality but also removing its subjects from a natural world they become scared of and want to have further control over discussing on how arkists should instead reconnect with this world and in turn foment it by being very active with what is left of nature around him or her but also within him or her keeping nomadic and aware like hunter-gatherers a forest that becomes by so doing very much a forest within arkists who can spread it out the moment the ship and lifts its vertical power-structure to which everyone is subjected"


"taking the anthropological comparison between the superstitious and ritual-intoxicated villagers and the more pure hunter-gatherers to describe how a global village has by now eaten up the earth and the more hunter-gatherer minded people are force on these villages that have by now turned into ship ready to live the earth they have so much drained but talking once again on how those who have a innate spirit to be in the forest and return to their primeval human state they can in the first place develop the forest within themselves by abstaining from the power of the ship and investing almost entirely on their humanness the lifeboat of arkists is there to make sure it can ecologically evolve without being sized up by the ship and turn into combustible for its own power"


"amplifying the discussion about the scientific driven civilization success in dominating not only the natural world but also the nature of its people and insisting on the fact that if there is a form of activism it has to be right in having people take back their nature and steward it back to a primordial forest discussing how this is really not a form of cultivation in the end but the necessary character of the future forest people who have to heal also their human nature from scratch after the system has conveniently tuned it and kept it into a field for its own exploitation in this respect encouraging to second the natural talent of each individual while at the same time however not only linger like stoics standing the madness of an imperialistic power-structure going rot but also take action and prepare what is necessary to steward and heal the earth obviously without the involvement of power"


"reflecting on how the affluence experienced on board of the ship has some relation with the affluence of hunter-gatherers in their once pristine natural world but ultimately the affluence of the ship is compromising the resources of the latter and enslaving people to the point that the only option left is that of derailing power as outsiders do taking energy that is otherwise dissipated verically in the power-structure and bringing it into the anti-ship or the ark or lifeboat in which human consciousness can be recovered also claiming that no matter if people put a more critical and activist-like energy within the ship if there is no lifeboat the ship will make use of such energy to become even more powerful"


"coming up with three different stages with which the ship-civilization separates human from nature and that is by putting everone on board of a ship and by isolating everyone in cells where the only option is to relate vertically to power with barriers preventing people to connect horizzontally and form societies and thirdly with the fact that also each individual is not allowed to fully manifest his or her nature but only part of it to then be placed among people with the same type of specialization in this sense envisioning arkists as those who decide to begin with to fully develop their human nature so as to turn it into a primordial forest which necessarily makes them aspire to be back in the land where they should not be puritans leaving no footprint but they should rather make a big celebration and of their being back with nature"


"rewinding the post-colonial discussion stating that civilization itself is colonization and that with the ship-civilization that domination of the natural world is completed with also the total domination of humanity forced to live within ship-states and to deteriorate as much as the surrounding environment considering how the moment people stop trying to fight this system of domination and instead try to build autonomous zones in which to counterbalance the process of natural regeneration begins with then the technology of the ship being nature-annihalating and the technology of the lifeboats autonomous zones being nature-regenerating"


"reiterating on the idea that new technologies from the beginning are beneficial but they quickly turn into tools to boast power and necessarily turn states into battleships seeing here arkists as those who make use of technology in its initial and therefore innocent state in order to build the lifeboats needed to evacuate the battleship also seeing how in the meantime the attempt of arkists is the opposite extreme of that of authorities who instead get ready to depart the to-be-destroyed earth with their rockets and their elite of obedient loyalists as well as with a bounty of luxuries which alas out in space will bare no nutrients to these runaway elite talking instead on how the bounty of arkists is like that of hunter-gatherers trapping life using what is available to them and in the process becoming skilled for a new life back on earth which will require much stewarding to regrow to its primordial state"


"getting the institution not that religion is the opium of the people but that authoritarian politics themselves is the option turning religious in order to maintain a too big power structure alive but in the case of the ship specifying that unlike the pyramid of the pharaoh the ship requires constant energy to be kept afloat making it way to detrimental especially for the very environment and not only for all the minor cultures being wiped out for its sake and in this respect conceiving the arkists' arks as these sort of minor cultures reactivating themselves conscious about the ship suicidal undertaking"


"discussing for the first time of arkism as radical primitivism with arkists being the super hunter-gatherers whose main occupation is to recreate oasis of consciousness to nurture their humanity under the scorching sun of power and in this respect referring of arkists as awakened outsiders who are not the ones with a compulsive syndrome referring to the system running the ship as the actual syndrome affecting the whole of nature"


"introducing the concept of paleoethics not only as an ethical guidance to how should people behave once the authoritarian system of the ship collapses but also how to behave while on board of the ship hunting and gathering in order to create zones of autonomy where a human type of ecology can be created independently from the destructive construction of the ship which in then end might become intolerant to these autonomous zone to the point that they might get ejected back into the natural realm"


"coming to the realization that only living as hunter-gatherers meaning being hosted by nature rather than dominating her can power whither and with it the threat of completely jeopardizing life on earth also scorning any political ideology as only providing temporary relieves to the curse that political power is anyway going to actuate"


"discussing that the leftist project is just a retardant of the life-threatening project of civilization and that either way the youth has been too often the one demanding for more absolutists type of power-structures and as long as there is a civilization offering the tools to accomplish these power-structures nature is going to keep on decaying but also reflecting on the fact that arkists opposing progress are not luddites disregarding technology but see that it is needed in order to live through a period of readaptation of the species to anyway healing environment"


"seeing politics as only a big fight for the rights over the carcass of mother nature until she gets completely killed and conceiving arkists as going against such kind of politics by abstaining from civilization and its suicidal plan and rather than wanting to become a nobility turning into super-hunter-gatherers ready to one day make a life out of the debris of civilization therefore not only abstaining from the specialization required by the ship but developing a multitude of skills and above all enabling the flourishing of their inner nature becoming conscious and aware and once again part of the bigger nature the ship civilization separates them from"


"opening up to the idea that even if the social ecologies of the future are going to be neolithic and therefore sedentary and agricultural and industrial based the paleolithic element ought to be introduced to them in the form of culture so as to ensure that people are going to be focused more on the hunting and gathering of meanings rather than of power and capital which will eventually lead to yet another destructive type of civilization"


"taking in consideration the agenda of the left and the right and observing how both are meant to keep up the ship-civilization and in this understanding that only a total and unconditional renunciation of power can bring humanity back to its primeval state along side with the natural world without any longer contaminating and oppressing it just for the sake of keeping the ship-civilization running"


"pondering whether the more small-scale and communalist approach to a new life on earth is feasible and seeing that it can only work if there is an authority making sure that new generation do not escalate back into a power-structure getting more convinced in this sense that the permanent solution is to aim at a tribalization of the species along with the total rewilding of the environment despite the genocide and the ecocide the ship civilization is actuating in its struggle to keep afloat"


"opening up about the fact that it is simply illogical to think of politicians as people who wants to diminish the horse power of the ship they are commanding for the sake of the environment given that this down-scaling would reduce his or her power and make him or her more vulnerable and even reflecting on how when all the politicians representing all the world nation-ships unite to agree on such a plan there are always going to be those deflecting and ultimately force others to turn their ships in powerful battleships"


"getting very inspired reading about the pygmies in central africa living their hunter-gatherer existences with no personal properties and no leaders but with their rituals and customs equally also reading of the more traditional central africa villages with also the same construction and a face to face democracy feeling more confident about encouraging a non nation-state alternative to save the planet"


"discussing how in the end the process of domestication is taking a new level on board of the ship of civilization and seeing how people are suddenly nostalgic of having only a shepherd taking care of them rather than being forced inside a fully mechanized stable yet without the knowledge and understanding that they could do also well without any shepherd whatsoever seeing in the process of generating a lifeboat the creation of an autonomy in which consciousness is recovered and with it the possibility to reconnect back to the natural world"


"rethinking of colonization as not the colonization of western people but of all civilized people over the wilderness and those people who used to live within it without necessarily wanting to dominate it and seeing in arkists this attitude in living according to nature rather than wanting to benefit from it discussing arkism as a form of political individualism that is aimed to bring forward a human nature that is to begin with kept apart from the organic society and the environment"


"discussing quantification to begin with in classic manner debating that people ought to stop quantifying for the power-structure of the ship and should rather invest in examining their own nature but going beyond this stoic principle and discussing on how this self-examination will necessarily manifest the nature of an individual and that a lifeboat is necessary in order not to be sucked up once again by the nature-greedy ship but by developing a lifeboat that wants to make it out of it and beginning to think of this lifeboat as some kind of an extension of the arkist which will enable him or her to merge back with the wild with extensions that he or she has conceived and are not yet another type of technological apparatus provided by the ship"


"making a comparison between the regimented people on board of the ship using soldiers and scholars as examples with both not really working on their nature but in consolidating the two polarities making up the ship and seeing arkists as those who do not care about getting any form of compensation for their service to the ship but only focus on generating content and by so doing becoming living ecologies in an otherwise dead and dry environment"


"understanding that the verdict of the scientific apparatus sustaining the ship-civilization will always be that people ought to give up their nature in order to live within the ship and seeing how this process will ultimately result in the ship taking off from the planet with humans themselves being used as the ultimately fuel to do so and proposing arkism as a way to enable the opposite extreme and that is that of people that develop their own algorithms to become super-hunter-gatherers of some sort and therefore fully conscious and fully ready to reconnect to nature"