"a period of intense heat even up the mountains with the worst drought hitting northern italy and drying up the rivers there and only a few times experiencing some rains but other than that welding fully dressed and under a beating sun the bars to support the gratings of the floors of the ark and after a big storm experiencing quite a change in temperature with a much more acceptable weather even after driving to the south of italy in abruzzo with my family finding really the perfect climate there with the sea breeze refreshing us"


"still some breeze in abruzzo rescuing us from the great heat and anyway also visiting the mountains there going up the maiella a few times in the fresh canyons and trees before returning in the alps and experiencing them as never before all burnt by the sun and without any water with some occasional storms bringing very little water having at times to work at the ark with quite a heat but in the end getting my left arm all burnt beacuse of welding and at the very end at last getting a very big storm bringing quite some rain yet not sufficient to feel up the aquifers still with little water coming out of our village fountains"


"still very hot even in the mountains despite some storms and even finding it unbearable with the sky cleaned up and the sun even brighter than ever but then also getting a bit of a cooler weather and even a cold day spent visiting francesco's family in my native highland later driving back north and finding germany completely sun burnt and also way too hot and even the netherlands making it to the lake with the children to swim in the first week but then experiencing a much lower temperature with a cold wind but still no rain"


"a month of transition here in the netherlands from a most disgusting summer heat to at last some cooler weather and the much awaited rain experienced very much outdoor working on the foundation of our new garage in the end also getting some pretty sunny days but quite cool and autumn like almost healing the sensation of a sick nature i felt looking at all the dried up rivers and canals with just some dirty water kept in by the dikes to still enable water traffic"


"truly a transition to a most autumn like weather with quite some gray rainy days but also some very beautiful days of blue sky with the tree leaves getting ever more blond and some heat in the middle of the day but quite some cold and at time very humid mornings in a few occasions with the temperature outside going almost to zero but still not daring to turn on the heater with the gas prices turned way too high by the war and the inflation"


"getting quite seriously worried about the weather now approaching the winter with still some hot days going around with my t-shirt and only towards the end experiencing some cold weather but still never turning on the heating and only getting ready for the winter installing an air conditioning to blow hot air in the kitchen and mostly to dry clothes with a few days outside gloomy but not so rainy and generally just humid often after school taking the children to playgrounds and often even having running them bare feet"


"a month keeping the heating off all the time and only having a bit of warm air conditioning in the living room in the evenings but with some days getting very cold especially when working outside with a cold wind setting in but also some warmer days alternate with cold and rainy ones with silvester not willing to go out for walks and getting quite freezed in his legs and feet despite wrapping up and putting him in a blanket in the end also traveling with the kids down south through france and going through a snowfall in the ardenne making the children most happy and while in metz enjoying a cold but dry weather with the kids not complaining while crossing the city but my hands freezing"


"driving with the kids through a southern germany covered with snow and also in our mountain village in italy finding freezing temperatures slowly getting warmer until the whole snow melted away with often a very gray and cloudy weather down the mountains and blue sky making it above it generally with the temperatures getting way too warm with only some cold nights and a the stove in our tiny apartment way too hot"


"right in the middle of the winter experiencing to begin with a constant fog in our alpine village later starting to drive back to holland and discovering a most beautiful sunshine and a pleasant heat on the other side of the alps in the bavarian landscape slowly making it up to the much colder and teutonic north west of germany ultimately reaching the milder holland and there experiencing some rainy weather but also some warm sunshine and finally some real cold winter with snow trying no to turn on the central heating so as not to spend too much money burning the wood from the garden shed i demolished"


"experiencing almost the coming of the spring throughout the month often even working only on my t-shirt digging a trench to put the solar panels cables in the garden but then towards the end of the month getting some sudden bad weather again with a big storm battering just above holland strong enough to prevent august from coming to the netherlands"


"possibly the last and the hardest wave of winter experienced in the netherlands prior to the spring with august coming over for a visit and walking quite extensively with him despite the rain and the cold weather intensifying much more after his departure with even snow and a blizzard making it hard to go home with the children from school towards the end of the month however starting to feel the spring in the air with warmer and sunnier days despite the weather forecast being always rather wrong and too pessimistic of the days to come"


"always feeling most optimistic about the coming of the spring and some warmth but throughout the most experiencing much winter again with even snow and hail and only a few spring like days spent bringing the children to nature feeling myself a bit like a bee getting crazy about a weather made erratic by modern civilization in the end traveling with the family to the depressing north of france but finding there some beautiful nature at the coast experiencing quite some rough weather with much rain but also sun especially on our way back stopping in lille and getting all our jackets and sweaters off after many a cold night spent in our van"


"still cold and bad weather in the netherlands with the spring really never showing up for more than a day and then also finding quite a cold weather in the mountains often raining having to turn the stove on in the cold nights but also during the days with a times sunny and hot afternoons and the children bathing in the cold fountain water but also finding a much colder weather up at the ark and taking them for a walk on mount novegno"


"driving back from italy to germany finding there a decent weather but then getting to a most dull and grayish and coldish dutch weather finally escaping from it camping in limburg and there finding some sun despite some very cold nights later spent camping in the countryside west of dusseldorf and back in our dutch village enjoying one proper sunny and warm day at the lake with the children even bathing inside it but then getting back into cold days getting only warmer in the afternoon"


"back in the netherlands experiencing quite a heat going to the lake to swim with the children with only a few days of weather getting rather cold again but then experiencing quite a heat with particularly livia not really standing it while at school and going camping with the family again in limburg also there finding a lake where to swim and feeling almost in a a tropical island with constant sun turning the all vegetation very brown and dry later making it to sardinia with august unexpectedly finding rain in the island but then with time a much more sunnier weather but generally very pleasant with always a breeze coming from the sea"


"traveling by van through ermany with my two oldest son making it first north of giessen and with a super hot and sunny weather and almost a totally burnt landscape reaching florian in the very south but then going up to fresher and colder switzeralnd to then find quite some heat and humidity in italy with however some rain and later also in the mountains some powerful night storms but also so incredible heat especially down the mountains as experienced by the garda lake with silvester waiting for his sister and mother to join us but for a few days also experiencing the warmest days on record up in the mountains unable to do any work during the day"


"reading on the news about the hottest summer on record but in fact experiencing the coldest summer in my memory with pretty much always clouds and also storms and rains u the mountains and in the mornings very old temperatures going below ten degrees and making it even almost impossible to swim in the sea and in the lake the times we drove there to diversify our holiday in the end with the weather turning most dull and gray and never sunny despite again the news talking so much about the incredible heat elsewhere"


"experiencing a bit of summer at last walking with my little family around the beautiful dolomite of the baffelan and then driving back to the netherlands with most beautiful days but also very cold nights camping high up on the fern pass and then down through germany experiencing a the third heatwave of the summer with also a most pleasant weather back home spending some nice days with my old friend days only to experience quite an ugly and rather cold gray weather after his departure with some cold nights spent again camping near the german border and soon after a most pleasant weather up on the heather covered hills north east of arnhem"


"getting ready for the autumn in the netherlands but experiencing an unexpected and quite out of the normal heatwave with a few unbearable days making even sleeping at night a challenge also for the children going almost daily to the lake to swim until some days of rain and cooler weather only to soon turn again in an unusual heat making me quite worry about the world climate"


"feeling more and more concerned about the weather still wearing a t-shirt in the middle of the autumn only for a few days later while in maastricht getting quite cold and having to turn on the air conditioning at the villa of myrthe's big brother while looking after their dog soon after however still experiencing a rather warm weather despite also a storm hitting the north of europe still never turning on the air conditioning in our house despite the mornings being rather cold"


"a month with a lot of rain and with also some cold days still keeping our house unheated but wearing many sweaters with a big storm bringing much cold air inside and only a few occasion of sun always followed by more rain and wind feeling however quite untouched by the situation going for my daily walks either way having to pay attention for the branches of the big trees falling"


"after only a day of sun once again eperiencing an incredibly wet weather constantly under the rain bringing the children to school but also venturing out with them in their free time and making it a point to go out everyday for a walk despite also the weather turning very cold with our unheated house getting quite unbearable having to turn on the fire with the little wood we have left and otherwise using the very expensive central heater in the mornings prior bringing remaining home all alone with always two woolen sweaters on and at times a jacket later even having the joy of some snow with the children being quite happy about it until it got considerably warmer and still rainy and i took a long walk alone from arnhem hitting the forest to the north"


"a very strange weather with much rain in the netherlands and only a few decent days taking a walk with the children and myrthe to then travel down south to italy finding a most sunny and way too hot weather right in the middle of the winter and even up the mountain tops feeling too hot and almost sun burnt in the end experiencing a cooler temperature and even some snow and ice after a single day of bad weather also making it to my native highland with quite some freezing temperatures there over night but generally back in our little corner in the alps finding quite some sun and fresh air"


"making it back to northern europe with quite some rain terrified about the rivers on thier way to flood the country especially in holland but then there experiencing a sudden change of weather with the temperatures dropping below zero and freezing the landscape taking nice walk over the ice next to our river with also the snow coming and the kids also enjoying it despite their feet getting frozen in the end with he temperature increasing feeling almost the spring has come with even crocus flowers timidly coming out of the grass and the land feeling most alive during our walks in the nature"


"experiencing a quite mild weather to begin with almost not warming up the house anymore still with occasional rain and much wind bringing in the end quite cold temperatures with the children home from school for the carnival celebrations making it almost too cold to be out waiting for the parade also later with august visiting us spending every day outside hiking having in the end to buy some rain jackets for the children especially during our walk on the beach with quite some cold wind despite the flowers already beginning to blossom"


"feeling the spring in the air with a few quite warm days and flowers blossoming especially out on my walks to the arboretum also with my little son at home sick but also experiencing some heavy and gray rainy days before receiving my old brazilian friend and his family and with them stroll around the dike appreciating the spring like weather later bringing the children to the ocean with quite blue sky but a very cold wind finally with the days going by turning warmer and warmer until i even went around in t-shirt"


"experiencing quite a heat to begin with even working with my t-shirt in the garden but then facing quite a change in temperature again with rain and cold weather later in the month getting warm again but still quite rainy also venturing on a dry day to the sea but there having to face a strong wind not really being able to appreciate the coming of the spring especially with the sand hitting hard on the children and after a sudden drop in temperature again experiencing a beautiful weekend with a perfect sun and many friends coming over to improvise a party in our backyard"


"a very cold and rainy month to begin with with at times a bit of sun bringing some heat over the netherlands also later driving to italy with a full moon and clear sky hitting the alps still covered with snow having to light the fire in our little apartment and experiencing quite a few days of rain going to venice for a day with also a rather wet weather but an unusual heat quite in contrast with the cold weather awaiting us on the mountain top with he children freezing their hands and a very cold rain making us turn back in the end also spending a few days in vicenza having to wear our jackets because of the rain but generally feeling too hot there also while visiting my aunt in padua and finally back in the mountains having quite some sun allowing me to begin the oiling of the tags i attached on the last floor of the ark"


"coming back to the netherlands after a rainy and cold period in the alps finding an extreme heat with also occasional thunderstorms and then going for a small holiday in wuppertal to celebrate myrthe's birthday and finding less of a good weather there in the end making back to the netherlands experiencing a much colder and rainier weather with often some overcast and maybe some warm sun showing up usually late in the afternoon"


"a very depressing and cold beginning of the summer with much rain only in the end experiencing a heatwave suddenly making us enjoying our time in the netherlands going to the old mine to swim every day with the children late in the afternoon avoiding to be much out during the day not to burn myself but mostly taking walks to the arboretum under the shadow of the big chestnut trees"


"with much rain and cold weather not really going to swim with the children anymore just waiting for the summer holiday in italy and there finding quite some hot weather with just one afternoon of very heavy rain making it a bit more pleasant especially down at the seaside where we went camping to avoid more rain and finally making it back to the mountains with a lot of thunders echoing trhough the valleys but not really hitting on our little village"


"experiencing quite some heat in the mountains especially welding under the sun up in the ark with all the welding gears on but then after some rain experiencing a cooler air and a times feeling even a little cold especially visiting my native highland later however having a new heatwave making it almost impossible to keep outside in the middle of the day trying with august and the children to walk in shaded paths near our village"


"after some rain and storms in the mountains still experiencing quite some heat especially later making across northern italy to bring august to the airport feeling quite an extreme heat but then on the other side of the alps stopping at florian in germany experiencing there a colder and weather only later to return to the netherlands and there almost feeling in the middle of the summer again going almost daily to swim at the lake and taking walks in the dunes feeling like being in the middle of a real desert in the end within a few days experiencing a much colder and rainier weather with only some sun and heat in the afternoon"


"enjoying some nice and mild weather making it one last time to the lake to swim with the children before quite many days of rain giving an official beginning to the autumn and turning our house quite cold suddenly having to wear our woolen sweaters with the wind pushing the cold air even further inside but then getting some nice and drier day despite the temperatures being lower and lower with at last some days of sun contributing to the drying of all the moist"