"a strong setting in of the winter with the first snow turning the landscape all white and keeping up for several days with eventually a few all blue days and sunny and minus degrees much reminding me of my native alps despite the snow being very dry and the weather at times getting warmer but then going back to something they here call wolf winter from which i took a three days break by coming to the rainy and far more humid denmark for a conference where the snow has quickly melted"


"in the icy cold yet dry sweden but then going down to italy finding snow but rather sunny and warm weather with some very nice days in the mountains but then some more cloudy ones in my native highlands always followed by sun though and then also find almost a spring weather in krakow in the checz republic followed by a much chillier weather with the temperature dropping below zero and much cloudy and snowy weather"


"leaving the humid and cloudy continental europe to find extremely bright weather in stockholm with the temperature going well below zero and reaching also far below with totally bright skies followed by a period of warmer temperature going over zero degrees and bringing clouds and shitty weather but then eventually at last getting cold and very bright again"


"a no longer so cold weather with the temperature oscillating around zero and then no longer the bright icy days of january but a constant homogeneous cloudiness which has lasted almost throughout all the period but the very end when at last there has been very sunny days and a sudden warmth making everything so pleasant and nice as an early sign of spring with all the snow now melting away and far longer days, turning everything more tolerable"


"very sunny weather with the snow starting to melt from the beginning and the temperature increasing again but then getting cold and snowy only for some days till the weather got sunny but the temperature did not really increase and it was very cold in berlin when i went for a conference and it was snowy and the wind was blowing through the clothes but finally also there the sun came"


"still cold in berlin and later initially cold in stockholm too but very sunny weather till at least i went to italy and the weather there was cloudy and unusually cold but had nice days there too finally going out in t-shirt and then going to the netherland and also there finding beautiful enchanting spring weather to then go back to sweden and find minus degrees and cold till finally the springs at in bringing the first rain and the melting of the snow"


"initially in sweden with a very dreadful weather and quite cold but still at times some sunny days spent with davide after work playing in the park with august who took out his bike and later traveling over sea to new england in my old city of cambridge where this part was actualized and here finding an amazing weather like during a weekend in vermont with perfect blue sky and walking mucharound the city otherwise till the beginning of a conference with much colder but still nice weather and then again some heat to finally end up in new york city with rain and even thunderstorms"


"most uncertain weather now coming back from the states and being in europe with few days of not so severe rain both in sweden and the netherlands and generally a rather coldish and unstable sunny weather with often nice beginnings and cloudy ends experiencing also a bit of the first storms due to the high current which has at last brought a bit of summer feeling"


"very cold beginning of the summer despite being for a time in madrid leaving a rather warm utrecht but then going back to a fairly rainy and cold and much unstable stockholm where at last the weather got a bit nicer and august washable even to swim for a short time but then going to holland and there finding cold and rainy weather getting better only towards the end"


"still a bit of cold weather also in belgium during and the netherlands but then going to england and finding a most amazing weather with the exception of only one day and also finding nice weather in the netherlands and a most amazing summer at the seaside in italy with much threat of thunderstorms from the weather forecast but never experiencing one if not from the distance and at last not having to worry about the bad weather like in the previous summers in sweden"


"a very nice swedish summer coming back from the italian seaside reaching the pick of the heat but anyway not really enjoying it being mostly at home doing carpentry work to receive at last myrthe in my apartment but then having a most dreadful raining weather and no possibility to bike together at last going back to the italian alps but finding also there the temperature a bit colder but nonetheless quite fresh and nice on the sunny mountain tops and actually only experiencing one single day of rain in which we took a walk with august in the clouds and then finding the sky most clear and the further dolomite very visible"


"a surprise continuations of a summer which on the other hand had a late start and enjoying the nice weather both in my suburb biking quite often and in the netherlands exploring the very south biking there with myrthe also in belgium then find a rather freezing day back in utrecht wearing my norwegian sweater and again very sunny in sweden despite a day of rain spent helping the finnishfilmmaker friend mervi on her Website being also at the university off and on and eating out for lunch with all the swedish people almost not bearing the unusual heat and later enjoying the weather with my little august by the water and biking with my old colleague �smund"


"still a nice autumn here in sweden but then experiencing the first rains particularly in the netherlands where i anyway had to write and finding again quite a nice weather back in sweden also being with august out by the water with no shirt enjoying the sun and latter also in berlin with myrthe finding a very nice weather but quite cold evenings like taking her to the station in the middle of the night and having to walk a lot at sunrise to fully warm up and finally coming back to sweden with the weather also quite rainy but even some periods of sun which allowed me to be out running"


"a rather cold weather coming back from sunny berlin and finding stockholm in the middle of the autumn with shorter days and nights of frost yet a few days of sun and being outdoor for walks and bike rides with myrthe in particular til we went together to my parents in northern italy to find a mighty weather getting around in shirt and finally back to sweden to make it soon back to the netherlands and literally finding a weather between the warm south and the cold north"


"a rather grayish but relatively warm beginning of the winter yet quite rainy too from the beginning till august and i went for a small holiday in the netherlands finding a most amazing and warm weather followed also there by a bit of gray weather and also sun but with a cold winter to then come back to sweden and finding a long period of gray yet stable weather also once back in the netherlands finding a great sunny and warm day in rotterdam but then returning to sweden and finding that the temperature as dropped below zero and the weather got much nicer and sunny"


"a period spent entirely in sweden facing a big whether change from amighty autumn to harsh start of the winter with a large snow storm that august andi have experienced going down south to malmo where we even saw a blue thunder in the middle of the night and experiencing there the harsh windy climate of the south part of sweden to then come back to the much calmer weather of central east sweden and living mostly indoor with all the gloominess of a snowless weather getting too warm and rainy pronouncing a black christmas"


"a month in which i experienced all sorts of weather like the gloomy and not too cold of sweden to then travel with myrthe to the alps and also there find that the winter has not started expecting a lot of snow at my parents' place at last getting so much rain that it went through the ceiling but then moving to the foot of the mountain and experiencing most sunny days in verona and latter the most gorgeous winter day in the island of the iseo lake with very good visibility of the alps and also a sunny day walking in the mountains to then get again rain and move back to the gloomy cloudiness of sweden but at last experiencing a sudden turn with a cold but sunny winter setting in with finally snow making the landscape very inviting and nice"


"a quite okay beginning of the month with the winter turning properly cold and giving both snow and latter sun but then gradually turning mild again and bringing in several days with wind and snow to finally stabilizing but keeping rather gray and at last even getting above zero degrees and melting down the powdery snow bringing even rain till at last going to the netherlands and also finding a very mild temperature but again rain"


"a very nice weather experienced in maastricht walking the hills with myrthe's relatives and then going back to sweden to instead experience a constant gray weather and at last a day of snow to soon melt in rain but at last giving a one single day of sun in which august and i have been out for a short bike ride anda long walk in the woods to then experience gray cold weather again till at last i went to lovely myrthe in the netherland and got a very a sunny day feeling the spring coming back to us making us super in love to at last depart again and ending up in malmo for a course"



"beginning of the spring with sun picking up august in his island and then spending a wonderful weekend by bike even daring to camp out in the ocean despite the minus temperature at night which got ice on the tent but then finding a much worse weather and quite rainy on the west coast of stockholm where i went for a course till finally getting again quite some nice weather and a very sunny easterspent first with august biking to a movie theater and then with myrthe also walking in stockholm and biking along the water to a very beautiful little mountain from where to appreciate the super blue sky and sun even taking out ourshirts"


"very nice beginning of the month with warm sun followed by still a lot of sun but temperatures going below zero at night followed by again a few days of very warm but cloudy weather cut down but a sudden cold temperature which event brought snow and then at last going to the netherlands for a conference and feeling warmer there but then experiencing much rainy days till at last going back to sweden again and find at least dryer weather but still cold till at last find warm spring again"


"a quite beautiful month at least from the beginning in the netherlands going with myrthe to a wedding in the breda countryside and finding an amazing blue sky also the day after and also finding an excellent weather in sweden spending a day with august before he left for turkey and still enjoying the weather running in my little park but then experiencing a sudden cold and bad weather which took some time to get better and finally got warm again when myrthe came over and later i biked in the heat to the department summer retreat even sweating"


"quite a summerish month started with a beautiful sun biking all the way to the department summer conference in the perfectly blue sky and also getting a nice weather with august during the boyscout camping in an island to latter experience a cold and cloudy weather and finally a nice summer heat attending a music festival in the netherlands and a colder and a bit rainy weather later coming back to utrecht which got me a bit depressed till i was able to bike outwith more sunny but still cloudy weather and at last experiencing a fully sunny weather canoeing with myrthe in a national park"


"a rather coldish summer with a nice beginning of the month canoeing around the biesbosch with myrthe but then experiencing cold and rainy weather back in utrecht to then go shortly to sweden to pick up august and find an amazing sunny weather there and later going to italy and enjoying some nice weather and a lot of rain during my friend alessandro's wedding but also quite some sun and heat on the beach with a few days of rain and storm like when visiting the ancient roman city of aquileia but also when visiting ravenna with myrthe to at last get a proper heat particularly back in sweden"


"finally back in sweden after a coldish and rainish summer in the netherlands and then in italy and finding the weather unusually warm and super nice but then experiencing it getting much cloudier with occasional thunder and at last the rain coming right at myrtle's arrival but then also again some nice days of sun in which we went out at the beach behind the harbor and could even swim until it got too cold and at last it started to be quite cloudy feeling however quite warm in the last days whenever the sun shone"


"a month spent to begin with in sweden with relatively sunny weather but abit cold despite feeling quite warm in the sun and even taking a bath in the ocean while going on an excursion with the new exchange students from my university and finding a rather amazing weather at last staying with august at his mother's place before going to italy taking nice walk also on the hills without shirt and feeling very hot while in milan with myrthe but also experiencing a quite powerful storm walking back to my mother's place at night and at last coming back to sweden with a bit of a grayish weather culminating in a nice sunny sunday spent with august walking along a lake in the small village of gnesta"


"a quiet sunny autumn almost feeling like summer when in utrecht and visiting gent in belgium but then also experiencing a turn of the weather while in bredA and finally going to beautiful italy experiencing the summer there walking on the east coast of the iseo lake and also feeling very nice weather back in sweden which was rainy at first but then got nice while visiting gothenburg to then get worse again back in stockholm with occasional nice days"


"a month finally experiencing the coming of the winter with the first nights of minus degrees and a period of warmth experienced going down in a lot of rain to the netherlands by car and then coming back to sweden and experiencing a few very sunny and bright days before the weather got bad again and at last ever snowed while i was staying with august at his mother's place."


"a month started with italian bad weather particularly in venice with rain and exceptional high water yet still quite warm and in fact finding a beautiful solar weather in santa caterina nearby my native highland where i bought a little place to then come to sweden and find an awful bad weather but also some sun but very short days before moving back to the longer days of the netherlands however finding the temperature much more unbearable with the cold humidity and only one day of sun"


"real gray and boring november weather in sweden but then going to the netherlands to find a nicer and crispier weather which also allowed me to go and run but then also experiencing and heavy storm driving to a small airport in germany and finding a beautiful sun while with august in his island followed by days of snow and a more interesting weather in stockholm with several sunny days allowing us to go for small walks and enjoying the few hours of light"