"making clear that there is no such distinction between conservatives and radicals governing the ship ut that the latter can be at the most referred to as neo-conservatives since they do not radically get rid of authority altogether and only invest all the intelligence on board of the ship to figure out a fair representation for their authoritarian figures seeing in the end arkism as a movement now carrying the baton with a libertarian message that had to be improved from only saying power is bad for humans to say that power is deadly for life on the planet and considering how a transition back to a more organic and powerless society is only possible with people making at first their own nature the main authority to then make it the local environment once the dissolution of the ship-state will allow it"


"developing the idea that while the state has turned into a ship that wants to break free from nature the arkists represent the counter-movement of wanting to return to nature and even if the other humans on board of the ship has dropped all their evil features they still commit great evil by complying with the ship that is a systematic and organized crime against nature not withstanding the fact that the ship itself will be the platform for the greatest of crimes as the natural resources it so much depend on will run out"


"since it is the tactic of the ship to isolate individuals and all natural entities so as not to develop an organic domain that is antagonist to its inorganic dominance proposing the arkist tactic to create vehicle that completely isolate back the ship waiting nothing to do with it but to become fully independent from it and dependent to the much healthier natural world as all the stateless societies have shown prior being contaminated by empires"


"coming up with the principle that the ship is not only a fetish drive of building the perfect gadget for governance but that it has been necessary to do so with time due to the fact that all the resources around the ship got used up and also discussing in this respect that old philosophies advocating for a return to nature are not just ways to tollerate this unnatural state but can in fact be used as ways to demand society back to nature especially as the ship is more and more transforming into a frankenstein-automata of its own"


"concluding that if it is true that the more the stateless societies of the past were connected to their natural environment the more they were egalitarian and ecological so it is also true that the ship is the ultimate artifact of separating humans from the environment thus de facto turning them evil to one another and the environment and in need of an hardcore legislation to hinder them from manifesting such attitudes while in fact ultimately the ships will come to clash with one another and reveal their barbarian nature deriving right from the state of wanting to be apart from it now conceiving legislation only as a way to maintain order within a ship so as to guarantee its power always leading to conflict with other ships"


"in reading much anthropological treaties reaching the conclusion that the more nomadic human societies are the more egalitarian and ecological they can be critiquing in this respect the ship-civilization that has forever locked humans in a state of total sedentarism but seeing in arkists the possibility to be scavengers actively exploring their surroundings but also actively exploring themselves and in this coming to create not only a form of nomadism but especially a new form of organic culture as that deposited by earl nomads in caves or in their refinement of their language and overall in the mindfulness that derives from it"


"insisting on the fact that stateless societies had very complex cultures and little technological development while the ship-civilization is characterized by a strong technological development and very little culture therefore encouraging arkists to detach from the the system and begin to also generate complex organic cultures completely detached from any of the ship institutions and in general ay ready-made frameworks since they are projected away from the natural world and the integration of human society within it"


"discussing the current deadlock affecting humanism on board of the ship with cultural producers and intellectuals relegated in competitive power structures and advocating here for a more horizontal type of humanism that arkists can conceive as insiders of the ship whom however know that their cultural dirt cannot be kept within because it simply has no chances of being in any way effective and therefore conceive lifeboats in which the dirt is temporary placed so as to make it off the ship and into the natural world and there regenerate life"


"talking of progress as not a present to be open but a present to be locked within turning into a highly engineered bureaucratic toy that after having systematically consumed and all the valuable resources on the planet earth will set off into space ultimately turning to humans as its last organic resource to be consumed possibly in a more sustainable manner cultivating humanity as its fuel to preserve itself in this respect seeing arkism as the opposite process of devising lifeboats to escape the space-ship and return to the planet yet not unprepared but organically charged through a process that begins with each individual reactivating the little dormant nature that is buried within them "


"debating the fact that the scientific apparatus human society relies on may in the end only procure a sedative for planet earth as it is administrating sedatives to the society that has to comply with its centralized bureaucracy and in this accentuating the numbness that both humans in the ship and the natural world around it is withstanding in order to sustain and preserve and even improve it which is quite opposite to the mindfulness and vitality and total self-awareness characteristic of stateless societies in this respect prefiguring arkists as voluntary stateless individuals whose aim is to resurrect their mindfulness and by so doing reconnect to the aspiration for an organic society back in the natural environment"


"imaging a new society and that is that of the date gatherers who get antagonists to the ship-state by focusing not so much on protesting but on becoming self-aware and by so doing competing with the type of mega-awareness that the ship wants all for itself so as to control and ultimately numb its subjects leaving them no time and space to develop theri own awareness and also thinking of this awareness generally as a way to turn people less materialistic and and voracious endowing them with a self-content that no environmental policies can enforce also insiting on the fact that arkism as such should not be a platform within the platform of the ship but rather a raft"


"talking on how leaders of nations did in the past have some sort of connection with reality but how more and more the new leaders are born in a new type of stratified social order which necessarily segregates them from the bottom coming up with the equation that the the higher in rank is a ship the more its authorities are incapable of connecting with it describing arkists as those who pull out of this rank to prepare for a total reconnection that is however acephalous in the moment they become cephalous or with a head and mind and a humanity regained in the very act of preparing for this reconnection"





"making the standard anarchist critic on mandatory education and discussing how arkists ought to reprocess their own childhood so as to recover a type of natural imagination which can lead them to interconnect with others and constitute a human society to challenge the state-ship but given the too peruasive artificially induced imagination the latter provides the crew in the end only having to invest in becoming catalyst examples for others"


"reflecting on how children in the past used to be able to learn from the natural environment but then with advent of the ship they were relegated to limited and closed spaces like boxes within boxes only by initiating the maturation of their humanity they can think of hatching from"


"an essay enabling me to understand that it is utterly impossible to try to cultivate human individuality on board of the ship as this energy will be immediately converted in favour of the ship and that one rather have to make the conscious choice of instead investing in the making and stowing of a lifeboat"


"putting an emphasis in not so much only disobey the ship but really finding it important to obey the lifeboat and develop it at the margins of the ship so as to be ready for both its sinking but also the reconnecting with the land and the formation of libertarian communities however noting the importance to get off all the ships around the world so as not to be reconquered and brought back into whatever ship like slaves"


"writing about the education given on board of the ship as only the enforcing of principles serving the ship and not its people seeing arkism as the awakening of the people in realizing the corruption the ship brings about and in realizing they ought to go back living according to nature in their first place individually and then attempting to do so at the more communal level embracing a more stoic approach as indicated by zeno and dismmissing the type of elitarianins proposed by plato in his republic talking about how his republic has turned into a whole new cave"


"pointing out how official education completely and purposely missing out the libertarian struggle of the majority of humanity against the greedy minority who have found ways to enslave it in the centralizing power structures and in this respect reflecting how arkists can learn from this hidden history to in the first place manifest their nature so as to be able to voluntary comply with the communities of the future"


"writing that it is a most natural inclination to want to connect to the natural and social surrounding but the natural and social surrounding from the start are all forced to converge to the ship and in this respect claiming that the only possible education to alleviate the alienation deriving from it and the incredible burden nature has to sustain to power such a ship is to reconnect to nature even though even from a social point of view classes have been segregated conveniently on board of different ships and also within one ship individuals themselves are fully segregated from one another meaning that only from the individual left alone a desire for the liberation of its society and from there of the environment can occur"


"debating that instead of literally becoming primitive it is more essential to grasp the spirit with which primitives lived and that is practically that of growing fully and constantly aware of their environment and themselves which is in stark opposition with he official schooling turning pupils into sedentary clerks whose drive is that of competing with one another and that of amassing worldly goods a dn in turn devour the planet in this sense reflecting that a society of data gatherers would be more delicate and focuses on meaning-making and much more gentle and light"


"unveiling the coercive nature behind the mandatory educational system entrenching people in specialization rather than bringing them out to the actual reality where an holistic type of mindfulness can be conceived and with it a love for the local ecology only arkists through their practicing and can conceive"


"discussing how ephemeral the whole topi of emancipation within the first class ships have become not withstanding the global injustice that the ship-civilization has created by keeping millions enslaved with lower class ships so as to do all the dirt work for those kept within first class ships and generally with arkism putting an emphasis in trying to reclaim a total kind of emancipation and not one that is conveniently brought forward within a hierarchical setup since it will always cause injustice"


"framing the idea that unless humans practice directly their ecology there can never be an ecological revolution and that any kind of reform that the centralized apparatus actuates will always be sabotaged and reverted by the power conflicts that necessarily arise from within and among centralized powers recognizing that the only way to challenge them is to reactivate local power beginning with individuals and their autonomy not as just a lifestyle to pursue but as an attempt to reconnect dependence from a nature the very system begin with wanting autonomy from"


"going in depth on how people around the word have to be initiated to technology and if it is not war to give them the baptism to it it is anyway the competition that the ship-state organize within itself which in the end make people not only tolerate technology and in turn the governance making use of it to ensure its power but to even want more governance in this sense framing arkism as not a literal type of pacifism rejecting war but as a movement rejecting all sort of made up competitions in favor of what is more natural to the human species and that is mutual aid and collaboration"


"arguing that no matter how the boldest academics try to speculate on how even complex and big civilizations in the past were egalitarian still the urban setup that modernity has come to constitute is all designed to make people dependent to centralized insitutions and that is hardly conceivable that people would want to break free from these dependencies because they also power their own private properties and the little capital and the little reputation they have been able to achieve in taking part in the competition organized for them by the ship-state and only by subtracting oneself altogether from this competition and focus on the nurturing of ecologies of mindfulness can the cemented fabric of the ship break up and allow new forms of social experimentation that are more egalitarian and ecological"


"inspired again by primitive people and their early development into no so much creating tools for hunting but rather trapping conceiving the ship as the ultimate trap resulting from centralization of power and conceiving the role of arkists as that of resuming their trapping instinct within themselves so as to create nets that can capture meanings and turn them mindful while at the same time connecting to other mindful individuals and their net ultimately getting rid of centralization altogether"


"criticizing all these scholars that no matter how bold almost imply that in order to return to an egalitarian society people would have to also follow up their academic careers but seeing that academia is more and more a bureaucratized type of hierarchical institution too much linked to power proposing arkism as a way for everyone to become without any hierarchical structure on-going natural scientists who can make their own deduction without having to sterilize them through any temple and priest class but just simply doing it so as to always be aware of their environment and have the rationality not to go into any irrational paths which could ultimately culminate again in forms of tyrannies"


"arguing that even though the ship-civilization can hail certain successes in emancipating its crew these legal successes came with a an incredible load of legislation that have the fact imprisoned the whole humanity inside ships in which not only they cannot reconnect with the natural environment but they are also disabled to connect to their human nature so much caught they are into the ship bureaucracy and here proposing the arkist life-boats as containers of a different sort more similar to the gardens of the neolithic horticulturalists domesticating nature and living in a good symbiosis with it developing biodiversity rather than suffocating it through a process of specialization and industrialization that is so dangerous in a time of great upheavals that the very arrogant existence of the ship is unleashing"


"pointing out that among with equality for consensus to work there ought to be in the first place a dual type of reconnection to nature working towards both reconnecting the whole of society to nature and reconnecting each individual yo his or her nature so as to achieve the diversity needed to guarantee the creative power of decision making and implementing to set to work"


"returning to this idea that the ship has two sides and that the more progressive side is always in the end scrapped by its regressive side which ultimately bring humanity to the foot of war also adding that in this respect is absurd to advocate for more laws no matter how right they may seem because new laws can only enforce the self-destructing destiny of the ship and with it the destruction of the planet as a whole in this respect inviting people to revert their tendency to want to have everything and everyone legislated but to rather develop lifeboats in which to recover their sense of freedom and the hope to restore a social type of ecology"


"asking what is emancipation and figuring that the fact that there is oppression on board of the ship is due to the fact that humans are kept captive and the only pleasure they can find is to step over one another or simply accept to be oppressed proposing arkism as a movement prioritizing in the first place the return to an ecological society that naturally enables humans to be respectful of one another and the environment with the only precondition that this passage can only be achieved through the preparation arkists put in both making and stowing their life-boats"


"making it a point again that since humans are born they are forced to comply with power vertically and this obligation completely amputate their natural inclination to instead develop horizontally their ecologies and in this sense conceiving life-boat making as a sort of proto-ecology in which arkists break with this verticality and seek for a different kind of compensation that is more based on the meanings they can gather within themselves and the surroundings in this sense fomenting the ecology from the very little nature they have their disposal and making it increasingly bigger"


"reconsidering the discussion concerning democracy of consensus which is said to be working only in small groups but advocating at last for the anarchist proposal of keeping small communities that can have representatives so to confederate with other communities from below but also warning of the danger of going back to a too archaic society suggesting arkists should keep up with their ark making also once they are reintroduced in a social ecology to as to keep up their awareness and never be oppressed"