"biking to cas and petra forest house this time with myrthe and livia and a chart in the back of the bike to carry the latter along with food and water supplies and going quite fast there but finding it very hard on the way back with the chart being blocked by the wind and having to go very slow"


"still in the netherlands biking with livia to get cherries barely training and then briefly in the mountains with august taking the trimmer to the valley below the cube and beginning to clear a path"


"walking up with livia on my shoulders to the cube and meeting the architect there telling me to build a new base for it and beginning at once the work with august with livia asleep and me starting to move big rocks twelve meters away from the previous cube base"


"working very hard with august digging in the squares inside the already welded base of the cube so that it can be moved to the new base and filling several loads of tractor"


"still emptying the earth in the old base and then moving big rocks anden forcing the wall around the perimeter of the new cube base"


"working still on the new base of the cube this time with myrthe and livia also on the site and taking a bit more easy now no longer having to dig inside the welded structure but letting august the wheelbarrow and mostly concentrating to dig around the perimeter of the new base"


"still digging gravel around the new base for the cube installation and emptying it and distributing on the site lacking almost energies at the end of the day with the sun turning me and august very thirsty"


"more digging of the new base of the cube now alone with august staying home feeling too tired and finding anyway the energy to work long hours with the spade and the wheelbarrow"


"with myrthe and livia at the installation site now working lightly mostly filling the new base with yellow gravel and starting to make small channels for the water to flow away from the cube"


"taking it much more easy now and digging the southern side of the field next to the new cube base making it a point with august to dig through an entire mound but nonetheless going at a slow pace filling gravel and bringing it still to the cube site with the wheelbarrow"


"once again with myrthe and livia doing a picnic at the cube installation with august now filling the new base with gravel and myself picking the big stones I brought there from the tractor shed and building a new wall in the front of the base also at times making sure livia and myrthe were doing well getting high and low heart beats"


"still working to enforce the outer wall of the new base however hitting the heart sensor with the big rocks carried from the lower part of the field up and losing several times the signal also at times having to take breaks and check on livia who had a hard time to fall asleep"


"taking it a bit more easy now with livia and myrthe also at the site of the new cube base and covering up the borders and doing lighter work than carrying rocks also with livia unwilling to sleep again"


"working at the cube installation now without tractor and often with august not willing to follow me up the valley to dig and fill the base with new ravel now also slowly noticing how in fact a third base has been created throwing much of the black earth in front of the new base and working solidly despite the heart rate watch now beginning to give strange signals"


"still digging on the northern side of the new cube base with august on my side and myrthe managing to make livia asleep giving us a lot more time to throw more gravel on the base and bring black earth below it"


"with august still digging in the mountains and filling the new base for the cube now with a slight rain making it easy for us to work yet having only a wheelbarrow to work with"


"digging more along with august yet unable to make my heart beat watch working properly and attempting to wash it and at last buying a whole new watch without chest sensor but finding it completely unreliable only producing a graphic without delivering any data and now only willing to use a more proper watch especially hiking up with august in a pasubio valley searching for edelweiss flowers unable to properly record any heart beats"


"working alone after at last changing battery to my heart beat sensor and getting better data and smoothening the southern side finding more gravel to heighten the new base but also throwing a lot of black earth below it to make a path for the tractor and for people to walk up."


"working also during my birthday both walking up the valley with august and then digging gravel attempting to bring the new base to level despite being distracted by the many phone calls congratulating me for my birthday"


"walking up to the cube installation with august but then keeping up the digging alone now feeling most unsure whether we will get the permission to build and starting to feel rather demotivated"


"working for the last time with august on the base of the cube realizing now it is still not leveled possibly due to the rain sinking the new gravel thrown there and later going with myrthe and livia there and working late due to the heat now alone with august getting ready to leave for sweden"


"walking up the valley to work and finding the cops sent by the hunters to inspect the new foundation and causing troubles then working lightly freeing the welded structure from all the gravel and later working much harder trying to fill the entire base before the rain"


"working alone at the new base for my cube installation and almost digging through the southern hill yet feeling very tired and hastening to put more gravel for the coming rain to finally compact the ground"


"still working at the new base after the rain and focusing to dig through the hill on the south to connect myself with the holes on the opposite side now bringing mostly black earth below the base without much focusing to find any gravel"


"still walking up and down the valley without using the tractor and recording my heart-beats working late to avoid the heat and with livia and myrthe on my side taking gravel from the southern hill onto the new base of the cube installation"


"still having issues with my heart-beat recording watch but finally change batteries again and recording while freeing the welded structure in the old base adding sand to level the new base as well as digging a dike on the northern and eastern side of the latter"



"biking with little livia in the attached chart and highly pregnant myrthe on the side and experiencing pain on my left knee as well as finding it quite hard to bike with the wind but nonetheless reaching an ice-cream farm in the country having however troubles to record my heart-beats via my phone"


"recording my heartbeats now using a new chest band with a new sensor and biking out in the dutch landscape making use of the few nice days at the beginning of the autumn and reaching myrthe and livia at various birthday parties of other small kids and at last recording manually my beat"


"measuring manually my effort now giving up the unreliable and privacy infringing heart beat sensor recording both renovating the attic carrying and mounting gyps panels but also biking along the river taking advantage of the few days of sun with no wind"


"manually recording my physical effort while in the netherlands mostly still renovating the house carrying and sawing material and only seldom going for bike rides given the bad autumn weather"


"recording my heart beat doing mostly home improvements in the netherlands but then traveling to italy and alone moving the heavy metal bars of my installation in one place to cover them for the winter overloading my right knee in doing that feeling rather in pain in the following weeks"


"a month biking whenever possible with mostly a rainy autumn and now biking both with livia but also alone with my racing bike not going to fast but simply enjoying the dutch landscape and the few days of sun and no wind but also doing quite some effort setting up my ferrocement experiment for my tebah lifting and cutting a large welded net"



"attempting to train despite the bad weather and both kids to take care of and finally going for a run with silvester on the stroller but hurting my knee and having to wait some time for a nice day with myrthe staying home with the kids and me taking a bike ride in the dutch countryside feeling quite trained but without exaggerating too much because of my knee"


"not really able with the kids to train specifically but trying to take advantage of all possible circumstances to do some movement such as walking on the dunes in northern holland with livia in the backpack and with august also biking and with myrthe making love for the first time after the birth of silvester"