"in the old german prussia, now russian kaliningrad doing a workshop and walking quite a lot but really find quite little on the sidewalk aside for the city center and at night before the matrioska (old russian women with a handkerchief on their head) goes out and sweep the sidewalks, from prussia then going for a week to my native highland in the alps and picking a bit of trash in the touristic village to then return to sweden in our new apartment in a well-off island with really no much trash aside for the one i pick going to visit jacek in the center of town"


"still in sweden picking very little trash now that we live in the suburbs yet picking some when going downtown to rent movies at the library but then also finding a bit of trash during a boat trip around the baltic in tallinn and saint petersburg and helsinki, this despite the much snow which has really deteriorated the little i have found"


"picking of trash executed from the beginning in the city of stockholm with much snow also in copenhagen where i have been picking during a long pilgrimage to the mermaid despite again the wet and snow which has affected many of the collected stuff but then also walking from the airport to the ctiy in bergamo without any cash and there finding a lot of trash dirty under the melted snow"


"trash collected on the sidewalk in bergamo italy with much immigrants and dirt towards the train station and then in krakow finding not so much trash and then having to pick it from the snow mostly towards the center consisting of flyers of not so good a quality even just photocopies and finally the more solid trash collected in sweden also in the sidewalk covered with snow"


"still in sweden collecting trash mostly in the small immigrant suburb where i live and then in berlin for a conference picking despite again the snow and cold weather and the fact that it was hard to find time to walk alone or having to pick with other people around avoiding to lose dignity but anyway picking nonetheless particularly on a sunny day going to galleries with some south african girls"


"picking trash mostly in sweden with the snow melting but also shortly in the netherlands but not so systematically due to the fact that i was with myrthe and then more systematically in america walking the small towns surrounding boston"


"once again walking around the places i used to explore when living in boston and finding many of the usual lottery and other trash often abundant in destitute areas where people try to change their luck but also many fliers once again in new york city around broadway despite the rain and some fliers inviting to stripteases but mostly musicals"


"still some trash picked in the states and particularly during my time in new york with much fliers got around time square and broadway despite the rain but at last also starting to pick trash in the netherlands with the complicity of myrthe who actually became my carrier during our urban explorations and i place the picked trash on a side pocket of her backpack"


"trash picked with myrthe on our trip to madrid and also in the city of toledo to then pick trash while walking with jacek in stockholm who also was photographing trash on our way to the midsummer celebration in town and later again in the netherlands picking more trash walking both alone and with myrthe and jason finding several nice stickers"


"with myrthe once again back in the netherlands now picking trash also on our trip to antwerp where much coffee and bar related things were found on the large sidewalks and also back in utrecht some arabic and fruit vendor related trash on the road to her brother where a lot of muslims live"


"in the netherlands again picking trash from the street during short walks with myrthe but then also leaving for a summer school in northern england and walking quite a lot from the campus finding quite much trash in the destitute neighborhoods surrounding the city of coventry and finally picking trash in amsterdam mostly around the train station while walking with lovely myrthe"


"trash collected on the sidewalk still despite the end of the summer both alone in sweden mostly in the immigrant city where i live and in the netherlands with myrthe walking extensively for instance in amsterdam but also alone around utrecht"


"most of the trash collected in berlin taking advantage of the great weather there and collecting both the usual cards for export of expensive cars but also much related to the oktoberfest celebration there with many alcohol related fliers and disco events"


"still collecting trash in berlin walking with myrthe in the northern part and then hitting alone the very west of berlin to end up in potsdam and then keep up a bit of urban walking and side-walk collecting in stockholm and finally a bit in my parents town of vicenza"


"trash mostly picked first while in the netherland walking alone and with myrthe around utrecht and also during a sunny day spent alone in rotterdam where i also picked small and nice casino cards and then picking after christmas in italy walking however mostly in nature or historical sites despite a day in the city of brescia but still being with myrthe and jacek and not really picking much"


"still some trash picked during my christmas holiday in italy like during a nice visit with myrthe to the beautiful city of verona but mostly trash collected walking in sweden both in sotertalje and in stockholm where some snow has also fallen making the sidewalk really dirty and latter trash collected in the southern city of malmo that had no snow but a lot of wind throwing all the trash around and collecting there quite much trash during my exploration of the little and gray city"


"trash initially collected while in the netherlands walking mostly alone around utrecht and even in maastricht but lastly collecting most of the trash in sweden and in particular walking occasionally through the little downtown of sodertalje despite still some occasional snow on the sidewalk and quite bad weather"


"trash picked first visiting shortly my parents in italy taking walks alone and then going back to sweden and finally again to the netherlands where i still manage to pick up trash particularly with the weather getting less rainy and me walking long distances to reach a conference event in amsterdam"


"trash initially picked in the netherlands at the end of a beautiful sunny spring with the strike of the trash pickers and street quite filled with garbage and then in sweden at the beginning of the summer to later go back to the netherlands and bike alone to different small villages finding trash there on the sidewalk and even the nicely printed cv of an old artist"


"trash collected from the beginning in the netherlands with the euphoria of the world cup rising and a lot of national support around utrecht where i have been walking picking some trash also picking some in dordrecht on my way to a national park and finally going to italy with both myrthe and august and picking trash on a sidewalk along the sea or in the main city center finding trash from pizzerias and ice-cream places but not so much from discos as i had expected"


"trash still picked in the northern italian seaside place of lignano but also visiting the more historical cities of aquileia and grado to the make it by car all the way to ravenna and picking trash there as well as in the beautiful city of mantua and at last in vicenza before coming back to sweden and taking small walks but finding very little trash"


"trash collected in sweden mostly during election time finding most of it while walking in the nearby town of s�dert�lje with several stands representing different parties but also finding different muslim related fliers and more commercial fliers after walking in stockholm amusement park"


"still some trash collected in sweden at the beginning of the autumn with still some election related fliers but mostly commercial trash collected while at my parents' place in the small city of vicenza and even in padua walking around with myrthe"


"some trash collected while in sweden walking through s�dert�lje and stockholm but most of the trash found in the netherlands during my long staying there collecting fliers from both the utrecht sidewalk but also from breda walking alone while leaving myrthe to work"


"walking mostly around the city of gothenburg while leaving myrthe with her friend and collecting quite some trash there like tourist fliers and later also picking some trash while in the netherlands mostly on my way to the park to run before the bad weather got picking trash quite difficult"


"trash picked while in sweden and later visiting myrthe in the netherlands but picking very little because of the weather and mostly in utrecht and maastricht but also belgium where the weather was better"


"trash picked while in italy mostly walking up and down the little town of schio not too far from my mountain cottage but also back in sweden despite the winter weather"


"still some trash picked in italy particularly from my parents' city of vicenza but also much picked in dublin walking extensively throughout all areas of the city finding interesting fliers with the irish old celtic language"


"most of this trash picked in dublin making use of the partially good and dry winter weather finding quite some religious and political fliers and very dirty trash walking in the filthy suburbs not paying any attention to the people observing me feeling however a bit worry to be recognized by the stuff from the museum where i have exhibited"


"trash picked partially in ireland also exploring a town in the north of dublin but mostly while in utrecht walking up and down the city to experiment with the work for my upcoming exhibitions"


"only little trash picked in italy and in sweden before going back to the netherlands and taking advantage of the good weather to pick quite some trash there prior going to germany for a show"


"trash entirely picked while exploring the city of frankfurt where i was for a show and trying to pick extensively despite being afraid to get dirty prior entering the museum premises but then hitting the road alone and picking quite some trash"


"trash picked first while briefly in italy mostly with myrthe scouting small towns next to our mountain place and picking a lot of it from a clothes market and then going in london and at first finding very little trash walking down the gentrified city but then finding much more going to the suburbs and walking up and down the entire city"


"still most trash picked while in london particularly walking on busy and dirty road but then also some trash picked back in sweden prior going to san francisco and only finding very little trash in the gentrified suburbs home to many tech companies"


"trash found while at last left alone in san francisco walking also through the city of berkley and later while with jacek"


"all trash picked while staying in a dormitory of a very crappy neighborhood in san francisco going up and down the dirty streets finding many disco flyers and some lottery tickets signs of misery"