"picking trash while living in shanghai such as the many playing cards mysteriously placed on sidewalks probably to indicate where a game is taking place and then all sort of trash even quite organic one such as feathers and things found in front of our compound especially during the many walks picking my son august from school"
"still picking some organic matters from the shanghai sidewalks with also some flowers and leaves but also some of the sticks used to eat snacks on the street and not really bothering on how disgusting this could be considering also the amounts of spits also finding however some interesting handwritten text and some non chinese characters in also snacks packaging"
"again in shanghai walking extensively there and venturing to pick also quite dirty things from the side-walk such as things used by people to eat but also finding several playing cards like some modern ones used by the younger population and the traditional poker cards used by the many chinese street gamblers to indicate where a game is happening"
"still picking trash while walking around shanghai finding some western influenced stuff like kentucky fried chicken bags and hello kitty inspired products but mostly things discarded by chinese related to their constant snaking on the street and littering the sidewalks"
"more incomprehensible trash picked walking very extensively in the sidewalks of shanghai mostly making it with my son to the parks in the city with not so many fliers or graphic items one would find in a western city"
"still in shanghai picking not so interesting items with very little graphics beside some card games and some english text but mostly chinese characters and quite some medicines possibly reflecting on the status of the population oppressed by the regime and a bit on the sick side with the pollution and all"
"a more interesting and more capitalist composition gathered from the sidewalks of shanghai with some recognizable items like the milk beverage i used to buy my son and other items such as the cigarette packages founf in the near of parks and some english text popping out"
"still roaming a lot through shanghai making it from the south to the north almost daily walking on sidewalks and inding a bit of interesting things like some annotates piece of paper and an hotel card beside the usual snacking related items and plain advertisement"
"still a bit of the same trash found on the shanghai sidewalks really making a radiography of the society there with still their snaking and playing habits represented but also text i have no idea what it states finding off an on quite some discontent for the oligarchic party controlling all aspects of life and wondering if any of it comes out in these fliers i find"
"a bit more colorful and full compositions with chinese items collected during my extensive walks despite trying to avoid to be too much exposed to the intense traffic and with arthur solway from a new york gallery interested to exhibit the work"
"more interesting trash picked on the shanghai sidewalk with the world expo coming up and some adds related to it but also more english products on the road beside the usual snaking and poker cards to indicate where a game took place mostly in the context of a park"
"still in shanghai during the expo going more into tourist areas and finding more colorful trash but also still picking quite some natural elements such as pieces of the trees planted by the french colonials in their concessions"
"picking up the last trash in china overall before moving with the whole family in japan and there finding far more graphically appealing trash exploring tokyo and trying with my son to visit the old town and picking trash on the busy sidewalks"
"graphically appealing trash picked while walking around tokyo with my son not knowing what it actually says but just focusing on what we found also making it to the famous shibuya district"
"more japanese trash with even some tree leaves from the tokyo streets before returning for the summer to sweden and there picking trash walking extensively around stockholm but also uppsala but other than that keeping in the countryside having not so much connection with the urban setting"
"still occasionally making it to uppsala city waiting in the swedish countryside to move with my family to the united states and picking some scattered trash with several small items and not really so much fliers but quite a few cigarette packages with also an english one"
"more trash picked while staying for a summer in sweden before going as a volunteer to israel via prague and in jerusalem picking both israeli but also arab trash immediately highlighting the clash between the two cultures especially when moving from neighborhood to neighborhood"
"walking extensively the city of jerusalem finding this time mostly jewish fliers and not so much arab ones and scanning them at the dutch foundation i have been volunteering for not willing to bring the trash along with me in the journey back to europe and get issues with the quite nasty border control"
"still in jerusalem volunteering for palestinian teenagers and occasionally venturing out crossing into the west bank and picking more arabic type of fliers other than that picking mostly jewish fliers exploring the gentrified southern side of the city"
"keeping up with my walks across jerusalem but also venturing with my polish friend jacek down to tel aviv and up to haifa and later in the medieval city of acco finding there also some more arab related trash after exhausting marching through these cities"
"venturing with my palestinian students into the west bank finding much misery there and trash pretty much spread in the dusty streets of the run down cities collecting trash in a pouch and getting hold of it even after a violent confrontation with the israeli soldiers during a protest"
"still more trash found in the west bank with arab writings on it and then making it back with my students to the israeli side there finding much cleaner and gentrified streets with hebrew written trash"
"attending the gay pride in jerusalem picking some trash related to that and then leaving the country for good scanning the trash before hand but with my scanner getting confiscated by the israeli border police probably as a way not to get me back in the country again nonetheless picking quite some trash while in prague with a lot of fliers related to the sex tourism there"
"after a period spent in the swedish countryside with no trash to pick finally making it with the family for a new adventure in the united states and there living at first in an apartment we rented from a korean couple in brookline and spending quite some time with august exploring the city and going into other areas of boston with quite a dry weather and still some summer to enjoy"
"still living with the family in the nice and clean brookline picking occasionally trash in the big sidewalks keeping up my walking around with little august getting to know more about the city and also crossing the charles river making it to the ugly mit university campus and also there picking some trash left mostly by students"
"still picking trash in the united states this time making it to the other side of boston in the much poorer and tougher east cambridge taking walks mostly to the cheap supermarket and also finding cheap kind of trash at times left by drunk and not so well off people"
"going for walks now after school with august to the more well off and nice central part of cambridge collecting trash while walking especially in the more ghetto like roads and in places not so accessible by the cleaning machines"
"still in boston walking quite much alone and some time with my kid after picking hum up from school this time sort of identifying the best routes also to cross over the cambridge bridge into beacon hill and to boston common picking randomly trash here there"
"this time making it with my little son to my old friend brian in brooklin and despite the distance walking with august across the brooklin bridge into new york city proper and then all the way to central park and back to brooklin via the less iconic manhattan bridge also finding quite some spanish written fliers especially reaching my wife to a fair up in the queens"
"still in new york with my son august also taking some time to go around with brian making it to coney island and generally also finding trash walking around brooklin alone both in the jewish quarter and around the public library as well as down to the warehouses where brian performed with his band"
"keeping further in and around new york city with august always on my side making quite a bounty of trash with many warm and dry days getting back to manahattan and venturing even north of central park all the way to the north also picking rather dirty trash like packaging of used condoms"
"making it at last back to boston with quite some rain and wet road with now the start of the autumn having to wait for the weather to get better to take my walks and pick trash eventually do so once again with august with the weather getting better enjoying to get to the old english cemetery of mount auburn on our side of the city but also commuting all the way down to the beautiful arnold arboretum and picking trash in the stretches we walked to reach it"
"period spent fully in boston taking care of my family and keeping quite much in cambridge east but also at times venturing out with august and also his mother to see places the two of us already explored but also new places like the very irish south of boston and the beach there with still some nice days and dry enough sidewalks to pick trash on"
"exploring now also the north of the city and the museum area there getting involved with an italian speaking couple excited about my project and visiting them with and without my kid several times and beside that keeping in cambridge and mostly trying to do cheap grocery for the family picking trash on the way"
"getting back to new york city and walking extensively finding a lot of trash particularly in my crossing up and down manhattan with some chinese related trash from the south of the island and some fine art from the chelsea part and then moving more to the center with some broadway related fliers"