"in holland getting ready for the autumn but in fact experiencing a prolonging of the summer with a lot of heat and with the heat a lot of cars and motorbikes especially on the dike in front of our house and even a day with a mist people told me to be smog but nonetheless staying pretty much out of it going as much as possible to the lake to swim and only once making it to the city of utrecht but even there experiencing not so much traffic generally only walking through our old town experiencing quite some heavy works with all sort of large machinery used ironically by the local green party to make more green places with already a lot of workers running around with their trimmers and small tractors to cut the high grass"


"a way too hot autumn with much traffic of cars and motorcycles on the dike with people in general enjoying the nice weather ut not really allowing us to do so just walking or even biking feeling quite upset about making it to the fort on the other side of the river also finding quite some tSraffic bringing myrthe to den haag to meet her relatives there but nonetheless breathing later the fresh air of the sea with my children and then experiencing full days of rain basically keeping inside mostly working on my project and not really exposing myself to any bad air always trying to keep a few windows open in the end ending up in maastricht to look after the dog of myrthe's big brother encountering not so much traffic in all our walks bot to the city and on the hills and towards the end also making it to tilburg where i was invited by mathijn to attend his concert and there crossing the city on foot getting in filthy areas with guys on big and heavily polluting cars"


"a period with a lot of rain spending much time indoor but also venturing regularly outside with the rain and a very powerful wind cleaning up the atmosphere occasionally experiencing some traffic going to the outskirts of town such as to the hardware store or to the city farm or generally having to bike the children to school but also to their friends and to do sports crossing a bit of traffic with mostly people with fat cars or with their highly polluting business cars in the end also resuming a bit of my carpentry works building closets and making some dust despite trying to to much cutting out in the garden"


"still a lot of rain but making it out regularly meeting no traffic in my walks to the arboretum but encountering a lot of traffic going to utrecht to a birthday of one of my kids' cousins and also taking the kids for a walk in the forest in oss experiencing a lot of highway traffic or usually when going out of our village on the southern end taking livia to swim or going to the station or the hardware store encountering quite a congestion especially now that the nationalist far-right government is promoting care and scratching the former environmental bills but particularly inhaling some bad airS building closets in our garage using a table saw i got from mathjin to cut panels making quite some dust unable to attach the vacuum cleaner to it "


"in the netherlands with relatively clean air only experiencing traffic going out of the old town taking the children for a walk to the second hand store later making it to italy for the winter holiday and there inhaling some fumes getting the stove to work and also using my trimmer and chainsaw to clean up the valley below the ark but generally breathing good air taking many walks getting quite scared of the pollution down in the plateau with a gray and yellow dirt hanging over it finally with the rain cleaning it all but then experiencing an awful traffic visiting my old friend francesco in my native highland feeling very sad on how such a paradise on earth has turned into hell"


"back in the netherlands beginning to renovate our little house making more space for the children giving silvester our own room and moving with myrthe to the attic cutting there nails sticking out of the floor making some smell and then also enlarging livia's room and recycling the gypsum panels of the previous wall making some dust also later trying to recycle some wooden panels for myrthe's family albums but in general also spending regularly time out in the open with some fresh and nice air brought by a constant breeze from the open meadows taking nice walks in the frozen landscape to everdingen and later with an almost spring like weather to oss only when making it to veenedal to pick myrthe's boots from a repair shop experiencing a lot of traffic"


"at first experiencing much wind bringing a constant flow of fresh air also taking many excursions with the children then also attending some carnival parades and there getting exposed to exhumations of the many tractors pushing the floats later also crossing amsterdam to pick up august from the airport experiencing some traffic also later experiencing traffic in rotterdam taking him and the children there to eat ramen but generally breathing good air going for many excursions in the nature until in the end just focusing to renovate livia's room and getting quite intoxicated by all the formaldehyde inhaled mounting her new bed and also cutting plywood panels which i generally try to avoid"


"keeping up some renovation to make the house ready for my old brazilian friend mario coming for a visit with his family but getting very dizzy of the paint used on the floor of the children's rooms then with my friend and his family walking on the dike encountering many polluting motorcycles and with the kids at school trying to get the garage functional but finding the floor to dusty in the end also painting that to make it more pleasant to work inside my cave feeling less dizzy this time from the very expensive paint i was lured into buying and generally also experiencing some level of pollution crossing utrecht with the children to go to the birthday of their cousin and also the same pollution walking with them and their mother on the dike with the usual motorcycles and people with their cabriolets taking their useless tours and threatening the only little strip of wild nature left"


"with the easter holidays experiencing a very nice weather but also quite some traffic and pollution soon cleaned up but quite some wind and at times at work also inhaling some of the exhaustion gases of the van captured inside the garage where the actual bakery is and at times also biking to work having some old smelly carts flashing next to me but mostly experiencing a few days with quite some toxic air at first trying out to plasma cut the metal i need for the inner side of my ark and then with a dutch carpenter opening up a hole in the garage wall to host a fume aspirator making a lot of dust but wearing no protection and trying myself to keep out of the garage"


"preparing for our trip to italy cutting all the horizontal bars i need to build the structure to host the physical archive withing my ark and doing it out in the garage at my baker friend with also a mask protecting me later also working intensively for him and getting to breath a bit of the exhaustion from his old van and in our trip to italy finding almost no traffic traveling at night but while in italy waiting for myrthe and the kids to visit a second hand store experiencing quite some traffic in the little city of schio below our mountains and also inhaling the usual fumes using the tractor and cutting grass and also wood but mostly getting quite hit gluing thousands of tags and polishing the rust in the ark prior applying them and also oiling them feeling dizzy in my head for several days and in the more rainy days visiting my relatives in both vicenza and padua experiencing a lot of traffic especially in the latter city with my children with only one big congested road to walk on to return to the train station and back in the netherlands breathing some fresh air also not minding so much the traffic resuming my work t the bakery"


"initially keeping home not exposed to any bad air but then visiting with the family wuppertal and then dusseldorf finding in the latter city some traffic despite the streets being rather empty and back in the netherlands taking a walk in the countryside north of gorinchem getting exposed to some traffic there and in our village getting exposed to all the dust of some machines scratching the sidewalk and street to remove the layer of algae also inhaling some chemical smell sealing a small roof i have installed on top of the door to our garden and at work feeling almost intoxicated by a old van a man drove inside it to turn it into a camper and generally with some sunny days walking with the family along the dikes with the usual weekend traffic of vintage cars and motorcycles in general beginning to find more traffic around the village than in big cities like eindhoven where i went to get an ergonomic chair for me to work in the living room also walking little fioralba to the market in town through the busy road going there and in the end renovating livia's window scratching away the old color with the heat gun and the painting them over with the wind protecting me from all the smells and also beginning to weld the pieces for the inside of my ark with the fume aspirator working but still some fumes keeping in the garage"


"feeling not so good welding in the garage the time-capsule from within my ark but then learning to keep my ahead away from the fumes and also doing the last bit of cutting outside the bakery doing quite good in protecting myself from any fumes later also helping a friend to pour concrete with a wheelbarrow to make the foundation for his house extension and generally working at the bakery breathing a bit of the van's exhaustion gases getting trapped in the warehouse but more than this getting quite intoxicated painting under the new roof i built over our our to the garden beside that breathing always some fresh air going almost daily to the arboretum for tai-chi and during a period of heat biking the children on the old dike to the beach every evening with only two excursions to big cities in eindhoven and utrecht encountering the usual traffic there especially in the outskirts"


"still an intense period welding up the inner structure of the ark in the garage one time also unwarily leaving the window open and basically getting all the fumes aspired outside back inside and also making some fumes grinding all the joints I have welded later in the end making it to italy and there inhaling some fumes cutting grass but mostly welding up the staircases in the ark also cutting the floors to make it pass through and also beginning to weld up the inner structure in the end after a period at the seaside breathing good air getting back to the mountains and my ark project more protected with proper masks with valves and always my welding helmets with the back aspirator fully loaded often also going for walks with myrthe and the children breaking up the working day venturing mostly for walks in the near without really using our van"


"after a last welding section at the ark taking it easy and just focusing on hiking with myrthe and the children only doing some mowing with the neighbour's machine wearing however the mask to protect me from the fumes later making it to my native highland for a hike and finding it extremely trafficked having to make an effort to protect us from all the gases of the many cars and back in our very peaceful and traffic-free corner of the alps doing some plastering avoiding to inhale to much dust particularly when mixing keeping later several days indoor with a sudden bad weather and on our way back from the holidays driving through the totally polluted padana plateau eventually stopping in como to meet my uncle finding quite an extreme traffic all around the old city where we managed to park"


"driving through france with the children and avoiding much of the german traffic landing in the end in our village encountering quite some traffic getting back to work in the bakery but also having some fine nice days just going to the lake to swim spending some nice afternoons with the children also taking long walks especially to and from utrecht finding some traffic only in the outskirts and with the weather getting rainier and colder spending more hours editing my project avoiding to be too exposed to any traffic taking my daily walks to the arboretum and just having to deal with some traffic driving around the bakery bread"


"encountering some traffic driving the van around to deliver bread especially early in the morning but mostly experiencing traffic going to big cities like rotterdam and then breda and other than that breathing quite some pure air especially with the wind being quite present and later with the rain confining me and my children at home beside for one sunny day they did not have school and we went hiking in rheden and on the way back had to face the arnhem rush hour"


"initially experiencing a period with absolutely no wind in our dutch village and with the pollution really sticking in the air and also experiencing some traffic making to the outskirts of utrecht to give a lecture and listen to one and generally getting in a bit of traffic at work delivering bread during rush hours but trying to always bringing the family for walks in nature n our free time and encountering some traffic on the way especially making it to the dunes south of leiden and inhaling some dust helping out a friend with a renovation of an attic and later making it across amsterdam with the family especially crossing the east of the otherwise touristic and traffic free city"


"staying quite away from big cities and keeping in our dutch village breathing rather good air but for the time i brought and picked the children from school with the railroad under-passage being renovated using a smelly generator and also taking at times the train in the weekend having to bike back to our house finding quite some saturday evening traffic and with the bad weather keeping many days at home only at times starting the fire making a bit of smoke in the house and with the weather getting better taking some long walks on the dikes meeting a bit of traffic also smelling a bit of the van at work after parking it in the bakery for my usual delivery rounds trying to keep the garage door open to let the fumes out"


"with the bad weather being able to take long walks without the traffic of cars and motorcycles especially on the dike but also crossing utrecht from houten to the center and at work getting some time in the traffic picking up ingredients for the bakery driving north and one time delivering bread going south getting locked behind old and smelly military vehicles later also with the temperatures dropping and a constant moist in the air feeling the car gases much more but then experiencing a period with much more wind and rain cleaning up the air until i made with my family down to the alps encountering quite some traffic in the netherlands before driving in the middle of the night through the gorgeous austria and while in italy beginning to clean up the barn we bought from our old neighbour after he died trying to protect myself from all the dust but inevitably breathing some of the gases from my old tractor now parked inside it"


"breathing the fresh air of the alps walking to the snowy tops pushing my children up on the sled and breathing quite some bad air moving my old tractor inside rino's barn and also burning the tractor shed at night later also experiencing not such a good air running errands in the plateau with quite some traffic even up in my native highland where the new years fireworks made it worse and finally making back to our more pristine little corner in the alps enjoying the fresh air hiking with the family all along the mountain range going as far as san rocco to the east and back in the netherlands experiencing a nice cold weather with meeting very little traffic during my walks over the dike and even across a forest north east of utrecht"