"influenced by mumford thinking of also how technology could be important to consider already in the process of making lifeboats so as to get a sense of the small scale and lightweight industry that could be established in the future anarchists communities"
"getting the intuition that if there is the autocratic technology of big corporations and the more sustainable technology of small groups and individuals the latter can guarantee its existence by triggering each participants to keep a journal about their immediate realities and in so doing develop the empathy that would hinder them to want to dominate other participants or the environment"
"discussing how colonizers usually kept up the practice of journaling and how arkists keep it up in the context of a total decolonizing from every ship and along with this process journaling about that of decontaminating both the self but also later the environment in which the new communities of the future will take place"
"reflecting about the act of journaling as in the first place an act to regain commonsense in the mist of the irrational frenzy of the ship as well as an act in opposition to the scientific method taking from life only to keep the ship alive but as rather an act to re-encode life into a new creature to e born out of the ship and its suicidal system of power and dominance"
"making a distinction between how the ship create its own capitalist type of cargo plundering nature of her potential and the more precarious cargo arkists work on only in view to begin a new and communal life back to nature"
"reflecting on how journaling as a concrete input and that is the actual operation of the arkist to reactivate the elements of the ship that can be used to create the anarchist society of the future but it also have the other function of establishing a more tangible connection with this future which the very artificial consitution of the ship in which the arkist is confine prohibits"
"discussing about how any ship in order to exist needs to put up front a mainstream narrative and how all other narratives become pretty much heretic highlighting how important it is to journal as a way to strip the values of this narrative from reality and regain one's own autonomy also discussing on how journaling is necessary in a second stage to try to imagine the shore in which one's lifeboat is to land so as to better prepare for the founding of a new ecological and egalitarian community there"
"giving more importance to journaling by specifying how the ship hypnotizes the crew with very new technologies it has to keep on inventing to eep afloat and seeing in this respect the intense journaling practice of arkist as their way to keep their objectiveness and push through a movement of life contrasting the movement of inevitable death that the ship perpetrates"
"being clear to begin with about the necessity to replace being employed for the ship with being employed with nature using journaling as a form a pseud science to conceive meanings and becoming aware of one's own neglected ecology using the lifeboat as the place where to cultivate it away from the sterile and intoxicating ship and aspiring to deliver it back to nature"
"discussing how writing in a sense built up a centralized type of civilization but the same writing if focusing on empowering each individual can deflate such a nature-draining construction although the ship has advanced to such extent that even the more individual based approaches are drawn into competitive frameworks were power is fought for with the exception of arkists which retain their focus on their ark making and renounce power grounding their type of de-engineering of the system back to life"
"stressing the fact that more than fighting for the rewilding of the planet arkist put an emphasis on the rewilding of the human consciousness as the necessary step to undertake prior to fully recover an hunter-gatherer-like existence and that the recovery of this ecology of the mind can be done by first abstaining from the vertical power the system educates people to engage with and secondly by focusing human energy horizontally in the surroundings just like hunter-gatherers did so as to come to constitute a lifeboat guaranteeing both autonomy but also the possibility to make it back to the land once the ship-system will sink"
"after my reading of david watson's comparison of civilization as a jetliner getting some inspiring intuitions conceiving that individuals aspired personal properties and private jets but ended up being boarded in one altogether and even if it is well engineered and can become weather proof it is the nature of the passangers witin that is also undergoing a great turmoil and the options now are either to be sedated or to rebel and to put to prison but a third option would be that of building one's own prison other than this prison is in fact the vehicle to escape the ship showing to it one's own selfcontainemnt while in fact preparing to get off also coming to the realizazion that without the object of the lifeboat this aspiration cannot be achieved"
"clarifying how arkism is not in fact a defeatist ideology but it is constructive in the way it simply tries to prepare for a more egalitarian and ecological society having no hope in the centralized and hierarchical ship civilization dominating and corrupting the world in this respect also seeing journaling as the practice of inventing and sketching for this new and alternative society"
"making a differentiation between the vertical knowledge promoted by the ship only for the sake of its survival and the horizontal knowledge arkists generate in their making of their lifeboats and in their learning from one another also however pointing out that a more theoretical knowledge concerning the negative effects of vertical approaches should be kept alive"
"rehearsing once again the whole reasoning around arkism seeing the lifeboat as the autonomous space set up by each arkist not as a commodity in itself but literally as a vehicle to be projected outside the ship given that on board of the latter no autonomy can be ever conceived because it is either made part of the system of it is kept to rot in isolation"
"revising how arkists ought to build a knowledge that is not complete but it is concrete and can only work in combination with that of other arkists after the shipwreck but especially in preparation of it also discussing how the ship is more and more delegated in the full hands of an increasingly sophisticated compute that has no natural boundaries and will in the first place burn out the human crew trying to cope with it and then will burn out itself in its continuous evolution into abstraction"
"stressing once again the importance not to learn from theory but learn from one another techniques to survive and live in autonomy rather than relying on a vertical type of knowledge the ship smooths and generalizes and tailors so that the necessity of its existence is undisputed considering now instead how necessary is to break free from it by simply following up one's own instinct and pursue in a rather individualistic fashion to ultimately culminate in the taking part to the creation of a community"
"making a point in clarifying that as long as there is hierarchy within the ship there is going to be hierarchy outside the ship and no matter whether the ship is fair in distributing resources rather equally from within these resources have been subtracted from the world and crews on board of less fortunate ships are kept enslaved to process them so arkism aims at the full dissolution of the ship system but does so non-violently focusing on the building of knowledge that for the time being ought to be kept enclosed but the aim of which is to be active in the open nature"
"speculating more on the fact that the ship institutions do not retain content but only dogmas so as to keep in power and that arkists ought instead work on the recovery of the very content these institutions dismisses in order to keep afloat also pointing out who exposed to the ship anything organic turns inorganic and arkists ought to find the latent nature on themselves and on their environment so as to bring it into their lifeboats and resume a small patch of organic nature while all the crew on board of the ship grows more and more intolerant to themselves and anything natural as a result of their captivity which is in turn heightened to address this issue but not the main source of it which is the ship itself"
"seeing basically only two futures for the ship and that is that of transforming itself in a spaceship thus suffocating a humanity that has to be completely detached from the natural world and the other future that of having the ship turned into a battleship with the war that follows now thinking of the lifeboat not only as the alternative but also as the needed surrounding where to reactive nature"
"acknowledging that as soon as one contemplates anarchism he or she is excluded from the system also given that the system doesn't acknowledge the fact that society lived very well without it but seeing this exclusion as in fact a great advantage allowing future anarchists to fully concentrate on the preparation to a new society by beginning with their own selves and from their growing a connection with the environment"
"trying to make a point that classic attempts to regain autonomy from the system are no longer feasible since the natural world outside the ship has become a gas chamber that is too erratic and toxic to deal with and that for the time being the option is that of relaying to the last stronghold and that is the cultivation of the human nature that the system is by now also trying to disconnect from humans in order to reconnect them to itself and its power structure and considering this attitude of reactivating human nature as a solid beginning to the process of withering the ship civilization and enable nature to have the time to heal and regenerate by herself condemning in this respect any spaceship approach as pushed by the more progressive authorities"
"making the point that if kaczynski seems to be the most eligible person to talk about the return to a hunter-gatherer type of society his life secluded in a cabin in the harsh winters of north america had nothing to do with hunter-gatherers nor the very dry and rational tactics he advocates for subverting the system in this respect promoting arkists as those who already on board of the technological ship in which society is confined are able to resort to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle not based on pragmatic needs but on the actual need to cultivate one's own consciousness"
"inspired by the reading of jpseph tainter claiming that after all the ship is yes a technologically complex system doomed to collapse but that arkists can oppose to its negative force by also creating a small complexity that is based on the full manifestation of their human nature and that it isn't than really about complexity but about power centralization where the main issue leading to catastrophe is"
"focusing more on the question of what technologies should be considered and developed in the new ecological society finding it imperative to do so and boost a discussion around it so as to counter-fight the trend of the ship-states to go even further in their process of industrialization which in no time will have even more dare consequences on natureless humans and on a more deeply contaminated natural world but also questioning whether if not technologies but the production of them either way tend to centralize and in turn generate forms of authoritarianism"
"discussing how it is a misconception to label arkists with any syndrome since they rationally attempt to break trough the invisible wall of technical procedures which keep all of the ship crew under an incredible toil even centuries after all the socialist discussions on how machines would have allowed the whole population to become free and be able to focus rather on their cultural development and once again pointing out that it is in the interest of the ship to keep the people enslaved and numbed because their personal and communal and anyway local proliferation would threaten its existence"
"conceiving the ship as a coffin in which the cadaver of power is kept vegetating hindering the natural regeneration of life and in this respect conceiving the arkist lifeboats as the marginal and small environments in which life can be cultivated in view of a future anarchist society using the analogy of a disobedient pinocchio to emphasize this fact"
"going more in depth on how either way because of even involuntary boundaries that the ship civilization imposes on existing communities or on new-born communities because of them there is no possibility for these communities to evolve and use their more instinctual apparatus only a fully unrestricted life in a fully unrestricted nature can provide and seeing therefore the necessity for a full decolonization of the ship colonization and the rise of the invisible flotilla of arkist lifeboats to step in once the ship will sink due to the inevitable clashes that their constant expansionism brings about"
"rediscussing once again how the arkist lifeboat is only a temporary and precarious cage to escape the deadlock of the ship-state stainless cage and advancing the conclusion that while the crew out of fear wants a stronger ship to protect it from the very harm that the ship itself is causing arkists can focus on their lifeboats because a stronger ship will inevitably bring its own self-destruction and also reflecting on how one can begin to dismantle instead the reflection of the ship that is within oneself and begin to use the pieces to tinker his or her lifeboat"
"thinking on the relations of arkism with what is left of anarchism after its bone have been crashed by the authorities it so much condemned and seeing the necessity for anarchism as a whole to give up its burlesque presence in the center of the ship under its ivory towers recovering its envisioning apparatus by moving to the periphery and creating a belt of lifeboats"
"reiterating on the principle that unless humans are back in nature and live in confederations there is no way for them to achieve ecology and equality and laso beinging to think of the lifeboats as ways to enable them to communicate with one another in an organic fashion one these communities will be established"
"reflecting on how arkism is rather the opposite of violent forms of anarchism but also the more burlesque form enacted by post-anarchists especially with the ship-civilization becoming more and more untouchable and envisioning arkism as the strategy of not confronting but bringing out to the periphery of the ship a life potential that is at the same time reactivated and can be a due time reconnect with the natural world"
"coming to conclude that the ship-civilization does not need to violently cut down any attempt from humans to grow horizontally because humans in the first place are grow within a ship that force them to grow vertically and aim for a career within the ivory tower of the ship reflecting also how not only if the ship support is removed the human falls but also if the vertical humans are subtracted from the ship also the ship falls and in this respect prefiguring arkism as a movement of diverting the focus of humans in not putting their energies in the vertical growth within the ship but in the building of lifeboats in a horizontal fashion in its perimeter "
"relating on the fact that there is an energy among people being born on the ship-state to rebel against its unnatural constitution but unaware that it is the very ship the source of this unnaturality they just grow pathological eventually resorting to the narcotics the ship provides in order to tame the energy of people to develop their their own selves and eventually find the need to constitute organic societies also pointing out on how the narcotics on board of the higher class ships are lighter yet more pervasive as they need to maintain not labours doing physical work but labours doing the brainy administrative work"
"trying to set the different priorities in thinking on one side there are humans who believe that the ship-state in which they live is the natural setting for the species and on the other side there are less and less humans who realize that not only this setting is detrimental for them and the environment but that humans for the greatest part of their history has lived in decetralized and ecologiucal societies until they were forced on the ship now also seen the necessity to build lifeboats as a way to conceive the seeds for new social ecologies and not as means for themselves"
"discussing on a possible future tactics for anarchists no longer focusing on creating carnivals to unleash life but to rather concentrate life into arks as much as authorities concentrate death in their bombs in this sense balancing out the dreadful destiny of humanity under the grip of a too bureaucratic and centralizing system potentially giving rise to a whole different kind of power that gains the ability not of conserving life but that of regenerating it as some kind of a seed that only need to reconnect back to nature to unleash its full potential"