"at first a very hot month despite the autumn season with almost no wind but soon after experiencing a few days of strong wind having beside to take livia to school biking and then experiencing less wind but still always some spending several full days outside finishing to lay the bricks of our new garage and towards the end after several weeks of temperatures above average keeping doing some more work at the garage with livia on my side but having to go back inside with a very cold wind coming from the east"
"a month with the winter setting in and very little wind only experienced for example walking with silvester in amsterdam searching for second hand books but other than that traveling through europe to make to our small apartment in the alps and going through snow falls and quite a harsh temperature but literally without so much wind despite all the time spent outdoor and really feeling no wind visiting french cities like metz with the pollution in the outskirt all staying in the air"
"almost an entire month with very little wind in the italy expecting to experience some but always finding it very weak also on the very top of the mountains often completely eaten up by slowly ascending clouds and only back in the cold and rainy nethelrands experiencing a proper wind messing up the roofing of the old shed in the garden"
"quite a harsh weather in the netherlands feeling really at the heart of the winter at times bringing in a very cold air but at time also being quite okay with it mostly taking livia to school and walking around with silvester also taking a few excursions with the family in the weekend experiencing some wind exploring the dunes over haarlem and then a lot of wind crossing utrecht with a very cinematic experience after the garbage pickers strikes letting trashing flying all over the city including in the canals"
"still in the middle of the winter with some nice and sunny days to begin with working in the garden experiencing no wind but then waiting for august arrival with his flight being canceled due to a storm battering the north of europe and as he finally made it here experiencing with him quite a troubled weather walking around many dutch cities and in the nature with much wind in the end calming down with his departure but turning very cold blowing from the north giving a hard time when walking with the children outside like down the river"
"a month with a very rough weather and a lot of wind especially at the beginning experiencing even a snow blizzard making it too hard to walk the children back from school and also quite some wind just being out in the sun with my southern italian friends finding the dutch weather impossible to bear and then experiencing a period of relative calm managing to mount the solar panels on the roof of our garage before another period of heavy wind taking walks with both children and then later alone with little silvester going to the football field to train but having both the ball and his stroller flying away with the strong wind"
"still a lot of cold wind especially experienced while in the netherlands taking a walk with the children in a park north of rotterdam and then going with the little family camping in the northern coast of france experiencing quite some wind walking up and down the coast but also a few days of clam weather and back in holland never really being able to appreciate the spring always some turbulence finally making it with the family to our mountain village in italy and there at first experiencing no wind but suddenly expereincing a very strong wind early in the morning just after building a shed with old iron which however lasted the test and did not get damaged"
"spending most of my time outside experimenting with building new installations in our mountain fields experiencing wind especially high up gluing ark tags with quite some cold air blowing through the ark but also on top of novegno walking with the family with still no signs of spring there and a cold wind later driving back up north experiencing little wind while camping in germany and then a very gloomy and rather windy weather in the netherlands turning at times warm at nice with only one day of real summer heat and a nice breeze experienced at the nearby lake"
"with days of no wind experiencing quite a heat especially going to the lake with the children but then also experiencing quite some cold weather with the wind getting stronger especailly while camping in limburg with the family and in general always experiencing a bit of a breeze especially biking with my neighbour bobby and simon in the dutch landscape with the usual wind experienced on the dike making biking quite challenging at last also going with august to sardinia and traveling through the island experiencing a bit of a strong wind going up the rocky coast north of oristano and then a bit of a breeze staying at davide's apartment in the galluria northern west coast"
"traveling with my sons through germany and switzerland experiencing very little wind and also very little wind and much heat in the mountains but then with time experiencing really powerful evening storms with much wind and during the day complete calmness and almost not wind but some time working up at the ark with a bit of a breeze blowing through the open pixels making welding a bit difficult"
"experiencing live a most powerful wind coming from the west and making all the furniture in our mountain garden flying away and then keeping up experiencing a most restless summer weather with much wind making it quite impossible to walk in the mountains with myrthe's relatives coming for a visit and later also our albanian pianist friend with time however still experiencing bad weather but less violent wind mostly coming in our village at night with thunder storms and always a little present bringing much of a cold air like when spending a day at the seaside or at the lake in lavarone or walking with my strong children all around the baffelan mountain"
"spending my last time in the mountains with the children oiling the rust of the ark and luckily experiencing a nice breeze removing the smell away only with occasional but powerful and windy storms in the nights and later traveling with my two precious back up through the gorgeous austrian alps experiencing a magnificent weather and no wind also while back in the netherlands managing to do biking and canoeing with my old friend davide coming from a visit with almost no wind to stop us but in the very end while walking through the wild fields of osterwijk also getting back there with my family and even experiencing a storm before some not so nice days and at last a big heat wave hitting the country without any breeze to cool it turning the nights almost unbearable"
"a month spent entirely in the netherlands experiencing a most unusual heat despite the late season with at times the wind bringing some change in the weather almost feeling like the autumn is coming to blow away the dry leaves on the trees but then again getting more summer like days only with a little breeze felt especially while bringing my children for excursions in the nature but also biking them to school"
"much wind experienced at first attending my youngest son's football training and then taking him and his sister for a long walks on the dunes to the sea with the wind constantly battering but also making it very playful for them and then gradually observing the wind blowing the leaves down the trees bringing with it a feeling of autumn especially when walking alone in the chestnut trees alleys with the children both at school later spending a small holiday together at myrthe's older brother in the south of the country with a cold wind experienced mostly in the modern city of eindhoven with its straight roads channeling it and empowering it in the end experiencing also a bit of storms but then a very still wind"
"a period with a very restless weather particularly at the beginning with a powerful storm coming from france and bringing an incredible wind even venturing myself out walking under the big chestnut tree and see a fallen one beside all the branches and leaves covering the roads and expecting the wind to calm in the following days but having to wait weeks before some quite weather again with now a wind coming the opposite way from the cold russia bringing indeed a very cold air"
"experiencing some cold wind especially in my daily walks to the arboretum to do tai-chi but then with a further drop in temperature and at last some sunshine experiencing very little wind and as i expected all this peace and quiet only lead to a very powerful wind at first felt while walking with the children in an open desert having to keep in the forest not to catch a cold and then on our ways back and forth to their school with such gusts that it almost felt we could fly away"
"driving down to the italian alps through germany and austria with a very powerful wind hitting our van but then in the mountains experiencing quite a calm period with finally some wind clearing up the sky below from all the pollution and up the mountains experiencing at times some gusts of cold wind but in general feeling not so bothered by it also back in the netherlands with the weather getting very cold and with even a little wind making it almost unbearable to walk on the dikes as i anyway did"
"a period with a lot of wind at times feeling scared at the arboretum doing tai-chi under the branches moving quite frantically but in general appreciating the fresh air with anyway the wind getting less intense and at times having full days without any wind mostly spending them with my children taking them for a bike ride in the forest and then also attending the carnival celebration with them with the wind also bringing very cold air but only for a couple of days"
"a very restless wind to begin with taking both the children and august for walks with quite some cold wind especially at the beach in nordwijk also later experiencing a very powerful wind in rotterdam with the straight roads there making it even stronger and after august departure making it back to the sea a few times again finding a too cold wind for the children in the end having the spring slowly setting in with much quieter and almost windless days keeping often at home renovating and at the children disposal to bring them and take them to school and to do sports but also taking walks especially by the river"
"experiencing quite some hot spring days with barely any wind but then with the weather getting worse experiencing much more wind like taking the children to walk in a forest in utrecht and later biking them to the swim classes barely making it there with the cargo bike turned much heavier also taking them to the sea and crossing the dunes at times protected by the wind and at times just being fully explosed with the sand blowing on the children's skin as they got naked to swin in the ocean later also experiencing some more rain with quite some wind and the beautiful pink petals of the cherry trees covering our street and the children's school finally also going to amsterdam feeling the return of the sun and the heat but constantly persecuted by the wind especially in the more modern part of town unable there to record my thoughts because of it and also unable to keep my camera steady while filming public places with the wind blowing right against it"
"taking walks with myrthe and the children enjoying a warm weather with some wind and later a very bad and rainy weather accompanied by wind at last making it to our mountain village in the alps for our spring holidays and there attaching the tags on the last floor of the ark constantly exposed to the wind getting quite a throat pain in the end and but enduring to the end also taking breaks with the bad weather traveling with the family to different cities in the veneto experiencing far less wind there feeling quite protected by the old city centers"
"a relatively calm period back in the netherlands with quite a heat and almost no wind during the day but then a few strong storms in the evenings and also traveling to germany for myrthe's birthday finding there almost no wind in the vally of the wupper river but then spending a day in dusseldorf and experiencing there the artificial wind caused by straight big architectures of the modern city later making it back in the netherlands and with a drop of temperature also finding the wind rather restless especially in the end walking with the children along the river with the wind annoying them"
"a quite windy beginning of the summer with always a bit of turbulence and a rather cold weather but then also experiencing some really hot days bringing the children to swim at the old mine with at times the wind making at but unpleasant but always getting quiet at the end of the day and later on experiencing a much colder weather and more wind turning the summer again rainy and cold"
"experiencing a very powerful wind taking our last hike in the netherlands up the hills over rheden and then making it to italy finding a really hot weather there with a bit of wind coming as a blessing especially while up in the ark welding under the sun but also while hiking experiencing only a powerful wind with sudden storms especially in the evening but in often experiencing days with no wind at all"
"a month started in the mountains experiencing not so much wind taking many hikes up and around the little dolomities and at times working at my ark with a pleasant breeze making the heat quite tolerable but then in the nights witnessing a few storms with a lot of sudden wind finally in the end driving back up north going through an overheated northern italy to end up in the cooler germany at my friend florian climbing with his daughters and my kids the blauen mountain quite exposed to strong winds with the rhine valley below channeling them from france later making it up to the netherlands and there with the unusual heat experiencing in general very little wind"
"still enjoying a bit of summer going to the lake or by the river with the children sometime with quite some wind always softening towards the end of the day and with the children also taking very challenging walks with relatively no wind but in the end experiencing much wind to begin with delivering bread in our province and then just taking and picking up the children to school even one day keeping silvester at home and venturing to the arboretum with many chestnuts and acorns but even branches falling on the street"
"with quite a wind to begin with being quite obstinate to make it to the arboretum every day to do tai-chi and later also trying to get my kids to the wilderness every of the school free days going to the natural reserve north of rheden experiencing the wind changing up and down the dunes also later experiencing crispy days with absolutely no wind and later a cold wind experienced walking in the open veld of the kampina natural reserve followed by a day crossing amsterdam with the artificial wind there coming and going but being generally not too strong despite all the weather warnings and after yet another day with no wind making it with the family to dunes south of leiden eventually reaching the ocean with an incredibly windy beach"
"experiencing almost no wind with several days of fog going to the autumn coloured forest with my family but also taking long walks still in the gray november weather with at times some wind but never too powerful yet progressively doing its work of getting all the leaves down from the trees leaving ultimately some species completely bare and towards the end experiencing some wind on a daily basis with some cold air blowing from the north east bringing even snow"
"a lot of turmoil to begin with even when just delivering bread with the van having to drive in a snowstorm and then in the nights feeling the wind battering against our little house only for a brief period bringing warm air from the south to then get freezing cold particularly walking with the children up the hills in rhenen followed by a less intense period of bad weather with a quite powerful wind but never so powerful as to clean up the sky from the gray winter"
"a month with quite some wind in holland making even hard to do my bread deliveries and later driving with the family to italy for our winter holidays finding it very peaceful in the mountains but with still signs of a big storm throwing many trees down and even venturing up the novegno mountain with the snow experiencing really strong gusts of wind almost making it dangerous to be up there and later enjoying a very peaceful weather with sun and beautiful walks in the nature with only in the morning occasionally some cold wind and finally making it back to the netherlands with a big snow storm and experiencing quite a wind"
"experiencing very little wind to begin with and mostly walking on top of the dike trying to keep up my being outdoors despite the ugly dutch weather with the wind in the end getting increasingly stronger to then settle again to a period with absolutely no wind and pick up to the end of the month bringing some gusts making it quite dangerous to do my daily walks to the arboretum under the big chestnut trees"