"the conflict continues in the middle east and particularly syria although between the rebels and the dictator's army although the media no longer put much attention on it, but on other casualties again striking the much hit philippines but also central america and other minor accidents in third world countries but particularly a fire in bangladesh killing many hundreds workers"


"a month with several casualties caused by natural calamities particularly in asia with a lot of rain but even a volcano explosion but never really causing too many casualties like bombing in the middle east and also in africa where numerous have died even though the news come very hidden on the website where i look for them and then also killing in central and south america"


"more irregular now my checking of the news since i don't have an internet connection in my studio/apartment yet checking it at work and also hearing about for instance the disco fire killing hundreds on the metro but also on a public television where the french intervention in mali was broad-casted aside from it the usual terror attacks in the middle east making few casualties"


"beside still fighting in syria and bombing in other parts of the middle east there were quite a few blasts mostly in asia and a small insurrection in thailand but also one small tsunami in the solomon islands making a few casualties as much as a few casualties made in belgium with an air crash which i read of scatter once again not having an internet connection at home but mostly using the computer in my office at the university"


"i manage to check the news regularly even though i don't have an internet connection at home and have to do it in the office but nonetheless many are still the casualties in the syrian civil war and still car bombs in the middle east but also executions and chemical attacks and a bus accident killing forty in india"


"checking the news while traveling much around europe or just at my office but again not in my studio apartment where there is no internet connection and thus be less well informed but anyhow reading about casualties once again in the middle east with dozen in syria but many in afghanistan and quite a lot still in muslim africa with also bus crashes around the world and a flood in argentina not to mention a less alarming spread of bird flu"


"still a lot of minor killing in the middle east but also a lot of media attention with a bombing in boston which only killed three but nonetheless took over all the news despite the hundreds dying for instance in bangladesh with a building collapse"


"news read a bit scattered while traveling but mostly concerned with a bit of a phobia on factory fires and collapse like the one in bangladesh and china killing hundreds this aside for the on-going turbulence in islamic countries"


"aside for the usual bombs in the middle east several where the clashes and arrest in other muslim countries such as egypt but particularly north west china with the rebelling muslim minority there and some casualties in a forest fire in the states all news read rather regularly from the intenet at myrthe's place but not really at my place in stockholm where i still am in the process to get connected"


"news mostly collected in utrecht using my girlfriend's wireless connection but also during a summer school in coventry england and at the airport reading the news from the papers but even on the night news in the terminal monitors finding out of a big deadly flood in india and using my mother's mobile phone at last at the sea side in northern italy reading more of the bomb attacks in iraq but mostly overall finding a lot of deadly accidents in more civilized countries like a big train crash in canada and an airplane crash in america all causing very little casualties however"


"aside again for the many dying in muslims countries both in the troubled post revolution middle east and africa again the curse of derailing train like in spain which i read about on my parents newspaper not really having any good internet connection and having to go down to the beach on a site with free wireless to update myself other than that at last reading all the news from my very apartment which finally got a wireless connection since it was already included in the rent"