"plenary speech at the quantified self conference i attended in amsterdam as phd student also to keep close to my dutch girlfriend and not really paying attention to the guideline of the wired magazine journalist gary wolf running the conference presenting most of my works instead only a few ones making really most of the public thrilled about my life commitment very unique in comparison with the scattered small self-quantifying projects of the other participants"


"a sort of a stiff lecture shot in my one room apartment in the run down suburbs of stockholm where i painted my website interface on the wall and went pedantically through all the various instance of my life project with as much as examples"


"presenting my project at the new university of the arts in stockholm among quite established and old-fashion old artists doing their phd and describing here my experiments with the data i collect and the theory around my project leading to what i called then tebahism"


"on my way to malmo with my old polish friend jacek smolicki doing his phd there and sort of copying me in my attempt to document practicioners and accepting to be recorded by him to talk about my practice"


"in dublin giving a presentation of the exhibition i made there at trinity college despite the small scale of it getting very successful for a few weeks and being asked to explain it in front of the camera with more of a focus on my photographic work"


"in san francisco presenting an exhibition i made at fort mason there presenting the many artists i have gathered through the years resulting n there whom i thought related to my work in a more original way than all the sort of other artists who pick up quantified self as more of a trend"


"going more in details with my friend jacek whom i invited to co-curate the san francisco exhibition explaining and showing the folk and their works i discovered that in one way or another anticipated the quantified self movement with several outsider artists who would be merely discarded as compulsive"


"having my phone call recorded by a bit of a disorganized guy running a sculptural park just below my native mountains and answering to his questions while being in sweden hoping to get started to realize something with my project"


"in the very last quantified self conference in amsterdam giving the end lecture and rehearsing the same old story about the many unusual folk i discovered doing some sort of self-tracking with generally the quantified movement loosing its momentum and the interest of the media"


"giving a small presentation to a small danish television about the photographic project i have installed in the aarhus art museum right before departing from india"


"being asked by the hasselblad foundation to make a presentation of my photographic work yet being stuck in the mountains building a small gallery in our barn there and having my old friend davide recording me as if in a sermon reading a seneca letter saying not to obsess about being under surveillance when the whole topic of the foundation was about surveillance"


"asking my stepfather to film me during my dissertation with james bolter flying in from the states to be my opponent but later discovering my stepfather just fell asleep having only a small extract of the hours long discussion"


"being asked by the daughter of our dutch neighbour to present the memory cathedral running my project and the possibility to actually execute part of it in the alps with most part being just augmented and making even a demonstration about it with my phone"


"presenting in italian to the italian authorities in schio my project seeking their approval to get me started with the making of at least the foundation of the memory building on which the whole of my project is designed"


"proper presentation i edited for the shio authorities full explaining my intentions with my land art intervention"


"coming up with a further proposal on how to present my project in a flower of life formation as part of a proposal for an exhibition i conceived for an australian museum which in the end rejected it"


"giving a lecture in italian to a class of italian high school students providing them with general interaction design and research based principles just before conducting a workshop with them"


"yet another presentation about the project i wish to conduct in our fields in the mountains this time with the boiled down idea of a self-standing cube tentatively called tebah as an old mesopotamian ark with pixels used as a way to trigger the digital content from my project"


"at last getting away from the presenter to public format of the previous presentations and just commenting straight on my phone all the improvement i made in thinking about the cube and in restructuring my data accordingly"


"giving a funny presentation at the swedish art council about the work of my old friend mikael goralski who became a resident there shocking supposedly all the old artist friends and curators and art academy professors"


"in my dutch little studio recording for the first time a lecture as some kind of a video-game commentator this time talking about wearable computers and the combinatorial aspect of the new web interface of my project"


"still recording from my dutch study and reflecting about my new website and overall about my project using the old concepts i have inherited from my doctorate thesis writing such the fact that my project is a manual type of technology of the self versus the social media apparatus turning every little user into a potential hierarc and trying to explain these concepts using my computer screen as a whiteboard as in an actual lecture"


"with my little daughter livia asleep reflecting out loud about the cube installation i wish to construct in the alps slowly migrating away from the architect's idea of just having whatever pattern and really trying to squeeze all the various project files corresponding to each month within it"


"live lecture made while actually building the project museum with my old friend davide breaking a rock right behind me coming to realize ultimately that having escaped the authoritarian establishment of a most dogmatic academia of nothern europe i ended up in the mouth of an old and sick lion in the alps with a local hunter really going against the project despite the authorities approval and only for fear of being caught hunting illegally"


"no longer with davide and with the snow covering the installation site getting fully a no go by the authorities after the hunter sided with the far right politicians to block my project despite all the poetry and innocence becoming more and more altered by all form of authorities in general especially understanding they have no knowledge nor competence but just act out of the need to hold on to their power status"


"having being blocked in making my project museum in the mountains getting an invitation by my former mit university employer to meet some milan designers working with samsung on some lifelogging application wanting to get from me some insights"


"more recording of the interview conducted by the milan designers seeking to build an app for lifelogging despite me warning them that user participation also in the design process is vital"


"more bits of recording of my interview on lifelogging with the milan design studio collaborating with professor casalegno back in san francisco"


"last part of the interview with the milan design studio getting a bit too philosophical for their more pragmatic approach into what i conceive an existential mission"


"still very much commenting on the fight that has now erupted with an hunter who wanted to block the making of my project museum but thinking outloud coming to more or less incriminate not hunters per se but the very populist politicians siding for them"


"in the netherlands kept on a hold by the italian authorities in regards of the building my art installation there and generally reflecting on the concept of tebah which i developed as part of my highly censured and stingy doctorate studies in sweden"


"keeping up my traditional reference of the small constellation of people like thoreau and tolstoy and mccandless escaping back to a rather wild or familiar nature and finding my whole operation in line with theirs and away from all the religious connotations the very term tebah arise"


"another live recorded lecture this time in sardinia visiting my old friend davide there and keeping alone with little livia but somehow having my camera too zoomed in resulting in a bit of a wierd video only showing my mouth philosophizing about my impossibility to realize a physical place where to host my project while my little daughter livia keeps quite protective on my side"


"finally after many months at the project museum site with my son august having to start once all over to flatten the ground and deconstruct what i have already built with davide either way not knowing what it is going to happen and beginning to refelect on the meaning of a private property i bought because i was not allowed to build anything in my father-in-law land in sweden thinking now that in a libertarian society one should be allowed to do what his or her instinct tells him or her to do especially if he or she does so with effort like i really strive to do"


"still without a word from the authorities getting hinted by the architect to prepare a new base where to erect the project museum so as to also favor the hunter who would have been otherwise too close with his hut and generally philosophizing about the goodness and spirituality of my project versus the corruption of the down below city where all the decision making is taken"


"keeping up the work at the project museum and keeping up reflecting about how i am developing an autonomous framework versus the sort of state and alienating framework one is born into and one has to comply with implicitly also complying with the brutalization of nature"