"visiting my old swedish polish artist friend mikael goralski's studio at the swedish art council with much nourishing hoarding and then filming myself filming the public places of stockholm i have so much filmed in the past and in uppsala taking a quite extreme walk all the way to august's countryside place across the forest finding with my son also two foster kids from iraq and with one checking the many fans of some hockey team crossing the streets of uppsala and later with the little iraqi girl doing some drawings in the living room of the countryside house where i always in the past did my drawings in the end watching the iraqi boy and august and his little dog playing video-games"


"still taking long walks in uppsala while visiting august and recording my thoughts walking down the fyrishov river then also recording the wind ending up walking in a swedish military area and then with august in his farm rescuing a wounded starling after it was attacked by a falcon and back in the netherlands filming livia first steps and with her also attending a musical event in town getting uite impressed about the young choir directed by pelle's mother tinneke and then by the band but also at home filming myself recording the songs also heard on television with livia watching some cartoons like the teletubbies finally with my little one in the outskirts of rotterdam waiting for her mother to meet her friend there and picking trash while walking around with the stroller"


"filming livia walking and interacting with us in various occasions then also filming some training at the nearby lake in beusichem and the biking with livia back home then taking my little girl to see the animals at the chicken zoo in town but also around the countryside with also the spring coming and the first flowers later also recording the wind while walking around with livia in the stroller and then filming my traveling down south at night listening to a playlist i made with my favorite songs"


"driving through germany on my way to the alps encountering a beautiful start of the spring and filming my experiencing of the sun rise in the old city of speyer but als some traffic and then filming my walking up the hills over the enchanting heidelberg finally doing some tai-chi on th etop and also filming my exploring of beautiful small german towns at the very edge with the mountains discovering the medieval architecture there and also reaching innsbruck staying there several days with my old norwegian friend asmund and his japanese wife and daughter walking much alone and filming myself filming the public places rather empty and sterile but beautifully framed by snowy mountains finally reaching italy and there beginning the building of the project museum after so many years of talks with the municipality"


""alone now in the mountains filming myself photographing the right hand using the tools to demolish a chimney that we never used and sucked in a lot of the stove smoke and then also filming davide and i setting forth to transport hundreds of heavy metal bars to the project museum to build its structure loosing several on the ways but finally managing to reach the high field and then also filming the route i often took walking the venice riva degli schiavoni from my apartment to the train station later venturing with davide to weld the structure together however getting immediately the response of my neighbour hunter who got most mad about the construction probably to conceal some illegal killing of birds and then also filming some archiving in the mountain barn with a rainbow outside and ultimately getting the surprise of a snow fall right with all the construction of the project museum still undergoing"


"documenting my struggle to set up the project museum now with the hunters and all their terrifying political connections against me and working in dreadful conditions with still the snow and much to flaten out later also filming some walking in vicenza with the construction of the museum now stopped by coward clerks who had been giving me the go to build it and also later taking a walk in brendola on the hills exploring the architecture there unfinished or demolished by the venice republic who thought it could have been used by invading troops and then in milan filming myself filming the newly built luxuiroius semi public places quite in contrast with the staggering italian situation and showing a fake image of a dying nation during the world expo it hosted and in the end staying in italy with little livia and with her singing songs and also filming old gianna in the mountains singing to her"


"in the mountains alone with little livia feeding berries to the chickens and interacting with gianna's pets before making it briefly to venice and then in a rather filthy hotel in mestre with myrthe and her students and there filming a drawing section before making it back to holland and there taking full care of livia walking around filming the wind and the all the animals we met on way to spring revived nature as well as the clouds along the river at last also filming an event with old cars in the city"


"spending my days almost entirely with little livia now filming our time together in our favorite utrecht parks with her also very bravely interacting with animals and later with her mother making it to den bosch following up to some religious celebration there with many bands playing and the bishop entering with great pomp the cathedral later still with livia picking trash around the cit and also making it to utrecht by bike checking out the gay pride there and with the bike also doing a bit of training along with myrthe and little livia reaching her uncle's forest cabin and there also taking livia around to make her rest and recording my thoughts among majestic trees"


"at the playground with livia seating on the summer grass observing the clouds and then still with my little one experiencing the wind while going to our favorite park on the other side of utrecht and also checking some animal documentary with her mother before making it to the also again experiencing the sun there and then taking care with august of the project museum still being disputed by the angry hunters trying to stop it cutting the grass around and then ultimately attending in my native mountains a celebration for the fortieth birthday of my twin sister and my best friend and i this with a lot of old friends"


"traveling with august down south and listening to music on the way at last reaching san gimignano in tuscany and there filming our experiencing of a medieval event before filming my the updating of my project in the bathroom of a camping where we spent the night and also filming my filming of public places in the touristic city of pisa ultimately filming the amazing sun approaching sardinia by boat and later spending time on beautiful beach with august before making it to the other coast in a small village where my friend davide's ancestors came from and taking a walk on the cliffs filming my recording of thoughts"


"still in beautiful but too hot sardinia filming my experiencing of the wind standing by isola rossa medieval tower with august and then on a wild beach more to the south later also venturing for a walk up a secluded beach to the north and the going for a swim with also myrthe in the very crystal clear water of a natural reserve with playful fishes as much as little livia later also filming some sporting in our small town square and after dropping myrthe to the airport on the other side of the island alone with livia and with august at home protecting himself from the heat doing a bit of walking in a remote village in the center of the island and then picking trash while in the rather rund down city of sassari looking for a new phone for august"


"starting the a new foundation of the project museum after the nasty upraise of illegally hunting locals working with august but also little livia on my side later protecting ourself from a sudden and very thick hailstorm with also my nomad friend davide and having little livia with her mom on the tractor driving back in our mountain village also with my little one observing the big mountain clouds later recovering the building of the foundation and at last taking a day off up the mountain having both little livia and big august experiencing the cows with myrthe now highly pregnant of silvester"


"reunited with my aunts in bassano singing songs to little livi and then back at the project musem preparing the metal bars to more easily insert them on the pillars with also august helping out digging and with him later prior to his departure taking a nice walk up the pasubio mount before doing some archiving back in the barn an then recovering digging and making a new foundation for the project museum in the end having a fun day with pregnant myrthe and little livia running down the summano mountain road"


"with my new little family in the mountains checking out a beautiful sunset with a rainbow and then recording my thoughts down the mountains walking down the mincio river and its summer vegetation and in mantua with myrthe's mother and her boyfriend listening to a band playing upon returning to the mountains perfecting the very nicely made new foundation of the project museum and then at last filming a nice afternoon spent with some hippy new friends at the vegetarian restaurant with live music and dance"


"driving alone back to the netherlands stopping at first in munich filming the public places there and then taking my time and reaching wurzburg filming the pollution i face to reach the inner city and then in dortmund also taking a long walk to the completely bombed to the ground and reconstructed city center filming my experiencing of the wind in the new and straight city scape then back home resuming my keeping with livia and with her going in our usual tour to the animals around our village feeding them at times also filming the ultrasound on our little silvester still in myrthe's big belly and with also her taking a nice walk in the hoge veluwe forest on the other side of the river"


"filming my ripping apart of the photo albums from my american high school and the scanning of the pictures within them to include them as part of my project and the filming my photographing the right hand using objects to build gates so as not have little livia climbing up or down the staircases and then with her experiencing more of the surrounding dutch nature checking out some chinese duck with the little chicks and then with highly pregnant myrthe walking on the other side of the railway picking plumbs and letting livia interact with the sheep before filming myself in the attic drawing with some nice sun in the only window of our attic and then in breda with my girls taking a walk in the forest there and filming my experiencing of the wind at last again with my girls in gorinchem filming the public places of the characteristic little town"


"filming a last time for little livia and i checking the animals in the local children farm letting them interacting with them before filming again quite thouroughly the birth of her little brother silvester and also filming is first time out in the pram before making a small ferrocement experiment in the garden for the building of the project museum and then also with little livia checking out the design fair in eindhoven at last once again filming our going to nature with the whole enlarged family going over the impressive dike of the waal river in nederijn with still some autumn sun warming us up"


"filming the small tradition of bringing livia to interact with the cows of the cheese farm along the dike with also silvester asleep later letting the big sister and little brother interact in his room and also filming the last saint nicolas arrival with his soon to be censored black assistants and also drawing the saint on our living room window skipping all the christams decorations later also observing clouds and filming a section of myself escaping a family meeting with the excuse of making silvester sleeping and the walking long in a forest recording my thoughts and filming only the picking of trash while walking the entire city of hamburg trying to start a collaboration with an italian film maker about the hunters in italy boycotting my art project in the end with livia filming the wind we experienced while together in rotterdam"


"filming some singing to little silvester at first and then to livia later also getting august to visit us and filming all of my children together having fun by the waal river in gorinchem and later checking wild animals on the other side of the river also taking a walk right after the rather barbaric new years eve spent in the netherlands with way too many fireworks and filming myself walking through the city with the family picking them also filming my expieriencing of the wind while walking the dunes with the children and then observing the clouds while walking with myrthe's relatives and later alone with livia the nice hills of maastricht lastly once again filming this time little silvester interacting with animals and then filming him bathing and with his mother and his sister spending a nice day in utrecht"


"staring a new period of my life now with two small children to take care of and their mother resuming work only a few months after giving birth but nonetheless having some time to work on for example my website making it out of the project museum textures and working at it with little silvester playing in his little chair or sleeping but also keeping with little livia like in a small farm near her cousins in utrecht observing the wind with the mill turning quite frantically and filming an event with little livia's parents and the albanian mother of one playing songs on the piano also in the evening filming some fable writing and the going to the carnival in den bosch with august right before the corona virus pandemic put a stop to our traveling to each other in the end again filming myself working on the pattern based new website"


"very much into my small kids now arranging to walk together with a big stroller we bought second hand with silvester in a sleeping position and livia in a seating making it to utrecht and there crossing the city and back in our village filming the interaction of the children with the newly born sheep and then filming some singing at roberto's place and then back home also using my phone to listen to old cartoon songs but also filming myself and myrthe singing to the children and back outside with the children filming the rising of the wind taking our usual walk to the local chicken zoo lastly with the coming of a warm spring filming the bringing of the children to the river with little but strong and courageous livia interacting with the water and then walking on the sand paths"


"filming my life with two small kids with the corona virus pandemic now putting an end to any of interaction just keeping intimate with the family and letting myrthe in the attic to work while roaming around with my little ones experiencing the wind but then at home beginning to build the frame to make my mosaics with and for the purpose also building a shed for the casting of them in cement later bringing the children to an increasingly summerish nature singing to them and also with them in our favorite park in utrecht observing the clouds and then doing more singing with also our albanian friend mirsa and his kid tom by the river until we finally reached our mountain village in italy and there bringing the kids to the nature showing them plants and animals like a big herd of sheep ascending the hills"


"spendoing some days with some rich curator students who intended to do a documentary about the building of the project museum getting them to help me cut the grass all around it and then left alone working on the more hardcore setting of the rocks so as to make a more solid foundation for it having now received a second and more official permission to move on later also receiving our dutch friend mathijn and singing at first songs to the children and then letting him get out all his genius playing music at chris' restaurant and with little livia observing the gathering of the clouds up the novegno mountain to later spend some time with elise beginning to weld the ground floor of the museum and later taking a break with the bad weather and a lot of wind in our mountain village to resume the work again now building the middle floor with also august coming to help from sweden"


"still in our tiny apartment in the big and increasingly wilder mountains filming myself photographing the objects i use feeding silvester and doing ordinary day to day tasks to them move on with the extraordinary set up of the project museum along with my daring and most dear friend davide setting up the pillars on the top floor later returning up north and stopping briefly in the beautiful south west of germany filming the feeding of the kids with wild fruit and also while in the netherlands feeding more the children with what the land has to offer with later a switch in the weather and much wind beginning also to test how to develop further the project museum conducting a first test welding one of the textures and then also casting a first mosaic to fit within the texture with as much as place where to store a backup of the month file it represents later just filming the visiting of myrthe's students exhibition at her art academy being quite impressed on how traditional it all was"


"filming some more playful interactions with both livia and silvester and some bringing silvester to the animals around our village and also filming him beginning to take his first steps alone and filming how i spent many a cold night making mosaics in a shed out in the garden filming later was again some more interacting with animals and walking in a brabant forest still with the children later going to sweden to keep it with august and there only filming myself drawing both in his room and in the big living room where i used to draw and back in the netherlands filming the coming of the wind both in our village but also in arnhem next to the river still with the children"


"filming nice moments with myrthe and alone with the children listening and singing songs later receiving the long metal stripes to start producing the project museum textures and transporting them to the garden to cut them and weld them together making an incredible effort also with the kids around later also working on the manual of the project and getting back to welding the first textures despite the neighbours beginning to get quite upset about it filming later some biking with the children on the other side of the dike and little livia beginning to go with her scooter later having to start arranging the building of a garden shed so as not to upset the neighbours all together when welding the project museum textures"


"filming a rare snowfall at the end of the winter distracting me from my work setting up the metal workshop in the garden and spending time with the kids pushing them on the snow before taking a long walk in the dunes near harlem with silvester and also filming quite some wind with the winter not really wanting to go away but at last filming the coming of the spring and my being out taking care of the kids showing them the awakening of nature as well as filming my hard work writing the accounts of my project and appending them to my website finally filming once again the wind while with the family in den bosch"


"filming the time spent with my kids discovering a nice area by the dunes in holland and filming the animals there but also showing the arrival of the metal pieces from china and the arrangement i made to weld them together to make the textures to cover the project museum in the alps and after recording a section recording my thoughts crossing amsterdam making it to the alps and filming a walk with my kids there waiting to have the time to work on my museum"


"filming my staying in italy after a whole year absence downloading the textures of the museum i made in holland and beginning to assemble them together and transporting them to the museum capsizing with the tractor almost loosing my life but also filming some time spent with the kids listening to music while in our mountain village and then filming the first test setting up a full texture onto the museum and then left with no one helping me with the kids going to my mother at the seaside and filming a long walk taken with my kids to reach an internet cafe where to updated my project and also filming some listening to music together and dancing"


"a month spent in the mountains filming mostly the finishing of the project museum there setting up the textures on the last floor with august feeling quite confident about our technique but also filming some observing of clouds and later the oiling of the museum and experimenting with the zoom filming the marmots we found in a walk with my german artist friend florian and his daughters before filming the cutting of small trees and fixing of the path to the museum in the mist of a heatwave left completely alone in the mountains"


"making a last film in venice picking up trash with the return of tourists in the city and then making back to a cold and rainy holland filming mostly with my kids around picking berries and fruits for them but also taking walks together and listening to dutch children songs being played live and even visiting an art foundation in belgium"


"filming while in the netherlands still fully focused on my small kids immersing them in the surrounding nature before taking a short holiday in france filming an excursion in the verdon canyon and later traveling back saying a bit of a farewell to the sun starting to work full time as a carpenter still nonetheless filming in the weekend at first a visit to the rhenen zoo and then a day spent hiking with my family to the inspiring old radio station in the nature"


"a quite difficult spent indoor and low paid for a company making exhibitions for big dutch museums and in the end rebelling to such enslavement and slowly getting back to my simple life with the kids outdoor observing the wind and the clouds and even filming some renovation work up in our attic before leaving to germany and playing with the kids of my friend florian and then reaching the sun and the snow of italy running in the golden landscape with the kids"


"small documentaries showing the search i conducted with my kids for a place where to build a new installation in my native highland even going as far as cleaning some ground filled with thorns to create a platform of the size of the imaginary cathedral that has generated my project and then slowly making it back with the children and returning to holland to try to set up a laboratory for my artistic enterprise"


"filming while still in the netherlands some life with the family to then travel to germany visiting at first an art museum and then taking a reviving walk in the black forest before reaching italy and there cutting wood with my old friend francesco and my new friend alessandro later also picking trash in vicenza and in stuttgart at last making it back to my children in holland and with them immersing us into the beautiful solar nature"


"documentaries showing a month spent back in holland starting to produce the project museum tags this time using a laser machine and documenting in fact what i am supposed to do more than a thousand times to have all the tags ready and then showing much time spent with my children showing them the surrounding nature and the animals there and playing with them but also visiting a small and quite cheaply made biennial in the garden of a rich couple before documenting the road trip made with the children to reach southern europe"