pictures of my good turkish friend inanch who used to live in a village not far from mine when i stayed in wisconsin occasionally meeting him and partying and haveing great fun together


"pictures of my real first girlfriend andrea from slovakia living in madison and finding it quite difficult to meet her in the end also stopping to see her after i got afraid she was pregnant which in the end was not the case"


"pictures of the love of my youth karina who was half chinese and half costarican and live in seattle having to travel a long way to meet her also in the end traveling from canada to central america by bus to make her a surprise visit only to find she had another boyfriend who was actually very jealous and wanted to kill me"


"pictures of my indonesian friend angie also an exchange student in my american high school even going to the thanksgiving dance with her after her foster mother sort of forced me in the arrangement later loosing contact with him"


"pictures of camilla who was also an exchange student in my american high school never really clicking with her but still spending some memorable time togehter with the other students in the end also moving to sweden where she lived and once by accident meeting her coming down from the very train also my girlfriend used to come and see me for the first time feeling very awkward about it in the end not managing to get her email written properly"


"pictures of a dear italian friend i met while living in wisconsin and also cultivating our friendship back in italy despite him being the son of two famous journalists and living in a more intellectual environment in the end experiencing his quick death after he got a brain tumour and absolutely wanted to go for a last journey together"


"pictures of my host father gregg who was really sweet to me and ran a liquor store on top of which we lived experiencing however certain times he would get extremely angry and for very small topics"


"picture of simone a very good and kind friend i met at the friulian seaside sharing in common the passion for bodybuilding and feeling most unlucky about ever finding girlfriend in the end getting to know two austrian girls and together taking several trips across the alps to meet them"


"pictures of manuela an austrian girl i found very pretty and with who i had a bit of an erratic relationship while whe was still together with her boyfriend also driving to pick her up in austria only to drive her to the seaside back in italy feeling in the end too different from her becoming more and more of a wild artist only willing to go for my work"


"pictures of my best friend cousin who also became a good friend despite behind a little weird in his own way often coming to help me out cutting grass on the hills where i ritired to paint and also later making it several times to my project museum just out of curiosity and fascination"


"pictures of my friend claudio with whom i experienced many adventures until he sort of lagged behind with all his studies and kept living with his parents in his old neighborhood coming however to visit me with my new project in the mountains"


"pictures of my old friend diego a karate champion later starting to work in a factory and keeping and starting a family unlike his older brother"


pictures of my friend arianna with whm i hanged out for a few summers in my native mountains losing trace of her after she became a doctor


"pictures of my old friend andrea who was really funny and outgoing despite the difference in age often going to ski in the same team and meeting up in the mountains with also his sicilian father"


"pictures of a very sweet japanese pianist i met on my arrival in vancouver hanging out with her throughout my stay in the beautiful city taking several trips together with our german friend kai and learning a lot from her particularly japanese cosine together also making a gnocchi making performance in one of the galleries"


"pictures of fulvio an italian guy who also came to study in the united states with me and visiting him in texas at his homosexual foster parents hanging out with him and getting into quite some adventures"


"pictures of my costarican friend helmer who i hosted in the wisconsin house where i was staying until he got in trouble harassing a local girl"


""pictures of my youth friend elvis who really portrayed himself as the american singer and was quite obsessed about his look going to the gym with me and together doing some body building competitions where i was introduced to the old ladies he was dating from his latin american dancing circle"


"pictures of roberto who studied industrial design with me and with whom i often met also in the mountains also planning to bike together the camino de santiago which was put off as i ran away from my mother's family"


"pictures of walter who was a very good skier part of the italian national team nonetheless hanging out with me in his free time going to discos together at last losing contact with him moving to sweden and trying to get back to him after he became the coach of the female swedish national ski team"


"pictures of giulia with whom i had a very brief relationship also discovering she did not in the least appreciate my photographing project in the end only meeting her once more as she tried to convince me to export her brand of clothes also to sweden"


"pictures of xin xin a chinese artist i met in the netherlands and with whom i traveled to berlin"


"pictures of katerina an older artist from crete i helped to move from the netherlands driving all her stuff across europe with my broken down van"


"pictures of my dear srilankan friend sanjeewa spending much time with him in the netherlands until he moved back to sri lanka and there became a famous painter"


"pictures of my iranian artist friend fatimah with whom i had became a very intimate friend almost as if she was my sister even doing ramdam with her when she did it and later traveling together to sweden where i lost contact with her after her friend there fell in love with me"


"pictures of my english artist friend dustin with whom we lived our days without much money cooking the nettles we would find on our bike rides and living in the art school we both attended at last reading about him on the newspaper after he got into serious money problems buying a huge villa back in england recovering all the money by selling through a lottery"


"pictures of agnese the wife of my grandmother's brother living in the countryside taking care of me in the summers after i moved down from the mountains cooking macaroni and polenta and other traditional food in her traditional kitchen"


"picture of my great life friend davide di saro i met at first in italy and inviting him to study abroad with my in the netherlands living together in a squatted school there and later in a van before he convinced me to attend a master in sweden and from there departing with him moving to canada and meeting only occasionally both in italy but also in canada where he got me to meet my father after over twenty years but only truly getting to become friends again traveling together in southern india and getting a lot of help from him setting up a show-room in the mountains and later the museum realizing that without his help i would have never being able to build it and accepting our time apart with him always quite reluctant to come to northern europe to visit always preferring to travel in warm countries dating different women and becoming somewhat of my goldmund counterpart or like a pan creature accompanying my dyoinisian journeys often only finding in davide the sole spectator of my work and the sole person who truly appreciated mostly only the visual work being him not so keen in reading"


""pictures of the mother of my high-school best friend francesco meeting her through the years especially in my native highland where she came to spend the holidays with her husband in a small apartment and always finding her very kind and loveful especially compared with my cold and loveless mother but just a times too intrusive and expansive and generally not so thorough despite all her many travels and cultural interests but still very amiable especially with francesco and his sister and their children"


"picture of my university friend massimiliano who had great heart and even hosted me to live in his apartment for free during my studies later also taking a crazy trip together to austria"


"pictures of my very intelligent friend sandra who also had her parents coming from my native highland and who also later went abroad to study in the end making her career in france and meeting her and her children occasionally in the summer for walks in the mountains as we used to when we were young and she had many girlfriends"


"pictures of elena with whom i dated for a while but was too much of nomad to keep as my girlfriend in the end living with my bike for a trip all around greece finding in the end she dated my other friends and ultimately my stepfather nephew"


"pictures of a family friend who was always very kind and with whom we often went for bike rides in the mountains"


"pictures of bejamin a jewish artist who was very enchanted by my work and with who i had to start to work as a window cleaner to make some money and survive while living in the netherlands"


"pictures of my old friend mao with who i sometime hanged out when i was young playing the little vandals and later finding him in the exact neighborhood still living with his mother"


"pictures of michelle a chinese a quite beautiful chinese artist i hang out with during my time in the netherlands"