"much time spent outside in nature mostly walking and thus much wind experienced aside for some days indoor and yet very mighty wind except for the one experienced in a small university town in the inland of the country where it was in fact quite powerful"


"minus degrees but rather settled weather to which i have been exposed quite much in my outdoor walking except a day spent at home with a very strong wind outside bringing a powerful snow storm"


"a month spent all traveling to denmark and then to my alps and then poland thus being quite exposed to the wind in all the outdoor excursions despite it now being so powerful but once walking up a small mountain the checz republic with the wind blowing through the trees at various intensities and up a mound in krakow"


"with the temperatures far below zero almost no wind perceived except for a short period of a warm southern wind which has soon been replaced once again by colder weather and absolutely almost no wind"


"an unusual period with very little wind once again probably due to the cold winter season which has however brought in a warm wind in the end and slightly stronger wind which i experience on my way to the university on top of a hill and yet again very little wind considering all the time i have spent out also with my kid"


"with the increasing of the temperature and the approaching of the spring there has been much more wind experienced also quite a lot in the city and in the forest where i have been taking many walks but then also very little wind as the temperature got down again and much wind again in berlin where it was actually colder with a terrible cold wind probably coming in from russia"


"i have been exposed to the wind much being out but never really experienced any particularly strong wind despite initially in berlin and quite light otherwise in both italy and the netherlands and only lastly with the rising of the temperature being a little stronger in sweden"


"a lot of time spent out now with the coming of the spring and much more wind rising with the changing of temperatures in stockholm, amsterdam with myrthe and in boston where the long walking got me very exposed although the days of very strong wind were just a few particularly out on mount auburn cemetery from the top of the tower overlooking the boston area but also at my departure walking with the trolley to the subway and less so with the artificial wind created between the downtown blocks"


"a restless wind with the changing of the season at times getting really powerful like in my day of departure from cambridge and then being back in sweden spending quite much time outside like during myrthe first visit there kissing on the heading rock of a small island and then also being in utrecht with her and at times experiencing almost no wind but mostly always some wind even though generally not so powerful"


"being quite much out and experiencing the wind in spain while walking the many small inner roads of madrid and toledo with myrthe but then also back in sweden particularly in a day with august walking across the all town and in the royal hunting reserve to then experience far less the wind anyhow never too strong going to stay with myrthe in the netherlands despite a one afternoon walking alone in utrech's suburbs"


"while the previous periods have been characterized by very little wind this one has been terribly windy bringing first a lot of wind experienced on the way to august's christmas market through the fields and then bringing a snow storm which i faced with august and jacek down to the south of sweden which seems more affected by this weather and also getting much wind while walking with them and myrthe in malmo even getting my whole camera falling with the tripod and then getting back to stockholm with the winter which has not set in and experiencing a moment of calmness before getting more strong wind with a too warm winter temperature"


"experiencing very little strong wind but being out quite a lot and in fact getting a lot of wind variations but never so intense if not for a time waiting outside the airport but otherwise walking through the english ondulated landscape and experiencing light breeze and then no breeze below the small hills and really little wind experienced while at the italian seaside in lignano"


"a bit more wind now back in scandinavia but still not much experienced as much time was spent doing carpentry work at home and seeing most the wind of the window on the trees outside and also biking and being able to annotate the wind on the mobile with one hand till finally going to the italian alps and experiencing little wind changes varying on one and another side of the peaks yet still not feeling much wind until my return to sweden"


"a lot outdoor yet not so much wind perceived or at least not so powerful changes other than going by bike a lot and feeling it this way mostly by changing location and moving from a place with no wind to a place with a bit of wind but nothing really remarkable bot in the netherlands and in sweden where i mostly been"


"at last the autumn wind makes itself being felt particularly to begin with in the netherlands while being with myrthe like walking with his father and brother to check monuments around the city but also in sweden even just begin shortly out from the university waiting for the commuter train but then also experiencing days of little wind but also days of much exposure being in berlin and getting more of the artificial wind of the modern suburbs in which we were staying or just walking up and down the hills on the outskirt and finally in potsdam feeling the wind off and on because of the buildings"


"not too often out from the beginning experiencing the autumn wind but eventually exposing myself during walks and bike rides otherwise noticing the wind through the window of my studio observing the bending trees but then going with myrthe to italy and experiencing a light wind particularly in venice visiting the saint mark belfry and then some wind in my visit with august to the netherland"


"not too much wind from the beginning being with august in the netherlands experiencing much wind while walking with him in a forest of breda and then almost no wind back in sweden but on my way back to the netherlands where again the wind was not too strong although a lot of subtle changes were felt in rotterdam while walking by the water and a bit stronger walking out of myrthe attic to do some tai-chi by the river yet at last going back to sweden finding almost no wind but in the very end experiencing it quite strongly up on a cliff with august where it was impossible to light any proper fire"


"a start of the month with quite a strong wind experienced here in sweden while walking with myrthe and august in a small forest and almost getting struck by a timber eaten by a beaver which the wind made falling and then traveling to italy and experiencing there a super powerful wind in the mountains bringing hot air from the south and not the snowstorm that was supposed to come and then experiencing a bit of wind while walking in venice but no more instances of wind particularly back in sweden where some wind has brought snow but has then calmed down"


"an apparently quite period with moderate wind and calm snowfall turned into more harsh weather bringing in more snow while being a lot out particularly with myrthe showing her stockholm and picking the japanese mats for our bed and then experiencing less wind till at last coming to the netherlands and getting a first some wind calming during the evening but then much wins in maastricht while hiking on the hills with myrthe's relatives"


"experiencing quite a lot of wind from the beginning in the netherlands particularly during a little walk on the hills in maastricht with myrthe and her relatives which anyway opened up the sky and got me sun after a long time and then back to sweden experiencing little wind but walking with august in the forest and getting at last a sunny day but then again experiencing little wind till at last going to the netherland again and getting some wind and also cloudless sky and the same going to very windy malmo being at the university there next to the ocean"


"a month period started in the very windy city of malmo and then continued over to stockholm experiencing a lot of wind particularly going by bike and being more or less exposed by it depending on the landscape and getting a lot of wind when biking with myrthe and august on our way back from an anthroposophic institute and during august's birthday when the weather got really dreadful and we tried to walk out but got some frozen wind welcoming us and finally getting to the netherlands experiencing some wind there despite the lovely weather and finally back to always windy malmo walking to the university with jacek and being quite exposed"


"not so much wind from the beginning experiencing first from the beginning biking with august in the nice weather and spending a weekend camping but then getting back to work and not really experiencing much wind till at last going to visit my parents in italy and experiencing quite some wind walking along a little lake with my sister and her daughter and lastly coming back to sweden and again spending quite some time with august for winter holiday this time also biking and feeling much wind also later spending the rest of the holiday here in sweden with myrthe feeling the wind during our walk with asmund to a rose garden"


"a bit of a turbulent month with quite some wind from the beginning doing qidong outside the university and then experiencing light changes biking alone outside of sodertalje to finally get quite some wind with the changing of the weather and the wind bringing even snow and followed by relatively low wind spending much time inside coding my video-game but at last experiencing a lot of wind walking through Amsterdam and seeing cardboards flying around but finally experiencing quite little wind back in sweden"


"not so much wind wind to begin with in the netherlands but then going back to sweden and experiencing some wind to then not really experiencing much also due to the fact that i spent much time inside preparing my virtual world tillat last myrthe came over and we did experience some wind visiting an island in the south and the nice little city of trosa but then don't experiencing too much wine till at last i went back to the island with august and jacek and also later biking a long way to the summer retreat by the sea"


"month with some cold polar wind to begin with mostly experienced it at the boyscout island where i was with august particularly on our way there which caused quite a harsh sea to be crossed and finally experiencing more gentle wind when in the netherlands like when i walked alone in the woods away from a music festival and particularly in all the biking i did around the city of utrecht going both to the east and later to the beautiful south with myrthe to at last experiencing a bit of wind while canoeing"


"a month with relatively little wind yet started with some wind while in the netherlands going to an outdoor theater performance and then mostly wind when in italy on a beach particularly in the afternoons looking at the building up of clouds in the alps and particularly some strong wind with the coming of the quick summer storms to otherwise experience little or no wind"


"not so much wind from the beginning back in sweden with nice weather but only experiencing it mostly when biking around and at last experiencing quite strong winds with myrthe spending an afternoon at the beach with a lot of coldwind and also experiencing quite some wind changes when exploring stockholm while waiting to pick up august feeling also quite some wind when going up to the university and talking a small walk around now recording the wind forces with my new smartphone"


"wind experienced mostly in sweden while walking to install a small exhibition and generally not feeling any strong wind but up at my university particularly on one occasion doing quidong outside and otherwise experiencing very light wind also in italy walking quite a lot but feeling very little"


"a month with some wind experiences particularly while walking alone in breda and during a night spent on a hostel right next to the iseo lake with the wind almost reaping off the windows and at last experiencing peace till coming back to sweden and feeling a lot of wind while in the anthroposophic center of jarna with august playing against the wind and recording a lot of changes and finally mostly experiencing an autumn wind bringing down the leaves from the trees while in gothenburg particularly exploring high positions such as the forts on top of the many small hills"


"a period of wind experienced to begin with in a nice autumn day spent with august on the viking burial ground of uppsala to then experience a worsening of the weather with relative small wind till at last driving with myrthe downsouth and spending the night in the german border with denmark sleeping in the van by the coast with a strong wind setting in that almost ripped the back door of the car and finally spending time in the netherlands with light winds experienced when walking around den haag and delft and also some minor wind experienced back in sweden during august autumn vacation"


"a tranquil month with little wind experienced from the beginning in venice and then at my parents while doing activities with them outdoor like walking or moving boxes from one garage to another but also checking around for a new land to buy and finally getting back to stockholm and experiencing a lot of wind but mostly by looking at it from my window giving the very bad weather andalso finding a cold but much more tranquil wind in the netherlands taking small walks out of myrthe's new place"


"a month with relatively low wind and even quite warm wind experienced in the netherlands but also a very heavy wind driving to germany to catch a flight back to sweden where the wind was very low also when walking with august prior christmas and even during christmas back to the netherlands"


"experiencing a lot of strong wind particularly in the night in our mountain cottage in italy making all the trash out and even a roof covering some sand flying and also experiencing a strong wind walking with a swedish friend up the novegno mountain detecting many forces based on its exposure and at last also experiencing quite some wind both while in sweden and particularly in utrecht going out with myrthe for a pizza at night"


"snow in sweden begin with and some wind but not too much and really feeling it going a bit around with myrthe at second hand shops but particularly during a walk with august through all of stockholm and at last going to dublin and experiencing little wind in my first days there mounting an installation"


"very windy to begin with walking on the irish coast by beautiful cliffs next to the ocean and then going to my mountain cottage and experiencing little wind to begin with but very strong and powerful winds in the night getting me atlas also an headache and finally going to sweden and experiencing a pleasant weather but a few winds"


"a day with relatively little wind spent initially with august feeling wind around his neighborhood and then in utrecht walking up and down the city to prepare my upcoming exhibit but particularly when back in sweden feeling quite a cold wind to then appreciate relatively little wind in italy and then the usual heavy night wind in the mountains but also waiting to pick up myrthe in mestre"