"painting executed at last tranquil for some time in the netherlands fully concentrating on life there and my project painting a very simple picture continuing with the previous surfaces but skipping the round one"


"still painting in my dutch studio despite the increasingly warm weather and now finding a good balance of shape and colors however making myself ready for a small shift from previous paintings also adding the rectangular red shape"


"painting executed at last after the summer months spent in italy and getting back to my study in holland with the painting half executed and working to make look simpler and with nicer surfaces this time using a stick with my left hand to hold me to the wall and be more precise painting with my right hand"


"painting executed now in the calm of my study in the netherlands with quite a bad weather out and painting also by supporting myself with my fingers keeping up the same colors as in the previous painting but attempting simpler shapes"


"painting executed feeling almost confined in the netherlands house with awful rainy weather outside and now introducing more squared shapes avoiding the use of the yellow and introducing the gray color"


"painting executed in my culemborg study with a filthy rainy weather outside and quite dark but still trying to execute something maintaining the colours of the previous painting as well as the shapes not too much caring about the details"


"painting executed in my dutch study still taking advantage of the bad autumn weather and this time try to be more clear with the shapes introducing a big tilted square and the usual yellow circle in the blue dripping shape now characterizing all my paintings"


"painting executed while getting busy with several other things not really focusing on my project but still managing to spend time with it mostly after updating it and keeping up this time the same colors including the gray and the new square shapes"


"painting executed in the midst of doing renovation work in holland and preparing to present the cathedral idea to the italian authorities and dedicating not so much time to it but nonetheless starting to change quite drastically from previous painting with the introduction of more squared shapes"


"managing another painting now in my dutch study with a lot of bad weather outside and taking a break from renovating keeping the shapes very simple and more edgy"


"painting executed after a period of break in italy and fixing up the already existing draft i made having now lost a bit of my hand and feeling quite sick of the gray dutch weather outside this time also using my new small sony camera to photograph the result"



"painting executed after a long break spending my creative time preparing to present my cathedral idea to the italian authorities and finally getting back to my dutch studio and discovering a new style twisting the blues flow of my painting and giving it more dynamic and depth"


"painting executed still maintaining my new style making the blue surface across the painting more dynamic and in a spiral fashion but taking quite some time to finish the painting with the christmas holiday in between and little time spent in my study"



"painting executed now feeling more willing without any renovation work to undertake and making it quite simple this time trying to give light to it with light colors"


"proceeding to experiment with a more dynamic blue spiral going across the painting and this time doing a double spiral and maintaining a rather simple background cutting open the smaller tubes of colours to finish the painting inside"


"finding a moment of calm in my dutch study and painting again experimenting with spiral and this time overlapping two but getting too dark colors also resulting in a not so good filtering unable to distinguish all the fading degrees of blue"


"painting taking advantage of the constantly gray dutch weather confining me in my study also waiting for baby livia to get born and now continuing my spiral tendency but recovering the drop and still using a similar color palette"


"again a painting with both the drop and the spiral but now making a large red circle at the bottom and insisting painting the gray with the silver on top"


"painting executed with still a very gray weather inside waiting for livia to get born and keeping long hours in my dutch studio now executing no circle but a red surface under the blue flow getting less dynamic"


"painting executed in my dutch study during still the gray weather out and this time experimenting with a yellow oval and a gold overlay"


"continuing to paint this time making a fast dynamic blue flow keeping up with the circular yellows covered in gold and also reintroducing big black surfaces"


"painting executed once again in my dutch study waiting for livia to be born and the winter to pass and keeping it simple this time enforcing the center circle with a black surrounding and maintaining the silver and gold surfaces"


"still a prolific painting period awaiting for baby livia to be born and spending much time in my study pursuing the twisting blue shape and the red dot but this time getting rid of the gold surface"


"very much focusing on painting and managing yet another one keeping it very simple with the blue flow across and a pink one emerging from below and still the presence of the round dot this time however green to contrast with the pink"


"painting executed now finishing many colors and returning to the double spiral with a green and red dot contrasting each other and with the background shapes following the curves of the spirals"


"painting executed still waiting for little livia to be born and this time getting rid of the silver and gold surfaces finding a nice spot where to locate the red dot and working more on my laptop to remove borders imperfections"


"producing many paintings waiting for baby livia to be born and with the weather and a bad knee forcing me inside now receiving a new stock of 600 grams cardboard to paint on but getting it too thin and getting too loose from the wall when applying the colors but managing somehow with masking tape to keep it firm and produce a spiral similar to the previous"


"last painting executed before the birth of livia getting used now to the new paper and making a nice central spiral with a quasi perfect yellow circle and all other colors recovered around"


"first painting executed after livia's birth and managing to do it in the small breaks not helping myrthe and preparing a whole new set up also for the cutting and preparing of the new boards in the right size as well as the painted boards and for this painting managing a pink square in the middle and other rectangular shapes departing from it"


"painting executed now in the breaks waiting for little livia to wake up and finding a nice balance of colors now also taking the time to polish borders and corners with the photo editor prior to filtering the image"


"attempting a spiral closing in itself with no space in between but not really succeeding in rendering the idea once the painting has been filtered and realizing that all these painting decorating the sides of my cathedral represents the water of a noah like ark"


"painting executed in the little time left while attending little livia and being often interrupted but nonetheless managing to keep a simple surface without too much depth and the basic colors"


"painting executed again in the free time while looking after baby livia and managing a more dynamic shape with a full palette of primary colours still however refining the edges on my computer"


"now finding more time to paint with livia sleeping during the day yet keeping the paintings very simple and with few coloUrs going for one spiral well inscribed in the square panel"