"very particular construction with a small and a bigger column and the one to the right being poorly connected also while welding pushing a piece in the middle up and having to feel quite a gap"


"well connected texture despite all the scattered pieces and my helmet digital settings not shielding me too much from the light and being too sensitive towards the light positioned over the welding table"


"fixing the issue with the helmet shading and over sensibility and making an okay texture but for the bottom left corner poorly connected in several parts"


"taking a break to pee and then accomplishing a fairly good texture using a bent piece and managing to flatten it by welding all the other pieces around it"


"sturdy texture a bit hard to assemble but managing at last quite smoothly to weld it together without any issues and getting used to the new helmet"


"pretty good texture but on the end overheating the extension cord managing well also with a bent piece securing it at first with a dot which later popped up again while welding the opposite side and having to stop and call it the evening"


"welding this texture after a morning spent with the kids talking to the company that is supposed to load them on the truck to italy and making the left side lower than the right having to adjust a small piece in the middle accordingly with also a small piece on the bottom left poorly connected"


"now with a hundred texture to finish the project making a rather good texture but still resulting in a lower left side having to adjust the problem on top"


"texture with several long pieces managing pretty well to arrange and weld them rather evenly with only a small piece on the top right sticking out"


"a bit difficult to assemble this texture placing a small piece on the top too much to the left and having to break open the pieces on top to move it to the correct point and beside that making a good texture but for a piece on the bottom right poorly connected and at last going in to attend little silvester while myrthe and livia went out shopping"


"welding in the afternoon and making a quite okay texture with a poorly connected piec on the top right and also a bent piece i bent back with my knee prior assembling it"


"welding bow with also an additional mask so as not to get too much cold air in my sore throat and managing well but for again the top left corner poorly connected"


"texture without any issues but a small piece yo the left badly cut managing anyway to fit it in the pattern and getting a bit from all the flow of air going through the helmet"


"texture with two poorly connected pieces on the top left and bottom right but other than that quite sturdy and also with a piece of iron i have used to keep a part up getting stuck at last calling it the day also to go pee"


"welding after several nights of irregular sleep but nonetheless keeping up and producing a strong texture but for a small piece on the top left"


"pretty okay texture again with a small piece on the top left poorly connected and also with the right part slightly higher having to adjust the pieces on the left along the way not to create too many gaps"


"texture with some poor connections but overall sturdy and welding it considering the idea of not adding the mosaics to it but use them for a different installation in the netherlands"


"straight forward texture but with the whole left and right side poorly connected and some pieces slightly moving up while i welded them despite previously fixing them with dots"


"welding after taking silvester to bed and feeling a bit better despite an awful storm outside but nonetheless making a quite good texture coping okay with the many badly cut chinese pieces"


"sturdy part making sure to remove the rist from the long piece in the middle and finding some discrepancy again from the left and right side tweaking a bit the pieces to avoid bigger gaps"


"assembling this texture with several vent pieces and trying to bend them straight with my knee but having some pieces collapsing as i began putting a weld of dots to hold them together nonetheless managing at last a sturdy texture only later when in italy preparing the textures to weld them together on the museum realizing that a piece of twenty centimeters was missing and at last welding one up in the garage a kind neighbour landed me"


"overall a good texture with a few weak points but generally well connected at last now taking a break waiting for the storm to finish"


"still stormy outside yet welding anyway with the door open for ventilation and producing a strong texture meditating now on the idea that i should not disperse my energy with other installations but try to focus it all in the project museum"


"texture poorly connected between the left and the right but at the base also with the right side slightly tilting upwards"


"very bad texture using a bent piece at the bottom having to force it hard down and the welding a piece on top in the wrong position having to break the welding and move it but compromising the rest of the assemblage also with a piece on the left poorly connected"


"having to pee badly with also myrthe calling me in for dinner at last managing to fix this texture with only one poorly connected part on the bottom right"


"welding again on a rainy day with myrthe on holiday taking care of the kids and with a slight headache but managing overall quite a solid texture saving a bent piece only for the top right not to compromise the rest"


"pretty good texture only with many of the small pieces badly cut and making use of the not straight corners to make a better weld with a stronger result having more gaps yo weld between the imperfections"


"a fragile texture with the right part connected only with four points and the bottom left poorly connected thinking generally on how my work in a country mimic the very religious elements that are so despised there such as the muslim like cube among catholics"


"texture completely disconnected between the left and the right part but for one point holding them together and welding seeing more and more clearly the relation of my father with the italian far right terrorist organization when i was a child"


"managing quite well the texture with no issues trying to sum up my arguments for not using the nets so much wanted by the architect who failed to make me build a structure strong enough to have floors"


"setting up this texture but then realizing that two pieces were overlapping and having to break them open again and start welding them one by one"


"a bit difficult to assemble this texture with many small pieces and later also finishing the welding wire replacing it but then getting stuck in the gun tip and having to first replace the tip and then fix the groove it caused inside the machine"


"texture with both the top left and the right bottom pieces poorly connected also with a small piece on the right overlapping and having to break the welding to reposition it"


"both left side corners poorly connected and with the gun getting repeatedly dirty hindering some of the gas flow but nonetheless managing quite well despite having to pee badly"


"having to weld piece by piece to avoid overlapping and managing in this way to assemble up the texture resulting in quite a solid construction"