"last texture welded in my girlfriend's backyard still on the flat table with fumes coming right in my helmet and the new girl tenant from singapore bugging me after moving in my venice apartment also forgetting to weld one point in the middle"


"trying out for the first time to weld inside the metal workshop I built in my girlfriend's backyard and trying the fume extracting machine I bought but getting some air back out ruining the weld at last opting to finish the texture without the machine on trying to breath as little fumes as possible"


"still welding in the metal workshop now avoiding to use the fume aspirator directly on the texture so as not to compromise the welding and doing an okay job despite really trying not to breath in the fumes and also taking the picture with too much sun outside also having to add an extra piece in the bottom left corner that was not attached to anything"


"doing slight a better job at welding but using the tilted table for it now getting some of the metal pieces a bit tilted and having to force my left hand quite hard on them while welding with the right also not seeing very well where I weld and making a few mistakes particularly on the top part"


"a much smoother soldering now giving a pretty sturdy texture trying made on a sunday morning with myrthe taking the children with her to hanneke"


"still welding in the new metal workshop in the netherlands wearing no proper mask and with the fume respirator not really absorbing fumes but managing to get the texture welded despite the lower left piece bending up"


"last textures welded before running out of the ten by ten millimeters pieces and making it quite solid and not so bent as some of the previous ones welded on the tilted table"


"finally with gas mask but no ten by ten pieces beginning to weld in parts only later managing to put them well together after receiving the shipment with new pieces yet struggling to insert the top missing one having to grind it so as to fit it in"


"still welding with missing ten by ten parts but overall making a sturdy textures trying to limit the length of the welding later struggling quite a lot to put the two small pieces in the middle at last having to grind the top one"


"with no ten by ten pieces using leftover pieces to hold the texture together but making one upper element tilt and started welding it tilted having to force it back together later breaking it in two lifting it but then enforcing the whole texture by placing the missing small piece at the bottom"


"welding without pieces of ten and only having one issue welding a twenty piece on the left upper corner sticking up later cutting the corner of the missing small piece in the middle in order to fit it"


"without pieces of ten making a bit of a fragile texture with a weak lower part also minimizing welds having later to grind the small missing piece in the middle and cut a corner of the small one on the bottom right so as to fit them"


"hard to weld this texture at first with only one ten by ten piece and with a thirty piece bending up on the upper left corner and little visibility being too cold out and too moist in my helmet later hard to fit the missing bottom left with the texture there quite bended"


"texture welded with a bit of a bent sixty centimetres piece underneath it and having to put some of the ten centimetres pieces i had left to keep it together struggling later to put the small missing piece in the middle but managing hitting the lower corners with a hammer"


"managing to finish this textures with the pieces i had with just the upper right corner being a bit fragile"


"a fragile texture welded at first missing the smallest pieces and the lower right part tok little connected to the rest and with the welder not working properly higher up under the fume aspirator"


"smooth solid welding done in the afternoon with no so many small pieces i don't have to worry about yet some of the longer pieces a bit bent"


"welding the pieces but unable to solve the visibility issue with my mask seeing barely where i should weld and making the upper right part a bit fragile"


"quite fragile texture made without the smallest pieces and sort of comprising of two parts not too well connected but arranging it quite fast now putting pieces on my right side ready to be assembled struggling later to put the small piece on the top left with the part being bended and trying to flatten it"


"welding on a cold day with my helmet getting molested and also with no smallest pieces left to support the texture"