"my very first textures welded outside at first only making dots and really making it too weak and having to rescue it later and weld it back together removing a chunk of weld coming out from the back"
"texture welded outside with only dots causing a few pieces to move forward especially in the lower left and welding it again filling quite a big gap to the right and also reconnecting the piece on the left top which broke off"
"texture welded in my girlfriend's backyard on the table i set up outside and this time making slightly bigger dots to secure the pieces together but anyway having to redo all the welding later"
"redoing this textures later on having only welded it in dots and finding several gaps to be filled and the upper left pieces slightly move upward possibly as it moved the first time i welded it on a flat table"
"textures made at first only in dots and rewelding it later finding many gaps to fill especially a big one on the right but also on the left side making it at last quite sturdy but for a piece on the bottom left"
"redoing this texture to put more weld than just dots and finding the top left part quite a lot bent and some gaps to be filled making at last sturdy without exceptions"
"redoing the texture with more weld after only using dots and worrying now about the amount of gas used and the expense that might result from proceeding in such fashion"
"textures also welded at first in dots and later rewelded finding only the top left pieces fragile and quite sturdy everywhere else"
"texture only welded with dots over christmas standing outside and rewelding it properly a month later still finding it quite fragile with the left and right parts only connected in three points"
"texture is a bit weak on the left side but still well connected and finding it bent here and there probably under the pressure of the pile of the other textures prior to welding it properly again"
"okay texture welded once again later on finding quite some small gaps here and there convincing me that i should build an inclined welding table so that the gravity keeps the pieces together while i weld and also later welding realizing that i get bubbles due to perhaps a lack of gas finding out later that the bottom right part broke off and welding it back on"
"texture weak on the top left part and also having to weld it again and running out of the thread in my machine and after putting a new role forgetting to turn the gas back on resulting in some bad bubbling welds on the bottom left"
"rather sturdy texture welded again later on and with fine welds after putting a new wire as well as remembering to turn the gas on but starting to feel tired in my back after much standing"
"texture week in two points on the bottom left and rewelding it as second time to make it fully sturdy but for these smaller isolated pieces"
"almost cracking this texture only by lifting it after having welded it just with dots and rewelding it properly having some issue with the gas mask feeling like inhaling some of the gases"
"quite okay textures rewelded later on to make it more sturdy and finding some longer pieces bent especially on the lower left side"
"texture with an unweldable piece on the top left standing without connecting to any parts and beside that being quite sturdy welding back together after only using dots the first time"
"at first only welding this textures in dots but the recovering it from the pile and welding it properly finding however that many plates have slightly moved backward possibly under the weight"
"first texture welded no longer with single dots but in small lines trying to be quite minimal but still requiring a later revision of all the weld making them almost in full length"