"casual photos taken in 2016 busy doing exhibitions and traveling to italy to build a little gallery up in the barn and even making it to india traveling there with my friend davide in general also spending much time with my girlfriend"
"casual photos taken in 2017 year in which i finished my phd and tried to move to venice with my girlfriend but then ending up living in the netherlands and giving up my academic carreer for good after discovering i was going to be a father again and in the mountains beginning the realization of my cathedral"
"casual photos taken in 2018 showing my photos of my newly born daughter livia soon getting to be with her full time with her mother having to to go back to work but still managing to spend quite some time in italy and also with my son august"
"selection of drawings i have vectorized for making t-shirts"
"drawings i have selected for printing"
"mug printed with photo drinking from mug"
"rendering of photos drinking from mug with other photos drinking from mugs"
"interviews and questions answered to journalists and researchers"
"articles written by researchers mentioning my project and extracts from books written about my project in art books by not necessarily academic people"
"uppsala art museum exhibition catalogue from 2009"
"television broadcasts showing and/or mentioning my project"
"radio broadcasts mentioning my project"
"early presentation i made to convince an italian municipality to allow me to build my ark initially calling it tebah and also later descriptions of the project also in italian"
"document showing the awards i won and other certificates"
"the various rental contracts i prepared and signed for the international students renting a room of a trashy apartment i bought in venice so as to earn some money to pay the bills and keep it renovated as well finance the ark in the alps often times especially after the coronavirus pandemic students only singing a temporary contract and then coming to the apartment only to find a cheaper one and immediately move out leaving me many times in financial trouble"
"letters i wrote to my italian grandparents mostly to update them about my life abroad when they were still alive"
"showroom designed to host my project"
"photos of covers of books i was suggested to read"
"photos of notes written for lectures"
"video showing a year of non resampled right hand photos from month 147 to 158"
"video showing a year of non resampled right hand photos from month 159 to 170"
"video showing a year of non resampled right hand photos from month 171 to 182"
"headshots of people wearing masks and makeup then for example during carnivals and parades"
"photo of right hand wearing glasses or sun-glasses"
"manifesto written to explain my position redefined after the writing of my doctorate thesis on the concept of arkism also in relation to my ark developing arkism as a form of lifeboat-making in view of the sinking ship of civilization"
"prototypes built for the mountain installation resulting in my ark"
"experimenting with other ways to show my photographic project"
"one of six full scale vehicles to be placed in a circle conceived to present 6 out of 36 works each"
"video of a scaled version of my memory theater i built and later demolished in my barn in the mountains"
"study on how the ark could be covered with the project textures"
"recording of my thoughts in italian while biking around the coast of greece in 2001"
"sound simulation of a month of experienced wind"
"18mm digitized videos of performances executed in vancouver in 2000"
"drone flights over the ark"
"video of tangible prototypes developed to retrieve data from my project made in collaboration with my japanese friend yoshi akai"
"small video clips recorded by me and my swedish girlfriend during our first years together traveling and later having a kid together"