"old 3d animations i made of my memory theater"
"list of software with settings used to generate each part of the project"
"non-selected photos of all my exhibitions"
"mailing list of artists and curators but especially journalists i have dealt with throughout the duration of my project"
"selection of trash picked in berlin"
" pictures used to edit the manual explaining the 36 works making up my project"
"people photographed doing a selfie"
"frequently asked questions about my project"
"small description of people whose practice i found quite related to my project"
"bibliography of essays and articles written about my project"
"pictures of various materials and already existing architectures i have taken in consideration prior to and after the building of the ark but also after building it to see for instance the decaying of materials such as the iron i used"
"the photos i scanned from my parents photo albums"
"selection of portrait videos recorded accidentally instead of taking image of object of right hand by mistake"
"videos of the performances i did in the past with my wearable computers"
"photos of how i filled whiteboards while or after teaching but also later on having no longer a teaching position and just sketching generally finding a great inspiration to use the whiteboard and create somewhat of a magic in the audience quickly representing and synthesizing concepts in a figurative manner they are not so used to especially in real time"
"casual photos taken in 2000"
"casual photos taken in 2001 using a digital camera very extensively capturing quite some details about my daily life"
"casual photos taken in 2002 while living illegally inside my art academy in holland and the on the road with my van making it ultimately to sweden to another program"
"casual photos taken in 2003 mostly spent with my swedish girlfriend and her family"
"casual photos taken in 2004"
"casual photos taken in 2005"
"second experiment of photographing my hand interacting with objects in the summer of 2003"
"the very few casual photos i took in 2006 after i decide to only stick to my photographing of my right hand"
"casual photos taken in 2007 showing the intensity of time and love i put to my first son august"
"casual photos taken in 2008 showing yet another intense year spent side by side with my small son letting him experience the swedish nature but in the end moving closer to his grandparents and falling most disillusioned with swedish society in general"
"cooking recipes i perfected through the years despite my tendency to improvise my dishes with whatever i have left without ever following any receipe but only using them to make cakes for birthdays or pizzas thus for special occasions"
"casual photos taken in 2009 gradually living sweden feeling most disappointed after the forest i so much loved was cut down and following first my partner to the states and then finally moving with the whole family to china"
"casual photos taken in 2010 having a very good time with my family in malaysia and then returning to our life in shanghai spending later the summer in sweden with a brief staying in israal with my polish friend and then starting a whole new life with my family in massachusetts"
"casual photos taken in 2011 moving back to europe from the states after a beautiful time with my friends there and after visiting for the last time my father in canada getting back to the less bright swedish environment still spending much time with my little son august"
"casual photos taken in 2012 during a most painful period of transition falling depress starting a doctorate in sweden and beginning a new life alone away from my so loved child"
"casual photos taken in 2013 year in which i still suffered very much living separated from my child in a most squlalid area of stockholm but managing to find a new life partner and with her making many small adventures as well as trying to be as much as possible close to my son and away from a most depressing academic environment with all its authoritarian marxist political agenda vomited on me"
"loose single qr codes linking to the various parts of my project later dismissed in favor of my own taggin system"
"casual photos taken in 2014 still based in sweden but trying to slowly resettle in the end ending up buying a small apartment in a remote village near my native alps"
"drawings and 3d models i developed to make vehicles to contain my project"
"videos of early attempts to leave my project saved in usb sticks in nature"
"casual photos taken in 2015 being more in the italian alps after finally having a base there still spending much time in stockholm but gradually moving with south and also with my son there having quite an incredible time together"