"pictures taken by cameras used with the right hand while using the left hand camera to photograph them and vice-versa"
"collection of photos of my right hand using computer mouses so as to create a mouse carpet of all these different photos"
"collection of car keys used by my right hand so as to create a keychain out of these photos"
"visual vocabulary compiled through the years of selected objects used by the right hand"
"collection of pictures i took of my right hand brushing my teeth in my swedish apartment so as to make an animation of it with my face morphing from one to the other"
"colour graph i generated to show the intensity of objects i" used
"memory wheel i generated to show the intensity of objects used with my right hand with each object representing a circle and displayed chronologically in a clock fashion"
"video resulting from videos i took by mistake with my camera instead of photographing an object used by my right hand horizontally"
"selected photos of my right hand drinking from mugs to be later printed on mugs"
"photos of me brushing my teeth in new places around the world as part of my right hand project"
"selection of photos of my right hand using an object interacting with other people such as mostly my family members like my children or my girlfriend but even animals also showing those photos where people appear in the background especially when eating and having also very special photos such as those using a scissor to cut the umbilical cord of my newly born kids"
"selected photos of my right hand showing me in a portrait fashion"
"anomalous photos generated as part of my right hand project"
"other people using my camera to take a picture of their right hand or people appearing behind it while i photograph myself"
"compilation of videos showing me photographing the right hand"
"scientific articles and proceedings written by me about the project especially at the beginning prior to confronting the conservative conformism of academic environments no longer contributing to it but only to my autonomous and anarchic driven framework"
"poster with me brushing my teeth in the first year of photographing the objects used by my right hand"
"both on-line and off-line articles writing about my project through the years"
"document with all the objects used in 2007 divided in categories"
"dictionary-like interpretation of the most emblematic of my dreams based on what i have recently experienced"
"one day long documentary showing me in 2006 photographing my right hand"
"rather banal master thesis about i wrote early on about my photographing work"
"selection of dreams predicting a future event"
"list of the content of each edition"
"video showing myself labeling the photos of the objects used the previous day in 2007 using a pocket pc"
"video of an organ player performing the notation of the music i heard at the uppsala art museum in 2009"
"recording made to annotate notations, dreams and clouds while driving"
"non resampled days of right hand project prior 2015"
"initial experiment trying to photograph my right hand in 2003"
"a full non resampled month of right hand photos taken in june 2007"
"non resampled collection of long days of photographing my right hand"
"video showing my right hand photos from month 135 to 146"
"singing we are the world with my classmates in 2003"
"portfolio of my performances as a student in canada in 2000"
"photo of my right hand annotating a song while driving"
"selection of written annotations of songs i have heard prior to recomposing them on my computer"