"two piles of drawings but also a whole series of illustrations as well as some photos we had on the fridge for over a year and small stones and shell picked during excursions with my kids as well as my old swedish credit card and the type of filter i used for welding the museum textures in the netherlands"


"many paintings and several invoices and also a sketch for a turned down installation in holland and some stones and shells picked roaming around with the kids as well as a large drawing of my youngest son silvester and a photo of him"


"few bags wit sidewalk trash i selected after scanning it and several sketches and photos but also stones picked during walks and some welding related material like the caps from the gas tanks i used to assemble the ark textures and two bools one i did not like by joseph conrad about congo and the other a memoir by louis l'amour i quite much enjoyed"


"invoices to buy the material to make my textures as well as to transport them to italy but also several sketches made with my kids like a monster killed by an angel we displayed on our living room window and a book of nietzsche i slowly read whole im the bathroom but also an old toothpaste of mine and other small things like maps of my walks and stones and shells picked walking"


"big old book of world stories kept open at the bottom and the several sketches and photos on top and two pens i used for drawings in the middle of the book and on top the small book of thoreau on civil disobedience i not so much liked"


"sketches and drawings the latter done with my kids but also my old pouch with a broken zip and decolourized and some selected sidewalk trash but also a fully written fable book and some initial experiments with mosaics both on cement as well as trying to melt the glass tiles together in an oven"


"many months worth of drawings of ideas and some crayon drawings made with the kids like a big pinocchio but also some sketches of my walks and some photographs"


"beside for some business cards and the usual drawings done with the children also some plastic bags with their hairs and some metal prototypes of the tagging system i tested to label each month production and an eastern european doll i bought to build an earlier prototype"


"a scan of drawings of ideas but also the print-outs i have used to make all the metal texture of the ark and quite some invoices as well as a set i got as a present to learn dutch but barely used and the certificates we used to travel across europe during the time of the pandemic as well as the only test i made to verify i did not have the virus"


"filling up this box right before departing from the mountains putting the drawings i made during my time here but also some invoices paid to get the equipment to finish to weld the textures on the ark and my old debit cards as well as the handle of a knife i got decades ago from my grandfather made of a deer leg"


"drawings painyings sk sly and livia"


"drawings, fable book"


"herzog book, divorce certificates, map walks, covid selftest"


"drawings trash paintings"


"drawing made by both silvester and livia beginning to make small humans and the shells she picked with her old tootbrush and a cut painting and censured drawings i took out in preparation for a workshop for middle school kids"


"books carlo levi, geoffrey gorer, fred uhlman, paintings, new dutch company, new laser papers, music cds old car, hairs silvester, venice card, medical card,"


"notary act venice, painting, drawing livia and photo kept in old car, scan selected trash, car buy renault documents, never sent letter to my father, headphones barn exhibit"


"drawings and then all clasic music i had since a teenager with annotation on how much i liked them and tracks and piece prototype vehicle to contain my project"


"first box made out of the things brought from the netherlands such as the che guevara books i reas and some scanned trash but also many drawings of walks and even my testament beside some smaller items such as the banking device i used when living in sweden


"putying the drawings i managed to scan while in the mountains for the summer and more stuff i brought from the netherlands like the testamente i recently signed and some sxanned trash and a che guevara book on his memories of the cuban revolution n beside a lot of notes and sketches of walks


"several drawings done while traveling with the kids through germany and then staying in the mountains and then rockss picked on our traveling and escursions in thr mountains but also at yhe beach in abruzzo and some portraits made of me by my german artists friend florian and a silver ring removed from livia's finger getting bigger and some watercolours by her getting better and better and an early printout of all the accounts of the various month productions of the project


"nero's catalpgues rocks from walks and piece of ww1 bomb as well as selected trash and orwell's homage to catalogna and small book by danielavs father but also sketches of walks"


"paintings alot of thickly written annotations a walks some selected scanned trash and jon reed book war in eastern Europe and a portrait of august and one of me when a kid sent by my fatger in canada a fable book and some of ny children discarded toys including the black pit fensore in the netherlans for being too african"


"livia and silvester baby amber necklace one of the few covid test i took and painting and pasolini book of his writings and john reed book on mexican revolution and paper sheets withannotations and sketches and some small drawings of my four years old talented daugheter livia"


"drawings executed in the fall in the netherlands as well as a whole episode of my illustrations"


"testament and drawings and heinrich harrer fascinating book on his seven years in tibet and then an old knofe from my grandfather and an old wallet i reused from stepfather and cards i made for a workshop at the ark"


"archiving all my millenium discs backups of the project up until april 2023 and also a book davide sent me from thailand of a celebrity artist making a white buddhist temple there and putting some rocks from my journeys in france and an acrylic tube and one my kids old pacifiers and a peluche as well as my old italian banking chwque book and credit card and a piece of my working belt and right on top a book with wmma goldman well written essays"


"archiving more drawings and some scanned trash as well as michail bakunin book on state and anarchy"


"archiving paintings and laurie lee's books on his participation to the anarchist revolution in spain as well as another of my children peluche and some rocks pickled with them in our excursions and a booklet of some graffiti art project in the ugly french city of bouologne but also a postcard commemorating the death of my wife's nice aunt as well as some walks and a children book of my daughter with the character looking just like her"


"more drawings of walk often executed behind my children drawings so as to also archive them with a drawing of a ruler my daughter prepared for me for my carpentry work and a self portrait shebmade and a photo of her classmates as well as more cut down paintings"


"more drawings as well as laurie lee memoir of his childhood"


"the nice memoir wild swans on modern china and the nice memoir of the first black in greenland and a local magazine talking about my project and some selected trash and some of my hairs but also a lot of stones picked in my walks both in the north and south of europe and my daughter livia's toothbrush and her very first passport and an old acrylic colour plus some tickets of a journey through switzerland with august"


"drawings and paintings but also sketches of walks and notes and instructions how to set up solar panels plus some photos of che guevara in congo and documents from our old trailer"


"250 archival box containing drawings as well as cut outs of my paintings and sketches of my walks and a notebook and hairs from both me and my youngest son silvester and orwell nice account of his life as a tramp and some blue ray disc with a backup of my project and a postcard and the flier of an exhibit and a stone picked during a walk as well as a dry rose myrthe kept in the attic while working there during the pandemic but also a diagram i used to work on the accounts of the project and make them also part of my website"


"box with my drawings and sketches but also a notebook with my fables and many stones picked during my many walks and some expired cards as well as the tip of my electric toothbrush with other small items such maps and correspondence from my friend davide"


"box with many more drawings and cut outs of my paintings but also some stones pucked in my walks and two little toys from my children"