"giving an update on how i ma preparing to go to italy with presently more and more female governing authority still highly retaining the patriarchal character within a centralized-power structure and looking into the ancient myth of the tiamat goddess representing prehistory and the wilderness also showing the interesting but in my opinion not sincere reconstruction of the dragon in the near of my native highland still affected by environmental catastrophes and showing my take into making art without any collaboration with authorities beginning with making the taoist without-a-ruler graffiti in our barn but also proceeding in building the time-capsule to place inside the ark and showing all my welding preparation after discussing more into hinter-gatherers and not only about how europeans put them at the margins of the world but all agricultural civilizations from all the world races"
"lecturing from our barn in the mountains showing how i succeeded bringing all the iron down from holland and up to the ark and how i managed to install the staircases to enable access to the upper floors but how almost immediately the local far right representatives got on me almost as if there is a struggle between the gran narrative of power and my personal narrative also showing how erroneously an old friend who moved to bolivia and came to visit me compared me to a lot of holly things i really do not want to stand for seeing my project as really a lifeboat preparing for the system to collapse briefly also showing the world situation degenerating with increasingly heated authoritarian figures and also talking in general about the culture i have experienced prior going to the alps such as the very badly maintained and unsafe verbeke foundation and the watching of mikko niskanen old finnish epic showing again the struggle of poetically surviving in an authoritarian setup"
"getting back to holland after the summer break and presenting in this lecture the work i managed at the ark such as installing the staircases and the inner structure to host the physical archive but also talking about the software my oldest son august has built to interact with the tags inside it and how i consequently removed my physical archive from the internet to make it only available inside the ark feeling also affected by my german artist friend florian talking about the time we spent together both in italy and in his village in germany feeling a new way of engaging with the environment in the way we both commit to the creation of culture and we both give a new life to the otherwise dead rural world"
"starting with the good news of the possible purchase of the other half of the barn but particularly the strip of fields in between our fields in the mountains where to possibly host the foundation of the memory building on which my project is based and also showing my new website base on the ark explaining how delighted i am working on the content within such an interface i created and how dreadful i find the whole experience of sharing my work in ready-made commercial frameworks such as the social media channels i temporarily opened after an article was written about the ark also showing in this respect my progress with the study of hunter-gatherer societies and my attempt to understand what is right or wrong based on them such as looking at the use of drugs or at animal cruelty or at a balanced relation with the wilderness but nonetheless being convinced that it is in the organize violence of the nation-state that the real problem is"
"rehearsing live the lecture i have been working so hard on about hunter-gatherers and in my opinion the way humans should learn to live again discussing several examples and in particular making a point that it is the system to be so detrimental and not the individual people who are turned that way by the system discussing in general decentralization as a key approach also relating to my own project as a micro-culture going against the megamachine not literally but only for the simple reason it is autonomous from it and talking about several jewish and american and german writers who have shown concern about our civilization in particular resurrecting theodore roszak's idea of eco-psychology as a better approach than dogmatic environmentalism"
"showing a bit of the workshop i gave on hunter-gatherers with very engaged dutch students and also talking about a lecture i attended by the proponent of permacomputing aymeric mansoux and his distancing from anarcho-primitivism with my remark that low-tech can be actually used to engage like hunter-gatherers with the self and the immediate surrounding and turn people more ecological and showing also the devastating effects of the big-tech with also new figures about how the artificial intelligence business increased the power consumption and the need for atomic reactors to be reactivated also questioning all my artist friends for a reason or another constantly flying around the world and questioning their ecological ethics not so much for the fumes they pump in the atmosphere but for disrupting their relation with their social and natural surroundings later going more into my recent findings on hunter gatherers reading old texts by elie reclus on the inuits and showing their incredible capacity to trace maps and also animals also talking about john marshall as a character worth a film in his fight for the native people of the kalahari"
"to begin with motivating and then presenting a revisioned version the memory cathedral with which i have conceived my life-project discussing why a cathedral with all the negative connotations it has but seeing as the result of me engaging with the local surroundings and with my human nature and therefore going against the power-structure and its attitude to divine the sun god discussing the recent political trends with the new ceasers dominating the global scene and its scientific entourage only empowering their icarus complex bringing the whole humanity to disaster unlike the pre-civilization hunter-gatherer societies such as that of the pygmies i am currently studying in relation to their collaborative social fabric as well as the way to solve issues among each other through a temporal type of ostracism which in turns justifies also my occasional talking shit of other people because ultimately they are just there to seize more power and make a career at the expense of others in this sense manifesting once again my strict abstinence from the power-structure and my total dedication to my own ecology as some sort of sacrifice that is more elaborate than the one theatrically proposed by tarkovsky in his last movie"
"giving an update on my memory-theater and discussing how it can be used as a place for the future forest people to discuss and dance and celebrate their humanness going back to a pre-enlightenment type of knowledge production that is all ecological and no longer focused to comply with the vertical power structure of domination also showing how many of my works were cropped so as to make part of the architecture with seven large screen standing as megalithic rocks going later into a discussion about the world situation and how god-like kings are taking over with the irremediable wars and disaster that the cult of these sun-gods will bring about relating my thoughts to the techno-deterministic thinkers of the cold war and too all my readings about hunter-gatherers making a clear divide between forest people like the pygmies and the villagers seeing how the latter are far more superstitious and oppressive in all their rituals and initiations that are so unnecessary in the eyes of the forest people but also as myself a forest people seeing the same absurd rituals in modern civilization just far more harmful"
"presenting our fantastic holidays in the mountains with sun and snow and wilderness quite in contrast with the gray and over-civilized netherlands also discussing in general the world situation getting extremely more heated with authorities becoming absolutists presenting my discontent with the rather imposing way with which the austrian anthropologist paul schebesta analyzed the pygmies but still presenting hunter-gatherers as the most successful human society and showing how we have been settling ourselves in the alps using our stable more as a temporary settlement rather than trying to make a gentrified luxury residence as it is happening in the s as well as in my native highland where rich people are colonizing the wilderness"
"showing my progress with my memory theater finally getting quite fluent with the open source animation software i so much struggled to get start with and also discussing of all the many changes i had to put in place with my project not only cropping videos to the same format but also re-encoding them with the same frame rate later also giving an update on all my reading about hunter-gatherers which lead me to write a book called paleoethics so as to help people to keep hunter-gatherers in a modern world going increasingly crazy with increasingly authoritarian leaders and unpredictable events hitting a civilization that in a few decades is putting an end to hunter-gatherers populations discussing my reading about the nunamiut inland inuits and of the hazda tribe also presenting my thoughts on wim wender's perfect days movie and on matteo garrone's tale of tales"
"presenting more progress with my memory theater and how i wish to develop it as part of a landscape installation in the wilderness relating it to the circular hunter-gatherers settlements where storytelling and dancing and playing took place also discussing the memoir i ma reading of luther standing bear and how in comparison to other hunter-gatherers i find the introduction of horses among native north americans corruptive in the sense that they became more warrior-like having a domesticated animal extending their ability to do harm also telling on how i have been attacked by a gang of white dutch kids on their scooters and reflecting once again on these vehicles and on how vehicles step up authoritarianism as with the electric vehicle car-maker turning into a dictator showing how the situation in northern europe is increasingly becoming authoritarian despite all the national-branding and lastly discussing pietro marcello's film adaptation of alexander grin's novel scarlet seeing the latter as a criticism communalism in general depicting villages as toxic environments"