"updating on the progress with the garage i have built in our backyard and reflecting on my manual labour as a way to connect with the actual oppressed people doing the manual labour for the middle calss west all segregated in the far east and in this respect seeing not as important all the fights for equality occurring in the west now that the real misery and oppression is no longer among us and in this respect also commenting on a chinese memoir i am reading relating to the modern history of the country perceiving more and more ideologies as some kind of religion"


"thinking of having very little to say after a whole period spent traveling with the children down south but in fact talking and talking about my impressions on the journey arriving in the snow covered alps with half of the thousands of tags i will need to attach inside the project museum also very much being inspired by bakunin and his understanding of state power which had de facto predicted both the military rise of germany as well as the awful set in place of the state communism brought forward by marx and relating this to my reading of chang's memoir before and during and after the various terrible campaigns of mao zedong in communist china"


"a lecture still in the mountains after getting pretty much inspired to recover my cathedral idea in one of my lower fields and contextualizing a bit the effort i made to lay it out also in opposition with all the sort strive to become reach fed by the compromising of the natural resources down the northern italian mountains also once showing my perplexity over all the norther european movements increasing the presence of governance rather than trying the libertarian approach of self-governance and autonomy"


"back in the netherlands still sort of thinking of building a cathedral out of my project more as a sum of human skills and against all power connotations in particular against the bourgeoisie middle class now so much diffused in the west and making a giant effort to break from it and recover the lost manual skills of labour workers and farmers whom everywhere around the world always linked to a god and used shrines and sanctuaries to channel with nature and justifying my need in this sense also commenting against the academic work of eugeny mortov classifying self-tracking as some sort of taylorism but in fact explaining in this lecture how it not so much a soft but at least in my case a form of drastic partisan resistance advocating for autonomy and leading to regaining the right instinct for self-governance"


"a pretty long lecture after a break injuring my back dismantling the sheds in our garden and keeping up the garage project there digging a trench to put the cables for the solar panels but also using this lecture to present my further investigation on other and older forms of anarchism such as that presented by zeno in his republic and further back that of the taoists generally also stating my sort of determination to finish the cube and work on all its content rather than loosing myself doing many other projects or going into academia and in this respect also talking about my poor wife getting a burn out in its hierarchical and toxic environment also telling about the little crazy decision to pick up the on the road life again investing our limited resources in a van we are transforming in a camper"


"feeling quite uneasy recording this lecture with myrthe still at home after a burn out and silvester with fever and also my oldest son august in the attic but nonetheless making this update explaining how i went about developing a project with an old daoist character standing against authority and siding myself more of a classic type of anarchism with roots in these ancient movements feeling more connected with the writings of emma goldman who nicely bridge the movement with american transcendentalists and claiming my disassociation with the more urban type of anarchism confusing liberalism with a libertarian way of giving an example of actually making self-governance at work also discussing about my germanic neighbour expanding his big property over our compact living unit also coming to the conclusion that the northern germanic countries are very unlikely to ever reform their so deeply bourgeoisie they are yet also stating that even in such environment i can happily pursue my autonomous living"


"having at last some time for myself spending much time looking after my burn out wife and in this lecture recovering the idea of a landart foundation in the mountains however presenting my works in other ways nor getting all used up trying to get other related artists to show their work but presenting the tebahs of other tebahists who like me have felt the danger of life in new technological paradigms and have retreated their humanness into nature in this respect feeling most fascinated with ted kaczynsi and not agreeing on his violent methods anyway thinking of recreating a silhouette of his montana cabin in one of my fields discussing his manifesto end the relation with authors i also very much appreciated such as henri david thoreau and jacques ellul also describing the possibility of revoking christopher mccandless alaska school bu and presenting the little bus we got as a family to travel to the mountains in the end also presenting the cathedral built by a dead dutch man in a forest using discarded bricks and tiles"


"giving a concise lecture now almost having no time for myself with my partner at home and burn out from work discussing a bit on the matter also in relation of the new hierarchical environment set out by western institutions and getting more convinced about the recreation of kaczynsci's cabin and his manifesto putting an emphasis on technology rather the non-important issues that power is now obsessing about showing my definitive design and then also showing some updates with the work i have done in the garden talking to it more in terms of having a ready hub to make it to the wild nature rather than trying to bring a bit of miserable wild in this bourgeois setting also now making a distinction between the more primitivists folk like kaczynski and john zerzan and opting to in fact keep up supporting the development and eventually the simplification of technology for small and autonomous organizations"


"another concise lecture with much on my plate with both the children and myrthe still on a leave from work as well as the ark tags to print and my daring down to start a whole new movement i call anarcarkism partially inspired by kaczynsci's ship of fools story presenting even the anarchic flag i made for it as well as the manifesto and the lifeboats i plan to build as part of the movement overarching my practice but still manageable to work with also later presenting many small home improvements around the garage as well as in the children bedroom"


"talking about our recent trip to northern france after improving our van becoming our vessel and really in the ugly north of france so much destroyed by wars also finding the religious vessel of the notre dame du boulogne and discussing about the power of france in the end of its president macron and my idea of going against these large establishment by developing the anarcarkist manifesto to promote the building of lifeboats to escape these ships and talking about how the manifesto is been built in a generative art of memory fashion using an ideal ferrocement boat of the size of the titanic lifeboat but also similar to the ferrocement boats of lambot and nervi also in the end discussing a book i am reading of che guevara experience in the congo and how terrible it was and it is for these people to try to become like a an efficient ship state whether capitalist or communist instead of trying to keep in line with their nature"


"making a last lecture before going to italy for the spring holidays taking also the ark tags i made so far there and later mostly discussing on the new layout of the anarcarkist manifesto and how the writings is pretty much influencing me also discussing about florian's book on a very successful project he did making quite some headlines but after eight years completely vanishing discussing then how unreliable the interenet can be as a cultural source and also discussing chinese filmaker chloe zhao depiction of modern american cowboys finding it more interesting to rather make films discussing how rich chinese students like zhao was make up the economy of american academia as have experienced it quickly also discussing my first impression of kpomassie memoir starting in togo and the highly hierchical families from the there to be avoided in a rewilded society attempting to be libertarian"


"recording this lecture while in the mountains late in the evening feeling rather tired after spending days mowing grass an opening up new spaces to make an art itinerary throughout our fields and forest showing how i got a spot ready to host kaczynski's cabin and also a much more open spot for the titanic lifeboat but also making some progress trying out different plasters to prepare the base for the daoist wuyun graffiti later also discussing leonardo caffo's absurb book on thoreau's and kaczynski's cabin with those of the well off and certainly not libertarian le courbousier and witgestein but also discussion all i am learning about inuit people through the work of tongo writer and explorer kpomassie feeling quite sad on how they lost their self-sufficiency as hunter getting in touch with the destructive civilization enforced on them by the danes"


"back in holland reporting on my failure to expand an anarchist based sculptural park on the way to the ark with the middle class population still raising against it and putting my head back in the finishing of the museum instead with the gluing of the tags but also perhaps the digging of the archival boxes in the ground using the metal plates i bought to make kackzynski's cabin to cover them also reporting on my reading of the history of anarchism along with my reading of kpomassie's memoir of greenland staying away from all the artificial intelligence my creative friends are using in their work and also presenting the too literal and heavy museum of the history of humanity as conceived by an old french skydiver in the united states boarder with mexico and also talking about the too bunker like and and rather empty insel hombroich open air museum i visited in germany"


"a bit of a lame presentation trying to orient myself among the many libertarian thinkers i am reading about and taking the distance from any violent and revolutionary approach siding more for the kropotkin kind also finding some similarities with him such as refusing any hierarchical position and mapping out nature as i am doing with my project as well as using the lifeboat as an example as i have been doing in my anarcarkist manifesto without knowing of kropotkin's use later discussing also of my plan to use the material i bought for the rebuilding of kaczynski's cabin for the building of the ark floor with a time capsule in the middle and in the end discussing my interest in tribes such as the inuit but also those along the river congo as depicted in tim butcher's writings"


"making it back for a trip in sardinia breaking my years long abstinence to fly and there exploring the landscape with august reflecting about the small hippy community i met in capo testa in relation to the idea of anarchist community i start to develop through my readings and writings also reflecting on my idea of travelers after meeting an old man who biked across almost all the world countries and the hospitality he received right because there were agrarian communities that the ship civilization is extinguishing also reflecting on the new cultural hegemony brought forth by the super ship state of the netherlands with lgbt giant portals and black live matter iconic monuments in stark contrast with the greedy capitalist drive of the country or maybe in compliance with it and the rise of a new form of consumerism and then showing my updated website and discussing about gustav landauer and his dreaming of agrarian communities as well as of chinese anarchist ba jin and how anrachism as too many times happened paved the way to a dictatorial type and marxist and lenin inspired communism with all its atrocities and forms of oppression erasing rather than elevating the individual"


"a very early morning recording feeling quite fluent in my thinking nonetheless telling about my trip with my two sons across germany and switzerland describing my meetings with my american curator friend jason and my german artist friend florian feeling how cut out white heteros are now under the new western regime then describing my stay in our small mountain village so much affected by italianification and europeification with the few remaining old inhabitants and my experience of the shepherds having to resort to very aggressive dogs to defend their flock from the increasing number of wolves but also mentioning about the very difficult factory life of the locals no longer willing to work for them with also corporations in general becoming ever more greedy more or less causing a disastrous inflation and also describing about my further readings into anarchism feeling quite fascinated about the teaching of vinoba bhave"


"after working intensively at the ark starting this lecture clarifying the importance of having my entire operation linked to the small mountain community as some sort of coherence to the my whole ideas of communities as the only possibility for humans to live in harmony with the environment and themselves and showing my progress with the work following now what ought to be done and not what the politicians have instructed me not to do to protect themselves from other politicians showing the making of the museum floors and the attaching of the tags but also telling of my side experiences with the children briefly in the hyper luxurious garda lake and generally in the mountains discussing in the end my getting to know about twentieth century libertarian and anarchist thinkers especially lewis mumford and in the end murray bookchin feeling quite upset how the latter is outsourced by academia despite its clear anarchist vocation"


"recording a lecture in the middle of the night not able to do otherwise during the day having to take care of the children in the mountains and describing the sensitive situations with more and more people coming spontaneously to visit but also still very mean people wanting to screw me over using the local far right politicians but nonetheless updating about the oiling of the tags and considering all my work a bit in the lines of the anarchist hakim bey proposing the creation of temporary autonomous zones seeing more the ark as a an attempt to create a permanent libertarian institution until the state will smack it with its tentacles therefore adopting a strategy of resistance but on the same time being creative and imaginative in the lines of also the more non-violent and civil disobedient fringes of anarchism as brought forward by italians with their indiani metropolitani and tute bianche in their rich historical past now gone and dormant"


"back in holland feeling rather lame having left behind all my nice work in the wilderness of the alps and really with no prospect to do anything in the tight corporate-like dutch society just fully focusing on my children and on the household and on the production of the digital content of the ark but also on the reading of libertarian texts such as that of bookchin feeling quite impressed about his distinction not so much only of versus ecologists versus environmentalists but also of ecologists versus futurists finding also here as in my manifesto the metaphor of the spaceship as the new form of state oppressing nature"


"giving more meaning to my project and the ark describing how it is like the holly site of a tribe that despite being nomadic makes it regularly back to it and going further in presenting a diagram of anarchism subdividing it in five categories also presenting my life now back in the netherlands taking much care of my family baking and trying to keep the kids in nature despite the mandatory school system also looking into bookchin and his suggestion to create study groups unable however to do so in the netherlands despite my attempts even to do so voluntarily and pay myself for all the text books later talking about the impact that lewis mumford had on my thinking of technology and power and finally also discussing from my point of view pietro marcello's movie martin eden and how it in fact symbolizes the culture industry demolition of talented people like the original author jack london"


"a fast pace recording showing all my work in redacting parts of my project so as to be able to show it in its entirety and mostly discussing of my getting more acquainted with the libertarian mumford and his subdivision of the history of techniques in three phases showing how my ark contains them all later talking of bookchin and how in his recollection the black movements he has supported in the 1960s turned out to be most exclusivist afterwards not wanting to have any white people around anymore and generally commenting on this tendency among mostly marxists and autority minded folk like the leader of the black lives matter movement also talking about the dreadful situation in italy with the far right beginning to control all institutions including the cultural ones and in this respect not knowing how long my ark advocating for a liberarian type of municipalism and for decentralization will survive"


"talking how it was recently twenty years since i have started my project and how for the first time in years i am now able to fully work on it with both my children having to go to mandatory school in discussing how in these years i have tried to give them the possibility to connect to the wild nature with the dutch state now pushing for a green economy which separates humans from nature and turn life ever more complicated and altered later also talking about how a sardinian politician replaced a local community with the statue of a colonizer and talking about kropotkin's memoir and the awful treatment of the serfdom finally also discussing on how i thought of building a model of my memory theater so as to film it"


"showing all the work that i have been doing to provide visitors to my website an introduction to my project but on top of it also discussing how i asked my friend davide to use the artificial intelligence he uses to make sense of my website discovering how very superficially it was able to it in the end also discussing on the new war in gaza seeing it from an anarchist prospective and feeling very sad about the attack on the kibbutz which in a way resemble anarchist communities and could be a solution of the conflict if only both sides would give up their dogmas and their state aspirations in this respect also discussing about kropotkin's encounter with siberian communities and the harm that the russian state did to siberia in general lastly also discussing amount the hunt for anarchists in italy with rather innocent kids being jailed as the worst living terrorists but perhaps only the worst nightmare of the new fascists autocrats"


"updating once more on my hard work editing my website to make it more into a big work of literature later also discussing on how the far-right politics are spreading even over the more cultural institutions and how one of its representatives has even turned to islam calling himself like a conqueror and in this respect reflecting once more about the african continent and in particular of chad after watching a rather western movie shot there and seeing all the damage at first monotheism and later the religion of the state brought to the beautiful tribal diversity of these regions concluding that one ought restart again from one's own local environment to recover the boundaries with it without borrowing from any religion or a centralized government later talking about gandhi in relation to an argument i ha d with my friend davide and talking about the valuable memoir of kroptokin and how little it is promoted and how little the great people he talks about such as explorers of the far east and parisian communards are by now completely forgotten also mentioning of the italian scientist stefano mancuso who got very popular despite only proving what natives already new about and certainly not the type of kropotkin he advocate himself to be as either way kropotkin would have refused any type of professorship"


"presenting some further work i made with my website in the hope of making my life-project easier to communicate even though by now only robots are entering it to only to seek ways to make profit in their indiscriminate scavenging of data and discussing also how i rephrased the whole movement i have in mind to prepare for an ecological society as arkism and remove the anarchist connotation which could hinder people from even considering it being however quite skeptical it can ever draw any attention later however describing more of what i ma learning from kropotkin such as the obsession of the german social democrats to centralize socialism of which anarchists were opposed and then how all these anarchists were rather advanced geographers and ethnographers promoting a more slavic and to the ground science quite in opposition to the germanic and institutionalized and machine-based science which is the one dominating today as much as social democracy is"


"showing my new website with all the improvements i made to keep it all within the same interface and also showing the improvements i made in our garage to put all the tools in order and make a functional workshop out of it also talking about my interest in finding kropotkin's cabin in the small swiss village of clarens and talking generally about the optimistic views of mumford turning quite pessimistic after the war and then mentioning the dreadful victory of the anti-european and anti-muslim party in the netherlands discussing my view on how europe should be made nowt of big nations but of small confederations and then discussing the great work of the finnish filmmaker aki kaurismaki and also discussing about the revengeful character of the italian population over an homicide also showing the new illustrations i am making as part of two books i am writing one about my practice and one about my theory i started calling arkism"


"discussing about my further reading in the situation with modern africa focusing on the west coast with all its resources and beautiful societies such as those of the small villages and of the pygmies in the jungle threatened by the nation-state power structure and the concentration of power in the hands of few also discussing about the retrospective of chinese artist ai weiwei seen some genius in his early working but increasing cult of personality in the later becoming himself the very mao zedong he so much criticized and showing a bit of the excursions made in nature with my children despite the continuous bad weather in the netherlands almost as an admonition of the country going underwater and showing some improvement in sorting out all my equipment in our garage and finally also showing some small improvement with my website and some additional commands i added to make it more readable"


"telling about my winter holiday in the alps managing some work clearing up the valley below the ark and generally just focusing on my family visiting also my native highland being most shocked and sad about the traffic there and the speculation that has completely ruined it making it impossible for it to go back to the sustainable ecosystem that it was and in this respect also discussing about the dreadful and unpredictable weather around the world and the fanaticism that the middle-class consumer lifestyle leads to in the end seeing my ark in the alps as instead a way to collect meaning and recover a soul justifying the fact that i actually want to stow the physical outcome of the project inside it"


"showing how in our household we are making space for the children prioritizing the new generation to come rather than acting like the middle class old folk keeping big and luxury houses for themselves also discussing how i keep very little for myself and try to squeeze everything within my ark rather than hoarding things presenting in this respect the possibilities i have thought of so as to put all my archival material in it and later also discussing the weather situation in the netherlands with the rivers on the way to flood the country but also a sudden change in temperature making it very nice to walk on the frozen landscape and then talking of my reading of the african continent as experienced by peter marshall and the absurdity to think of the nation-state getting black people to become the new authorities when instead the west had to learn from them from their tribal and egalitarian set up upset by colonization"


"a pretty fluent lecture showing how i have opted to stow my project in the central part of the ark and departing from david greaber to discuss the great men and marxism in general and everything deriving from it in the cultural world going into anarchism and the intolerance of the establishment to have anything to do with it like my journalist acquaintance edoardo segantini also discussing on how wikipedia is only a radiography of the hiereacrchy of power giving not so much content and nuances to nourish our humanity with and also showing the work of a russian artist menacing to blow up valuable art works if the wikileak founder dies in prison as if the world is going back to the time of the czars when freedom lovers were ut in jail and forgotten"


"smoothly telling about how i wish my children to grow up as ecological beings that are part of the environment also telling on how i move forward to build a physical repository of my project within my ark and talking about my friend mario and how he became a law professor in brazil and how he conceives me as restless not submitting myself to the social hierarchy while in fact i am totally content and have no forms of addictions unlike him and hs vision of a great brazil which is blind to the ecological catastrophe the amazon forest is experiencing with a devastating drought compromising the life of indigenous people such as the paiaroa who seems to be a great example to go back to ecological and egalitarian living also mentioning how my attempts to facilitate workshops learning rituals from organic societies like them have been stopped by gatekeeper like professors"


"showing all the improvements i made in our garden so as to free the garage to begin the welding of the inner part of my ark while also discussing about my oldest son being placed as a soldier right in the front line with russia and generally discussing about peter marshall as a philosopher and the denigratory usage of the term anarchism in journalistic contexts such as where there is a lack of government"


"feeling a little dizzy right after cutting my first piece of metal with the plasma cutter station i have set up in our garage and also much hard work at the bakery nonetheless feeling very positive about it especially as it sustains many local realities which would otherwise die without it and later going into a long discussion on the very successful extinction rebellion movement feeling however unable to identify their political agenda or anyway seeing that politics seems secondary as their vague proposal of substituting governments with random citizen assemblies and discussing here david greaber but also all the anthropological studies i am getting acquainted with via harold barclay finding in human direct relation with each other and the natural world the real key to solve the crisis capitalism and its centralized machine are perpetrating in all aspects of reality not only the climate"


"recording prior going to italy for the spring break and talking about a break through i had conceiving my self-tracking practice as a reenaction of primitive people and there food-gathering but in particular their becoming mindful and cultivate their local ecologies creating actual diversities that can be more resolutive than just sit in a protest against central power also criticizing cultural institutions for becoming on one hand very focus on indigenous rights and identiy politics excluding all europeans from panel discussion but in the end inviting privileged representative of exotic communities i either way had a good discussion with also talking briefly about my reading of joseph zobel and his mauritanian upbringing and also shoing some home-improvements particularly in my garage i use to weld the inner parts of my ark"


"lecture recorded upon my return from the spring holidays spent in our mountain village living our life there as well as finishing to attach all the tags in the ark also showing to people meeting even a distant relative niece of armando frigo the football player who sacrificed his life to save the lives of his soldiers b the nazis and taking in general about the absurdity of war and also at the origin of war into the nation state finding it in this respect absurd to want also a palestinian state which could grow equally evil as the israeli also getting quite apprehensive about the deploymnent of military forces in italy itself using the mountain corps of alpini as a pretext to celebrate the nation rather than aiming at the autonomy of bio-regions all around europe beyond the hegemonic post-colonial discourse colonizing all the main cultural and intellectual discussions in the west such as the venice biennial where i went generally now taking the position that the only way out of the crisis is to recover a cultivation of each individual self re-establishing a link that otherwise brings humanity so astray and on the verge of self-suicide"


"in the new setup working from the living room taking about my small progress here in the netherlands opting to do a simple small staitcase in the back of my ark keeping the front as some kind of giant beehive facing the south east and also opting to call my whole ouvre in the end arkism despite people and even friends strongly distancing themselves from me whenever i bring forward my anarchist credo much based on historical facts and briefly discussing in this sense the degenerating political situation both in the netherlands as well as in europe at large and globally along with all the crisis also relating about the quite rushed meoir i read of anarchist antropologist harold barclay but mostly focusing on the material i have gathered from the brilliant anarchist mystic hakim bey and his discussions on how not only it was difficult to convert indigenous people to civilization but it was very commons for europeans and africans to deflect to their side and create melungeon communities which flourished until the americaln racial act"