"giving an update on yet another article from the far right representative in italy shooting against the project museum claiming it is disrespectful as it is located where patriots died to defend the fatherland and on top of this populist remark discussing how my own mother threatened to sue me afraid i might spill some information about all her family frauds as well as talking about a local artist in italy also very displeased with it perhaps only out of jealousy"


"discussing how the announcement of reaching the milestone of eighteen years of fully documenting reality was received with almost total indifference and trying to understand how to go about communicating my project in the end making it clear that i am only interested to communicate it to very few especially communicating to them how the very act to tune to our own human nature turns the establishment against us and reflecting also about the reading of alexander herzen memoirs and how now a new master and slave relationship is being built in europe at large in this respecting siding with the serfs and in fact generating my project as a serf and one that does record this increasingly imperialistic time with much effort"


"giving an update about a small exhibition i had in our dutch village along with a drag queen and a quite creative lady being somewhat us three the excluded local artists of an art event but getting good feedback and finding back the will to keep up with my cube idea and the making of the mosaic tiles in a lighter fashion using epoxy glue but still keeping up the labour intensive aspect and later discussing the twelve works we decided along with my volunteer assistant jacolinde to show to the public on the ground floor and decide to include the recording of thoughts to give it more of an edge against the middle class censorship finally in the lecture reflecting of my reading about herzen's memoir and seeing the region where the project museum is now placed as the siberia of the venice republic where entire families where put in exile but also reflecting about the culture that the very autocracy of the tsar in russia generated"


"updating on some improvements rethinking the mosaic tiles trying to make them lighter with resin perhaps at the place the new artist contacts i got via my show in culemborg and talking about these dutch artists such as the very prolific erik van de heg but also a once famous dutch designer i met in the old factory that will soon be turned into a ten stories condominium and wondering were are all the artists going without a vital space only being pushed further and further away from the center also presenting a possible job i might get as a carpenter at a exhibition production company coining the word of fast culture and arguing that with my iron cube i have been trying to build a slow culture that can last through the years and can be slowly understood like a russian novel and in this respect reflecting on my reading of herzen's memoir and how badly punished the aristocratic youth making fun of tzar were reflecting that i should also not provoking the many aspiring tzars using the project museum as a scapegoat to claim a populist type of history"


"recording this lecture considering how my life and my project will be affected by my new full-time job as a carpenter and being quite sentimental about all these years spent roaming outdoor with my kids feeling a bit like the swedish architect alexander vitberg who was going to build the cathedral over moskow and was sent to siberia after politics mingled with his fully dedicated project but overall being glad not to be a fake humanist such as my former swedish scholars just contributing to a notion to keep their fields strong and to some degree money gathering also in this lecture reflecting on my recent trip to provence and how an ever centralizing france have impoverished the region as well as talking about the possibility to change the mosaic size and a format using a six by six fifteen millimeters black and white tiles like a data matrix 2d code"


"first lecture after beginning to work for a small factory building exhibitions and reflecting of my role as an artist building empty pedestals just to support some mainstream art content and reflecting on how i really wish to live a normal life also for the very poetic work i am doing as much as the poetic and solitary natures of artists such as andrei rublev and tehching hsieh"


"beginning this lecture considering how the making of the project museum helped me to shape my project further but how as a building as such it has no possibility to function with all the impure sources going against it and further on now discussing how i am anyway bound to my work as a carpenter in holland and describing my experience working for the biggest museums in the country building but also demolishing exhibitions wasting hundreds of cubic meters of wood when celebrated artists could just build their own museum as i did with no further waste but also understanding the commercial interest about circulating a collection and how this interest suffocates the work of emerging artists and a new culture also criticizing all the postcolonial content on display on the very pedestals i build just looking further to the new threats that should be discussed such as the expansions of china in asia but also africa and in africa discussing the cave paintings of the san people as depicting not celebrities but the daily survival as i am also doing with my work especially now that i am fully invisible and anonymous"


"recording at last back in the attic of our dutch house after myrthe wanted to get a bigger window there and i have no longer any studio time being at work full time and updating a bit about my work at stedelijk with actual pictures of all the wood gone to wast for every exhibition comparing it with my attempt to build a fully sustainable and autonomous work also showing the tables i have built for the amsterdam ship museum and talking about davide's comment saying i should be the artist exhibiting and not the craftsman making the pedestal for him or her and find it more significant to be the latter especially in these highly ideological times when manual skills are left behind and also talking about some how to go about with the tags and myself getting at last upset with the architect who does not wish to proceed with the building of the stairs and the floors of the project museum"


"discussing how i stood strong in the last period about realizing the staircase and the floors of the project museum in the alps after the italian authorities began to obstruct me only for populist reasons in the end convincing the architect to keep up our plan after he proposed an ugly solution using scaffolding and i tried to work with him to at least customize them to fit in the museum and later also comparing my operation out in the open using longer lasting materials with the fast culture i am now outsourcing building for artist celebrities very temporary exhibits that only last some months and are quickly thrown away only to keep on with the same ideological discussion at last also mentioning about the latter pandemic and how from the beginning of the project two decades ago life under the digital paradigm has become far more impossible"


"being a little sleepy and exhausted in this lecture after much thinking how to go about with the project museum and right lecturing getting the idea of just closing the cube right in the middle to use it as somewhat of a chamber where to stow reality and showing how the museum is now under the snow and how people went there to see it right because of this change in the landscape including the architect immediately using as a trophy for his ow practice not considering how he actually failed as an architect trying to play the artist he is not in the end also showing my progress at work still with my low salary having to produce the containers for the main dutch museums and also having to demolish it commenting in the end also on the pandemic in relation to our too comodified and consumptive social behaviours particularly as brought forward by large corporations only branding themselves environmental and inclusive"


"giving an update about my state now working less for the mainstream culture establishment and having more time for my nature like my project and my kids discussing about the making of nine tables for the rijksmuseums and also on how my very project make me detached from such an enslaving work unlike some other talented colleagues also now looking again at developing ways to access the middle and top floor of the mountain museum with different clamp systems showing also a rendering i made for it later discussing of the work of marco martalar and his sculptures very appreciated but very much a symbol of power and talking on how in general not only democracies are becoming autocracy but people themselves want autocrats and at last talking about the work of paul geelen discussing how the culture establishment now celebrate aliens so in his case the working with snails and his obsession with them as a character zarathustra would meet turning one thing into an idolatry"


"giving an update on the state of the arts with thinking of the project museum at last finding an engineer specialized in temporary structures and presenting my ideas on how to go about but also explaining my situation at work avoiding to take the bait and referring to one of hemingway's book finding it quite boring and wanting to get back to the reading of self-written memoirs and discussing the offer i got to install works on a road in my highland representing the memories of highlanders but feeling rather skeptical about the authenticity of such messages covering up the true human nature of people also looking at other iron structures like a quite conventional high tower in a natural park in the netherlands and some awful expensive project in the near of the project museum"


"a crucial lecture presenting once again a dilemma in my life whether to give up all the securities i have such a work and somewhat of a social position to pursue my life work and eventually do so right at the heart of my roots back in my highland after being proposed to do an installation there also now talking about how talent sucking is my current position just contributing to a too mainstream culture and wanting to break loose from it bringing in examples of outsider artists such us the new york photographer angelo rizzuto"


"speculating in this lecture the possibility to execute my art project back in my native mountains and thinking of the possibility to go back to the memory cathedral idea explaining the implications to do so thus not from a power perspective but from the perspective of a poor outsider who has renounce any form of power also now speculating of many other options anyway not thinking of building anything big like my grandparents mountain in the highland now completely abandoned"


"video recorded after finishing to renovate my study in the attic but with my kids playing in the background fully recovering my housewife role having no more money and the project in italy to pursue examining in this lecture the many land art park popping up in northern italy and coming to the conclusion that perhaps i shall keep up with the project museum despite a new wave of angry comments over the facebook site"


"a bit of a rushed lecture but with an important update discussing my decision to resume the memory cathedral idea and execute it in my native alps despite now some nice reviews being suddenly appearing on instagram about my cube project quite opposite to the nasty facebook shit storm and describing the possibility also of trying ferrocement but with a more environmental mix also later discussing how the main part of the cathedral with the first half of my works is the more playful and less compromising despite all the protestant like lot being much against cathedral as symbols of power but emphasizing the fact that my attempt is rather a renunciation of power and a total devotion to the spiritual"


"giving a late in the evening account of the prolific weeks spent in italy trying to renew my presence there selling the apartment and planning to sell all the properties around the project cube to focus on a new project in the mountains looking at similar works under the title of visionary environments and addressing also the great ark built by kea tawana in the united states and also having to demolish it due to political reasons and reflecting in this case the destiny of the cube under continuous attack on social media but then reflecting it based on pasolini's works and the stark debate they created lastly mentioning about the russian invasion of ukraina and talking about a university colleague from kyiv whom i once warned that any revolution can only bring but a new napoleon"


"a very rich lecture with a lot of facts such as presenting the whole situation of the sculptural park in my native highland kind of linked with the ruling far right party later also discussing about the attempt to reconsider the possibility to make a sculptural park around the cube also now after meeting the quite contemporary artist alessandro neretti and describing about his work using precarious components and living in essence a precarious existence and comparing it to the more appreciated mario converio discussing about his sexually harassing attitudes and again his link to the local right party before looking into the norwegian professor espen yteberg with whom i got in a fight in relation with the cyclical conception of time he denied from the top of his safe bourgeois status finding it very interesting now to see history making russia pushing back in her western territories subjugated by a too extreme ideology and discussing also the life of the idealist giuseppe mazzini and how different people in different time would belong to completely different movements"


"giving a long update about all the research i made to find a way to produce the tags to be placed inside the project museum discussing about the engraving of anodized aluminum and the machines i could use and the garden shed i am building to host it also in the end of the lecture discussing about the great drought affecting the region where the project is located and how good was the choice to build it in iron with all the forest fires and strong winds and referring to fred uhlman's book i am reading to reflect the continuous historic transformation we are experiencing"


"originally recording this lecture early on a sunday with the kids and myrthe still asleep but then realizing only in the end that the mic of my new laptop did not work at last recording the lecture all over again with my old lecture and presenting all the progress i made with the new anodized aluminum tags i plan to laser engrave in the coming year to later put inside the project museum and in this respect also showing the new retrieval interface i have created by combining the numerical tags with the alphabetic textures of the museum later also discussing about pasolini's concept of homologation and how i believe also the culture establishment to be fully homologated discussing also my attempt to consume culture outside the imposed frameworks watching for example a russian based movie by a young finnish director and criticizing the more mainstream art like that of the albanian sculptor helidon xhixha with his stainless and mirror like and therefore narcissistic sculpture and the street art of jorit making a giant dostoevsky but not really bringing about the emphaty a tolstoyan book could bring especially during the current warfare between east and west"


"giving quite a dense update after traveling by car to the italian alps to give my first workshops in the project museum there and not only describing about the workshops with the very nice students from all countries using some laminated version of the tags but on top of it also relating about my impressions about the trip across southern east germany stopping in the beautiful and mentally reviving black forest and on the way back stopping in the absolutely beautifully positioned stuttgart and only commenting negatively how migrants in such countries seems to me only as a procrastination of a capitalism that is no longer sustainable also describing later back in the netherlands my progress laser printing the project museum tags"


"thinking at first not to have so much to say in recording this lecture but then being quite fluent in relating my thought and presenting the new larnax foundation website with the idea of the chanles i want to open along with it and also an exhibit for a symposium in paris next year presenting in a smaller cube half of all the tags i am producing for the big cube of the project museum and later also talking about my reading of che guevara's diaries and discussing his bolivian guerrilia in realtion to the exploitation of the south american resources by north american oligarchs such as elon musk getting his lithium there for his electric cars and in general also the new stronghold of the germanic north of europe in relation to its immigrant ghettos and the east of europe and the south discussing also how history is written according to these regimes erasing those eho are not fully complying with it giving the example of the guevara and fidel castro's photographer alberto kordova but also of a nazi painter toon maes hiding in a small alpine looking town in argentina and taking pity for a super young soldier now condemned to life in prison being disgusted by all these power games lead once again by big oligarchs of whatever block"


"a last lecture made in the netherlands about to leave for my much contested project museum in italy and feeling i had little to say but then in the end talking quite extensively about my necessity to be on the move and describing the being on the move of che guevara in relation to that of cesar with his small army also struggling to survive and thinking whether guevara might have also turn into a cesar betraying his principles if latin american would have indeed follow up to his guerrillia and also mentioning in this respect the work of debray on foco theory being focused on providing a discontent that can lead to rebellion also later discussing about my focus on the larnax foundation and mentioning the city of larnaca in cyprus whose name also derive from larnax later also discussing the possibility of also hosting a small guerrilla of archivists but having to differentiate from those who are not so intense and use archiving as only a cool medium to do cute and uncompromising exhibitions like the work of the dutch artist elise 't hart i met and the more intense daily archival from different angles of more peripheral and struggling individuals"


"giving an update about the journey i made with my small children across europe to reach our mountain village in the south keeping them out of school and briefly discussing the importance of getting that sort of education to exit the social cave in which the official education brings its citizens and later also showing a bit of the progress made here in the context of the mountain museum mostly opening up the paths leading to it and showing the social media accounts i have opened in view of a an article about my photo project that should come out of a main danish newspaper and with my kids walking up from an afternoon nap briefly discussing how i enjoy more a type of literature that is more actual preferring twain to hemingway and gogol to dostoevsky nourishing more my imagination with them also in this lecture reflecting the possibility of having more works by the project museum with other artists collecting everyday data has i have been"


"giving an update of my time in the mountains taking care of my young children and also spending some hours every day to set up the project museum floors describing how a shepherd helped me cleaning up all the land around it visiting me with her sheep despite her bad knees and the cain figures of this mountain middle class community telling her to keep away and later also describing my reading of orwell's book on catalonia and the anarchist government there feeling most curious about its faith given also my proximity to anarchism and autonomy and also criticizing how discriminatory are all these power takes elevating people based on their gender and race such as the recent venice biennial instead of putting the focus on the building of autonomy and micro-culture which are in fact the sole threat to the rise of empires and in turn the destruction of life on earth"


"waiting quite a bit to give an update about my project with quite some work done setting up the middle and top floor inside the project museum and describing how it all went with the hunters and the local far right extremely silent awaiting for their stark and vindictive reaction and also telling on how i was forced to a sort of astrology meeting by the more hippy community in the area casting a strong down on such a way of convincing other people with only their birth dates meeting in fact a girl with my same last name and discovering a lot of genetic similarities both with of us with extreme right wing characters later also discussing about a small holiday taken with the family in abruzzo and how keen people there are to spray poison in their land for even only the grass in the olive gardens and at last also discussing how an old journalist named carla urban got passionate about the project museum along with other people discovering it without so much prejudices and how the reading of orwell impacted me in thinking of anarchism as not only an opponent to fascism but also to communism"


"a very fluent lecture updating on the progress done with the project museum namely in mounting the parapets there and discussing on a more and more mature idea of what i believe should be the future of a egalitarian society back to nature discussing of my interests in first accounts narrating on revolutionary attempts now also introducing my reading of reeds after that of orwell also discussing how i have tried to link back to the relatives i lost through a much bombarded personal history and hailing personal history against any national history declaring how i build a monument of personal history over the relics of a stupid war that is so much at the source of destruction of a person and his or her relation to nature which is the only way to keep up life on earth"


"an apparently irrelevant lecture talking about my old mountain neighbour rino and his frugality but also how at last it got hospitalized possibly disabling him from ever going back to his life in the mountains and telling about how i could resumed my cathedral idea in one of his fields not so much to glorify power but really going quite against it after much struggle as also experienced by emiliano zapata despite his quite successful attempt of a self-governed commune and laso in this lecture looking at other landart realities like in belgium with much works reviving the whole limburg but finding in the character of the south more the passion for self-building and dedication as in the cathedral of justo in contrast with all the power build up wanting sovereignty and more authority of the law"


"recording this lecture just before having to reach my family at the lake and here discussing about reasons why i don't feel compelled to be in italy near my project museum anymore with anyway quite a production of project museum tags set up here in holland and more deeply feeling that either way i am just simply not allowed to put the love i wish into my land discussing more and more now the anarchist cause for freedom and how its protagonists has been erased in the last century finding almost no where the writing of great anarchists such as nestor makhno at last also describing the situation in italy where only the privileged get a position like the brother of my dead friend eugenio whose mother was the vice director of the italian national television and he magically became one of the main journalists there making a news item without any critic for example on the new american oligarchs who are set to make the world more automated and enslaved"


" almost theoretical lecture with very little to update about during my staying in the netherlands mostly taking care of the children and the child of a poor spanish greek couple talking about my political readings connected to anarchism and in this sense bringing forward the italian politician marco pannella much more of an activist and a ghandian than noam chomsky however bringing forward some interesting aspects of his belief on anarcho-syndacalism but also expressing my skepticism for it and also discussing about how emma goldman was revived not for her anti-power stands but to make the feminist movement more powerful especially in the power obsessed and credits obsessed academic world i fully rejected also showing in the end my research to develop a park in the novegno mountain i called art nouvegn also being very skeptical there to loose focus on my project and trying to commit myself exclusively to the filling up of the pixels of the cube"


"a long lecture showing my progress with the new garage in our backyard and generally discussing about property and why did i got in the end to be a land owner so as to be guaranteed i could have taken care and love what i so much struggled for and later also linking this discussion with what made me leave sweden showing in fact how now the nationalist party is winning and becoming the main party among actual swedes making again the claim quoting lenin and pasolini that the problem are not jewish or homosexuals or black people but the issue really is whoever is in power and we should find against any form of power rather than to let certain discriminated groups obtain more power"


"discussing the feeble trend of creative minds going the academic way taking an english professor i worked with as an example and one of his shows i saw in the netherlands also seeing the country not really as a cradle of culture but rather caught up with some sort of ideological algorithm generating a much predictable outcome and in all this describing my underground and autonomous operation as that of a doctor zhivago caught up in the new european regime yet trying to focus and lastly also presenting a star shaped installation i could produce to show the now past half of my project relating the shape to some extent to a tibetan amulet but also to the tibetan people and to the mountaineers attitude to do things with effort which goes quite much against our western effortless living"


"subtle lecture in the end feeling most tired after a day with my children nonetheless sounding quite fluent in m reasoning especially in regards of how in the end i opted to build a temporary exhibition on top of the project museum so undermined by politics and explaining how i finally decided for a format that is half the size of the museum textures and can be viewed in maze like star formation reasoning out loud of how to present the projects within"


"after several hectic weeks mixing cement and building a garage in our backyard recording this lecture with much to say but also with my kids making quite some noise in the background and also feeling my wife might be hearing me so not really finding the right vibe to get in depth with things but anyhow been able to describe the progress made also with the paris exhibition and in particular with the website returning to an improved version of the old interface after a whole year since my mother threatened to turn me down with her lawyer for having dared to say some true things about her and her family deeds also in the end reflecting on the new fascist government in italy and politicians like lorenzo fontana resembling my family and my ultraconservative stepfather who also mingles with his priest in venice like mister fontana in rome"


"discussing pretty much about what i found to be my sole role in life and that is completing the cube and not so much the structure but the content within it performing fully the works i told myself to pursue and reflecting in this respect about the sort stigmatization that my more contemplative approach could have in regards of a society going completely the opposite way with also people trying to involve me in other societal projects like filippo who is taking care of the top of the mountain where the cube is located and myself rejecting any such proposals just loving the focus i found in the actual stowing of the cube discussing also how i opted out of all social media now having all the time to fully devote myself and also discussing on the side about a nice british movie i saw from right before the digital age and generally about the awful authoritarian turn in politics making no distinction between left and right"


"quite an elaborate lecture really waiting for the right moment to do it with myrthe taking the kids out and describing the sort evolution of my idea with the panels of the paris exhibition potentially turning into the lids of archival boxes to be later cast in bigger rectangular shapes and place in the central part of the mountain cube and from there showing the progress with the garage i am building in our dutch house where i plan to develop the idea and also discussing more generally about all sort of other topics such as euthanasia after myrthe's aunt chose to die and about john reed fantastic account of the balkans focusing on the rather egalitarian societies of serbia and bulgaria prior the first world war in comparison with the misery of romania"