"in my dutch little studio recording for the first time a lecture as some kind of a video-game commentator this time talking about wearable computers and the combinatorial aspect of the new web interface of my project"
"still recording from my dutch study and reflecting about my new website and overall about my project using the old concepts i have inherited from my doctorate thesis writing such the fact that my project is a manual type of technology of the self versus the social media apparatus turning every little user into a potential hierarc and trying to explain these concepts using my computer screen as a whiteboard as in an actual lecture"
"with my little daughter livia asleep reflecting out loud about the cube installation i wish to construct in the alps slowly migrating away from the architect's idea of just having whatever pattern and really trying to squeeze all the various project files corresponding to each month within it"
"still very much commenting on the fight that has now erupted with an hunter who wanted to block the making of my project museum but thinking outloud coming to more or less incriminate not hunters per se but the very populist politicians siding for them"
"in the netherlands kept on a hold by the italian authorities in regards of the building my art installation there and generally reflecting on the concept of tebah which i developed as part of my highly censured and stingy doctorate studies in sweden"
"keeping up my traditional reference of the small constellation of people like thoreau and tolstoy and mccandless escaping back to a rather wild or familiar nature and finding my whole operation in line with theirs and away from all the religious connotations the very term tebah arise"
"back in the nehterlands after the nerve breaking wait of the italian authorities pulling back all their enthusiast support after the hunters upraise against my project museum and getting more and more into reading about outsider artists especially in italy feeling more and more like one"
"still lecturin about the italian outsider artists i am reading about and focusing on the work of maurizio gambassi drawing analogies from what i wanted to build myself and i want in the end plan to execute as a way to compromise with the authorities"
"reflecting on more outsider artists works looking at the incredible stone compositions of luigi lineri not too far from the home town and the work of giovanni camarrata in sicily under the threat of the mafia there as my work is under the threat of the local warlords in northern italy"
"rehearsing through my project and the cube i want to build for it with a new web interface also still philosophizing on my intentions and the very blockade set forth by opportunistic politicians"
"going through the website of a dutch man who have compiled a list of all sort of outsider artworks and later also focusing on the micro-nation of ladonia as an art experiment i used to know from my time in sweden"
"focusing more on tolstoj and his confession book in which he claims that at some point he opted for a disciplined life a bit as a classic stoic of some sort but was not sattisfied with it and drawing a comparison with my own disciplined life and how i am able to enrich myself with meanings from it"
"while in the netherlands getting the news of an italian newspaper article in which it is announced that the members of the far right were able to collect hundreds of signatures to prevent me from building my project museum this after having purchased all the material to do so having had the go from the people in charge and rather than getting angry truly trying to reflect and philosophize about this ugly form of political terrorism only aimed to gather more and more consent among local people who no longer represent the old and good proletariat but an infamous middle class"
"after all my careful reading of seneca also listening to a podcast about him finding it however quite unfair and discussing the various points of the podcast also in relation to my artistic practice"
"a lecture dedicated pretty much to reflect on all the mostly negative comments following the news article about the blocking of the project museum by the far right with only a bit of solidarity by my close friends"
"receiving by my friend morris the recording of a lecture that gary wolf gave about the quantified self in madrid and feeling most disillusioned about the movement only opting to look at quantifying self practices for the sake of healing people and possibly for the sake of getting financial support by the big med companies trying therefore to outline my own type of self-tracking which anyway anticipated the quantified self movement of several years as much as it has anticipated the whole social media phenomenon"
"starting to give more and more articulated lectures beginning with the mannerist painter jacopo pontormo and his tendency to confine himself and be most compulsive in tracking his own melancholic existence later also beginning to display my rather libertarian ideas thinking of euorpe not made of nations but of regional autonomies as once proposed by leopold kohr to avoid the hegemony the germanic nations now have over the whole of europe thinking of europe more and more like a soviet union and myself like a doctor zhivago trying to squeeze out some last blinks of poetry before a totalitarian regime takes hold of life"
"coming out with the news about my uncle being arrested for fraud and using this as the premise to discuss generally the mentality in my native region with also all the very strong and most conservative far right politics taking place but also good and most intelligent people like my old contemporary art history professor ernesto luciano francalanci"
"discussing generally about the effect of science on society also relating to the type of science i am myself conducting but with a drive of getting to know myself and take care of nature and for the first time also bringing forth bakunin and a bit of more concrete anarchist thinking"
"still with no idea about the future of my installation keeping up my philosophizing bringing forward the american transcendentalist emerson and later also discussing about the work of the eccentric outsider artist vincent brunetti"
"preparing for the birth of my third child and giving up my study to make a bedroom for him renovating the attic of our dutch house and in the end managing to actually move there and record this lecture yet feeling in a way like anne frank in her dutch attic escaping the nazis and writing in her diary also discussing more of the cube installation i want to realize talking about its combinatorial potential also mentioning thomas mann in relation to his buddenbrooks book and how otherwise a life spent in commerce and politics ultimate creates an emptiness"
"discussing the presumed inventor of microchips federico faggin also born in my region in italy yet being rather critical about the idea of wanting always to discover and invent more for the sake of capital and also feeling critical about the designer bruno munari so much making fun in his life about artists and mostly hailing designers like him improving the social life of people but at this stage hailing more artists like dziga vertov truly creating a sort of empathy with a reality most traumatized by scientific inventions and the sort of warfare they bring about"
"after reading luigi meneghello's account of his war among the partisans in my native highland reflecting on the importance of personal history versus the national type of history which can so dangerous in the long run and seeing the alps as in fact the cradle for this sort of memorialistic art and the shelter for partisan minded people escaping the dangerous narratives of national pride as that brought forward by league party in italy and also discussing about my stepfather's symphaty with fascism and how the partisans in fact where often kidnapping local doctors as being the most fascist minded and generally how the nazi party in found the biggest supporter in technically minded people like engineers and how perhaps scientists in general and their pursuing of an isolated and inorganic reality are the premises to a fascistic machine state even though it claims to be otherwise"
"lecturing about my on-going attempts to confine myself also during my earlier performances in closed spaces where to cultivate and perhaps heal my nature seeing also the cube installation i want to create driven by such a rive of wanting to be confined and to dedicate myself and give all myself to it discussing in this respect the work of taiwanese artist tehching hsieh going in the same direction and also discussing an article of an italian local newspaper where i tried and failed to explain my installation with still much of the public opinion against me despite myself belonging in spirit to the cimbrian people who used to populate the venetian alps and used to make temporary buildings as described by the historian agostino dal pozzo"
"discussing about the main politician in the town where i wish to build my project museum as trying to come out of the situation totally spot free and later showing an early diagram i drew to justify my making of the museum write on the other side of my native plateau ending up talking about jacques ellul and giambattista vico and their conception of history"
"updating about my home improvements and my inclination to use my hands and be self-sufficient and in this respect talking about the stoic cato uticensis and how he attempted to prevent the roman republic to become an empire seeing generally more radical attempts of rewilding such as the one made by christopher mccandless and less known one of john waterman to get back to nature in the end however following tolstoy advice to get back to a more familiar nature such as the alps where i decided to build my project museum"
"discussing the book of erich maria remarque all quiet on the western front finding most impressing and most important for people to read so as to really come to despise nature later also talking of greta thunberg being most skeptical about all the idol attention she is getting far from being herself an example of self-sufficency and talking about the swedish morality in reference to my former father-in-law family forest he completely got clear cut leaving only the surrounding facade"
"beginning this lecture discussing frugal living versus the sort of luxuirous living our tendencies to dominate others and the environment leads us to and then switching the discussion on the german film maker wim wenders and talking about cinema and how somehow it prophesied the emptiness and loneliness of the digital age"
"a bit of a sensitive lecture feeling quite touched about the recording i have listened to from the city hall of schio where far right politicians attempted to block my projects based on populist grounds and also discussing of the first presentation i gave of my project in years after my girlfriend consented me to do so in her art academy and also discussing further about my reading of remarque's war memoir and the impact that his patriotic little teacher authority had on all the students"
"giving more updates about all the political discussion around whether or not to allow me to build my project museum even though it was already allowed to beging with and discussing about the importance of carrying out small initiatives in the face of large organizations and ideologies such pointed out by isaiah berlin later also discussing about my positon as an artist not merely as feebly steinbock from a balzac character but insisting with my work and not giving in to any centralizing institution as my american artist friend brian house"
"getting quite broad in my lecturing talking about my tendency toward eclecticism against the regimented puritanism which lead to our industrial civilization bringing in montaigne and cicero and also thoreau all in relation to my project museum"
"beginning this lecture with svetlana alper's dichotomy between the typical italian way of being allegoric and the more dutch way of being descriptive especially in the arts and moving forward in talking about the importance of italy as the place in which many phenomena are anticipated by talking about the book i read of antonio pennacchi describing the newly founded fascist colony of the agro pontino near rome"
"having to now to take care of both my little children bringing forward a horace's quote on the fact that when we day a very humble tombstone is needed and then going forward speculating on how to go about the making of my project museum considering how to organize the works within it and whether to try to use ferrocement has done also by luigi nervi"
"setting forward to actually build a web-based prototype presenting the project museum patterns and even presenting a small video showing how i tried unsuccessfully to use ferrocement to physically realize one of these textures later keeping up the discussion on pennacchi's book focusing on mussolini's obsession with the countryside and how this obsession in a way turned him very similar to also anarchists going for the same ideal but without the state machine apparatus overarching it"
"presenting my new computer and the data i can keep with in and then going forward reflecting on the letter the major of the italian municipality where i am building my project sent me so as to stay clean from the fact that he and his team has supported me for years alongside also reflecting of the slave fable writer aesop and ultimately on the very demolishing of the pieces of the installation i have built under the order of the major acting most authoritatively"
"preparing to face the local public in the mountains to explain the reason why i want to build my project museum there and going back to the roots of my rather tragic family history with my great grandfather immigrating and my father's father involved in the nazi war in russia coming back most traumatized moving forward to justifying my need to get back to nature and how i tried this in sweden but was eventually pushed out of it and had to go back to my alps"