"making it with my kids to italy after traveling through germany and filming our encounter with the sheep there and our walks before getting started building the floor of the ark there and later taking it easy again observing clouds and eventually travel with the whole family down south to the sun"
"walking with my kids including big august in the maiella of abruzzo upon returning to out mountain village and there resuming the work with the ark installing some parapets and oiling the structure but later only focusing on the family and filming a bit of our musical journeys with also our dutch musician friend mathijn present and then the change in the weather going back up north through germany with more wind finally also filming me drawing while staying with the family in an old trailer in the belgian countryside"
"a month not so focused on my children as i normally do starting in fact the building of a garage in the backyard and beside a small trip to belgium and some small excursions mostly with silvester filming the making of the garage all alone doing quite an effort at first pouring hundreds of bag of hand-mixed concrete and then transporting and laying heavy bricks and beside that also attending a small event at livia's school getting to film a small performance in which she was perhaps the most brilliant of all"
"filming mathijn noise concert in tilburg trying to go in the small details also for his own documentation and then filming the autumn wind also while building my garage and in general filming several time the songs played in the netherlands at first for saint martin and then later after filming some animal encounter with the children filming the arrival of saint nicholas in livia school and then the songs we play at home before the ones we played on the road down south with a new playlist with anarchist songs as well as the christams market songs we heard mostly in metz and then in south germany with florian in his nice farm house with him playing german winter songs with his saxophone"
"experiencing with the children the magical winter in the german black forest where possibly our ancestors came from with the snow falling outside of florian's farm and also bringing the children and his children with a sled in front of a monastery later in our small mountain village in italy also experiencing the snow but also the fruits we could not harvest in our garden and the presence of a little cat following us like a dog everywhere and with myrthe also reaching us filming the whole family climbing up a steep side of the novegno mount and then also doing some filming of myself trying out the possibility to build the foundation of the project cathedral in one of my fields before beginning to return up north and filming the animals met on the way particularly in a beautiful medieval town by the donau and later back in the netherlands also experiencing snow dismantling our garden old sheds"
"in the netherlands filming some going to nature with the family despite the bad and cold weather finding wild animals in the dunes over haarlem and then recording the wind both in our village and in amsterdam and utrecht with the children actually having quite fun with it and then with the weather getting better filming myself photographing the objects used to dig a trench to lay the cables to connect the garage solar panels to our house and also filming the birthday celebrations of livia both in her class and at home before resuming my daily tai-chi after injuring my back and filming many sections and then editing them together at last filming some spontaneous running of the children after pigeons in amsterdam and their interaction with animals in a long walk to the cheese farm with ultimately both of them suddenly learning to bike"
"filming the discovery of a very interesting temple like environment built by an old man with discarded bricks and also filming the strong wind experienced while alone with the children to then film some nice time mostly spent with the children taking walks in the forest and enjoying the almost spring like nature of the river waal then also experiencing our life with our new van listening to music there and singing in the nature to then go camping in the north of france just recording the children interaction with the ocean with poor burn out myrthe also healing"
"in northern europe filming a beautiful beach by calis with its nazi bunkers and then some solar spring finally also arriving in the netherlands before driving to italy with our new van and the trailer filled with the ark tags and more plates to work on my projects also filming my cleaning of the valley below the ark and more life with the animals in the mountains like a wild deer and a hunter dog i found and the sheep of our shepherd friends and later also filming myself playing around with nets to reproduce the titanic lifeboat"
"filming the rising of the sun in southern germany after having spent the night in our van and then the experiencing of animals and generally of nature exploring with my kids the surrounding of our dutch village then again in germany this time filming the quite dull art of an open air museum near dusseldorf and in the netherlands filming more animals beginning from limburg where we spent the night camping to finally leave for sardinia with august and there meeting up with davide ending up in a village filming there the traditional dance and music and then filming a quite intense walk i took with august from costa paradiso all the way south across marvelous granite rocks and the scented but sharp mediterranean bushes"
"traveling with my oldest son august and filming the rising sun in sardinia and then camping in germany also with little silvester travling through switzerland and in our road trip filming our listening to music before reaching the mountains filming there our experience with animals meeting the old shepherds again and this time also whitnessing the fighting of their dogs but being too bewildered to film and then making a nice little movie of me doing small works in our little farm with silvester and later also with livia entertaining themselves and also with myrthe'a arrival having the time to look after my museum getting the very generous help of our neighbour vito to prepare for the new work with metal plates for the floor and also filming beginning to install the tags"
"spending a good time with all my family united in the mountais checking out with them local animals up the novegno before showing som filming of myself installing the ark floors and then showing more discovering of animals up the enna mount and then a nice evening in the contrada with alessio and his old band playing and showing also myself filming while photographing the obkects i used to put up a vine plant little veranda in the end filming all the insects living in the arks and the bees in our fountain and the flies bothering the cows of campogrosso lastly filming a walk with miele to the ark and my precious children growing free and away from all the restrains of the hyper artificial dutch society"
"filming a bit of the bad weather especially of the wind right in the middle of our summer in the mountains taking anyway walks and later filming the scouts coming to visit the ark and singing their pray before eating later also filming traveling around with the van and the family but also filming our encounters with animals while still in the mountains and making a good video showing more of the attaching of the ark tags in the museum with the argentinian nico and a nice normandy couple biking through the continent coming to help for half a day later filming myself alone and with the kids giving a last hand of oil to the museum before filming more singing and hearing of songs lastly traveling back up north stopping on the fern pass discovering the amazing and pristine austrian nature"
"a very painful departure from the alps stopping in beautiful austria with my kids and filming the solar environment there and the wild nature with us being much part of it in the end coming back to the netherlands keeping with my old friend davide coming for a visit and bringing him to some nice natural sites spotting some animals such the wild horses of osterwijk and generally experiencing an extension of the summer with much sun and hot weather spent as much as possible to the lake and the river but also filming the coming of the spring still trying to bring the children to nature despite the wind"
"not so much life with the weather turning quite bad and the children at school spending my days working on my project but managing also somehow to occasionally take a few walks out in the autumn landscape filming also the intensity and roughness of the weather with a sudden strong storm lasting for days and with the weather calming down bringing also the children to several of the autumn celebrations such as halloween and saint martin and saint nicholas depicting our more social life in the village very much centered around the children"
"with my camera no longer working possibly for all the rain immediately ordering an identical camera but realizing that there is a scarcity in components and having to buy a used in the end getting back to filming at first all the christams related carols also by my children at school and then filming a bit of walking in a dutch desert with at last some sun shining on the nordic wasteland before traveling in the sunny and warm italy making as if in a pilgrimage to the ark but the also filming rescue of some climbers and then myself observing clouds up on the mountain tops and also my attempt to do a bit of work clearing up the valley below the ark before filming some walks taken with myrthe and the kids and also my old friend davide in the end finishing the filming in the netherlands walking in the frozen landscape with beautiful sunny days"
"a quite comprehensive small documentary filming our return to the netherlands and our experiencing of music especially while on the road and then once there experiencing a sudden cold weather filming all the bird life i met going into the wild also filming myself photographing the right hand using the tools i needed to renovate the middle floor of our tiny house so as to maximize spaces and create two individual rooms for silvester and livia also filming the birthday of the latter with all her little friends as well as the carnival celebrations in arnhem and later in the more formal den bosch and the parade of floats and at last with also august coming to visit filming the wind while taking excursions to the sea and the city"
"with the coming of the spring documenting a lot of our escursions walking along rivers and deserts and forests filming also the animals there and the animals in the local farm with all the new creatures being born and later the animals encountered crossing utrecht but also filming the wind and lastly my attempt to get back cultivating the land"
"filming my experiencing of music at first at an art institution in amsterdam show-casing indigenous artists but also while driving around with our van and the family making eventually to germany filming a very creepy zoo there and the animals inside it also filming my iron cutting of the structure that is going to host the physical hard copy of my project inside the ark and then reaching italy and filming there our walk in the beautiful sella valley just below my native highland and then filming my working at the ark beginning to attach tags also on the last floor and later also filming visiting the very sad biennial completely and almost exclusively about post-colonialism"
"encountering many animals in the mountains especially my old shepherd friends but not really daring to get close to their flock this time with the super aggressive dog they got against wolves and still filming in the mountains my observing of the clouds and then in germany for myrthe's fortieth birthday filming the rising of the sun from the house we rented in wuppertal and in the same city filming the city especially from the suspended tram and then the beautifully located old zoo and all its animals finally back in the routine ion our dutch village filming livia getting her judo yellow belt"
"documenting my cutting and welding of the pillars that will make up the giant time-capsule inside the ark and also filming my encounter with animals and then with the coming of the summer filming my bringing of the children to swim in the water of our river being almost the only parent doing so despite everyone else being obsessed about taking their children to swim classes in the chlorine polluted waters later also filming our listening of music both while traveling and at small concerts or at home and then documenting my making of the wu-jun taoist character in preparation to make the graffiti in our barn in the alps as also an admonition to all the authority-minded people in the area and then filming my interaction with the land despite growing more and more within me as a paleolithic man no longer so much interested in cultivating and becoming a neolithic farmer"
"prolonging my stay in the netherlands waiting for the children to finish their school and filming my going to the exhibition of my partner's students and later with my baker friend and his friends going to belgium to visit the verbeke foundation also after working for him at the bakery managing to take a nice walk with the children in the hills over rheden and filming the wind there but also in italy and there filming the powerful summer sun already hot as it rises from the increasingly wild landscape and filming the animals we encountered such as a little bird we tried to rescue ultimately filming the setting up of a staircase in the ark in preparation to build the physical archive"
"filming to begin with our attempt to take walks from our mountain village across the lost paths that used to connect it to other villages making quite an effort to do so doing also some documentation about all my improvements with my ark finishing off the staircases and building up the inner time capsule within later also getting the idea to film all my hunter gathering with my children teaching them to pick from the wild and eat wild artichokes and getting especially livia quite excited about picking and eating cumin seeds also recording our listening to music while driving with the van but also some singing old songs while hiking especially in my native mountains with my old best friend and his family later filming some maintenance work around the ark cutting the grass with my neighbour's mower and later managing to spray the ark trying to dilute the linseed oil finally filming my photographing the right hand while plastering our barn"
"still in italy testing out the tags retrieval software designed by august prior making it to switzerland visiting my uncle there and filming a tai-chi section prior filming our hike up the blauen mountain with florian and in the netheralnds filming my experiencing of the wind and then a nice hike with the children through the natural reserve between amersfoort and soest also filming our encounters with animals such as while walking through rotterdam getting even a parrot on my shoulders lastly filming my hunter-gatherer workshop with a group of environment concerned students"
"filming some gathering of chestnuts with my daughter in the forest and also filming the cooking and eating of them later alone trying to go for walks every day and ending up down the river filming some birds and the cows there later also filming some wild horses spotted while walking on the dunes with my baker friend and his kids and again with my daughter filming our listening to music going on a field trip with her friends and later singing in school showing much talent and life and with the kids finally on holiday walking on the hills east of rhenen and filming the bright sun with myself also getting shirtless enjoying the indian summer of a colorful autumn and with the weather getting quite gray taking again long walks and in the rain making it from de bilt north of utrecht to houten in the south recording my thoughts and with still some overcast making it to the forest on the other side of the river with my children and there letting them bike in total freedom"
"with the coming of the winter and the bad weather and the darkness and the routines of school and work getting to only film more evening events such as taking the children to the silly halloween party in town and watching the juggling performance of a friend but also trying to make it out despite the weather and filming the wind in our excursions as well as just the children in the nature during one sunny day hiking in grebbeberg and then also taking a long footage of livia's school carol before finally making it to the alps and filming there to begin with the sun kissed mountains and our little adventure high up on the snow"
"filming some work in the mountains cleaning up old rino's stable to put my equipment there but also filming the wind especially on our way up to the top of novegno and filming some dismantling of my tractor shed and the music i listened to with my relatives and friends celebrating the new year in my native highland also filming a very last walk with my family in the beautiful little highland under the summano mount before returning to the gloomy netherlands filming there my observing of clouds despite the days of rains and outcast making it uninspiring to even get my camera out"