"filming my photographing of the right hand while camping and later dancing with the young scouts and singing before making it back to civilization with my son and getting to film a very impressive three dimensional world he has created with minecraft later also with him in my university checking out some small birds out of the nestle and in the end making it to the netherlands and attending a concert there with myrthe"


"still at a dutch festival with myrthe escaping the insane atmosphere there and setting off in the nearby woods for a long walk recording my thoughts and in the end also filming me tracing my walk before getting back to the way too festive utrecht and there also attending a very boring art lecture"


"in maastricht at first using myrthe's big brother house and there filming a drawing section before taking a walk with myrthe to the city noticing all the animals in the zoo by the old walls and also filming using my right hand at myrthe's mother place in breda before setting off for a long walk with myrthe to reach a canoe place in the biesbos and there setting out rowing and later camping in a little island and writing in my journal typing on my phone"


"still in holland spending some time with myrthe swimming and rowing in the biesbos and watching an outdoor play with one of her colleagues but also filming myself filming the public places of a small historical town before making it to italy with her and visiting ravenna finding a small bird on top of dante's tomb and filming how a girl got it safe in the bushes"


"still filming in ravenna the old basilica there before the local gypsies robbed us of all our luggage we left in our car including my laptop but not the cameras i always have with me and at last making it to mantua and filming our walk through the city there with myrthe on the phone trying to see what to do about our stolen things also visiting some alberti's architecture i am so fond of and later keeping in a house in the country filming of our biking around and looking at clouds having in the end to use my cellphone as my computer to my journal"


"trying to keep up with my studies reading about the ancient art of memory in a park also observing the clouds there and before returning to my little apartment in the southern suburbs of stockholm exploring the lonely nature there eating berries and checking out the animals before walking and recording my thoughts"


"filming while tracing my daily walk and later with myrthe visiting my in stockholm filming a section of my dream writing showing also how i use mental images to memorize my dreams until i write them down later filming how i get exposed to music both heard on the street and with jacek playing guitar for us later in our apartment using my new smartphone to broadcast music from the internet but also filming while photographing my right hand grilling food on a shore with myrthe"


"showing some more of my life in stockholm typing on my laptop while outside and then painting in my small apartment and picking trash in the city and observing small birds in the museum island and later with my son august back in sodertalje observing the wind and in the end photographing my right hand while hacking an electric device"


"checking out the quite cool exhibit curated by my friend mikael gorlaski where i also showed t-shirts of my drawings and filming also a small performance there with an artist and a turtle making music outside later also filming a walk taken with exchange students and also filming the evening gathering with them with my new roommate riccardo"


"filming one my training sections in a stockholm park before filming my drawing and writing in a rented room on my way to italy and at the airport filming a section of myself updating my project and in italy filming the traffic there and then myself walking around my parents' city of vicenza filming the old town there"


"at my parents writing my journal and later using their gym to train and then walking with myrthe in the city picking trash and hearing songs played by a street musician also attending the opening of an old artist friend in an old romanic church but getting more interested about the architecture and filming also the rising of a very nice sun still sleeping at my mother's"


"trying to make a nice film of my old best friend wedding acting myself as the testimony and later filming the reception in a villa falling somehow back in love with the landscape there and later in milan recording the wind and my ideas and some street performances"


"still in italy this time walking on the hills and recording my thoughts and eating the wild fruits in the nature there also planning a small exhibit at the bottom of the santa croce church in vicenza before returning to sweden and with my son august watching a nature documentary together before playing out in the nature throwing sticky plants at each other"


"catching the commuter with august all the way south ending up in a nice swedish shore assisting there and wounded duck and later making it to holland and recording a section of me training in my favorite utrecht park also checking some clouds in the city and in breda at myrthe's mother doing some writing in the living room and then spending the evening checking out all photos and then going with the divorced father the day after to check a modern art museum in belgium doing a bit of filming there"


"walking with myrthe in the old city of ghent and then filming my awakening in the beautiful iseo lake in italy taking a walk on the eastern side to check out a property there and also eating some of the nut and figs provided by the nature as well as feeding a little abandoned cat before returning to august in sweden and there spending time outdoor recording the wind"


"still in sweden with august checking out a snake we found in the forest and then a farm with horses and sheep before making it to myrthe's old friend renate in gothenburg and there taking a nice walk in the city also recording the wind as well as making it to a nice toer on a hillside and back in stockholm filming my photographing of the objects i used to do maintenance to the van i bought"


"waking up at august's place and doing some training in the courtyard before making it with my boy to old uppsala as we used to do when he was little and filming our walking up and down the viking burial grounds there and also playing together and checking out the idyllic nature with small bulls and even a mouse we adopted for an evening in the end traveling across sweden with myrthe with the van making it to continental europe"


"stopping in the german city of bremen with myrthe and walking through what is left of its historical center and in the netherlands filming myself filming public places in utrecht as well as sightseeing around like in den bosch and later alone in delft prior returning to sweden and there playing with my polish friend jacek with a sculpture on our favorite walk on the ridge north of sodermalm"


"back in sweden having august playing minecraft again on the laptop i bought him and really showing quite some building skills and then in the very room beginnning to test the showroom i made on the wall using all the instances of my project and spending also a nice day with august checking an animal farm positioned on a hill by the municipality after they turned down the old town after the war saving only a few old houses to give way to modernism and particularly filming august love for animals later also keeping with him and my old friends such as asmund and jacek but also my former art students before making it once again to italy and filming walking with my parents in a very sunny hot day along the tesina river"


"checking out some insects while in italy and then venturing to check some properties for sale closer to my native highland exploring both some cimbrian ruins in the agno valley and then making it to the tretto highland falling very much in love with the nature there walking below the branzome with some snow and even water pouring down the forest in the end going back to sweden and dismantling my whole show room there so as to rent out my apartment and have enought money to buy a land where to build a bigger exhibit"


"filming a drawing section at myrthe's new apartment in utrecht and later also checking an exhibit with her before making it back to sweden and at my university sketching a possible layout for presenting all of my works later also showing my new life living in a hostel after having given up my apartment to get more money to buy land in my native alps and filming there the photographing of objects while making a meal for myself also later filming the light and the sun in the city and in nature picking up august from school"


"attending the santa lucia celebration from august school and recording the songs being sang by the choir later making it to the netherlands and celebrating christmas with myrthe's relatives also listening to christmas songs there and also cooking and photographing the objects used before suddenly making a drastic change of scene in our newly bought very run down apartment in the alps fetching wood out in the snow and going for a walk with myrthe for the first time up the novegno"


"left alone in the mountains identifying a perfect spot where to one day build something with my project and also filming myself typing in my journal in the evening with only a little stove warming us up and hosting a swedish artist friend with danish norwegian origins sort of syncing well together with him also leaving a reclusive life and walking extensively up the novegno and up the pasubio mountain despite the snow recording also our walks and all the information about the first world war spread around returning to the netherlands in myrthe's new apartment immediately setting out to build a prototype of a sort of space shuttle like vehicle i could build in the mountains to encapsulate my project"


"filming the carnival in maastricht before making it back to my little swedish apartment and there listening to music with myrthe and august finally later leaving for dublin mounting my right hand photo project there with the help of an assistant and then taking my time to walk across the ity picking trash and training and ultimately experiencing quite some polluting traffic"


"on a tour to explore the irish landscape an din fact getting to take a nice walk by a river and to some sort of hermit's cave and then also checking some of the textile production in the area before returning to dublin recording a section of my checking the news for casualties and then with myrthe experiencing the pub life with its songs being sang and then ending up in a stuffed animal museum"


"still in dublin with myrthe reocrding the shapes in clouds and then alone exploring the amazing irish coast and its continuously changing weather also recording my thought and then tracing of my walk before returning to sweden and there recording august improvement in playing video-games and then in the mountains filming myself photographing my right hand using object to do some maintenance in the back of our house"


"ultimately alone in the mountains filming myself recording my thoughts walking in the snow and then doing some maintenance work and recording clouds as well as my emotional state even crying on a mountain top in the end also filming building a small shelf where to eventually transfer my archive from sweden"


"filming public places walking around milan and then back in stockholm keeping with august and his rabbit experiencing the wind and then singing and playing to fight together later reaching myrthe in the netherlands filming myself photographing the objects i used to make tiramisu and later recording clouds while outdoor"


"filmig my experience of animals both in the netherlands with myrthe and in sweden with august building also some kind of prototype and then visiting a padua church reconstructed after a bombing and in the mountains beginning to cultivate old gianna's garden photographing the object used there mostly using her dismissed agricultural tools"


"alone in the mountains really enjoying my time there writing and then finding a beautiful spot used in the winter for hunting and there filming a training section before filming the mounting of my exhibition in an utrecht gallery and then the opening of my exhibition in frankfurt making new friend such as the graffiti artist sweza and florian mehnert getting really in a good relationship with him even making it to his farm south near basel and filming him playing the cello"


"waking up in florian beautiful house and then going in the nearby black forest to train and back in frankfurt recording the clouds there later making it to italy with myrthe taking a walk in the private garden of a palladian villa and also up in the mountains encountering for the first time the sheep there with also old gianna and her dog nebbia checking on us"


"in the mountains with myrthe cultivating and setting our first plants in gianna's garden later having to attend a conference in london using my time there to take an extensive walk and also later ending up in an ugly area and renting my own shity room filming myself writing in my journal and then walking all the way to the city center filming public places and later filming myself experiencing the many street musicians"


"in san francisco giving a small intro of my project at a small event with other musicians and then as usual exploring the are taking long walks beyond the silicon valley and all its giant citadels like google and recording a training section in an empty sport field before exploring the very interesting rancho sant'antonio with its beautiful nature also filming while going by car with my friend paul on a small excursion"


"still in california with pauld and his kid checking out some giant sequoias and later with the arrival of jacek mounting our exhibit in the mason fort right in front of alcatraz with all the self-trackers i have been tracking through the years also later roaming around the city filming the street musicians there and recording jacek very presentation and then walking along the shor a seal eating the fish of a fisherman right before jacek was almost beaten up by a mad black musician for having photograph him"


"picking some trash in san francisco during interminable walks with jacek and back in stockholm at august's mother apartment teaching my boy some chinese yoyo and even testing out with also our small neighbour tom a prototype of the cube using long sticks from the forest in italy also after checking a rather hippy art park near my mother family native town of calvene even using a machete to open up what could have become my cathedral"


"month spent in our place in the mountains with myrthe getting back to the rural life after many years on the road and observing clouds with a local friend and then feeding a small kitten and writing in my journal outside also working on old gianna's vegetable garden ad even trying to keep up with our laundry the old way before finding out to be completely invaded by ants in our kitchen"