"departing from talking about the weather to talk on how i actually got quite restless in my youth traveling here and there just because i was displaced from native highland and sought a place back in nature but found myself living in a scandinavian farm not understanding what i was after was an even further and more direct living with nature gathering food from the forest with all the difficulties that my approach to nature brought with people around me wanting to just get a job and buy food at the supermarket instead eventually not only managing to cut down my aspiration for the wild but also cutting down the old forest for profit"


"not feeling alarmed about the increasingly erratic weather because within i maintain a taoist conception that the moment people and nature regain their autonomy they will also recover their sanity and in a sense feeling that thanks to my project i can keep this sanity while the structures on which civilization is based are collapsing"


"talking about the weather conditions that thrills me the most when the sky is blue and it is cold but sunny and talking about the rarity of this weather nowadays but how really i am able to retain in myself these characteristics almost as if i am getting ready to drop out of the civilization that disturbs it or at least i am getting those who are near to me or those who reads me to think positively about one day being able to be autonomous without the system martoriating them and the planet"


"reflecting on how within the last three generations the worst nightmare scenarios have manifested themselves at least on my native alps and making a point that this is not normal and there is a connection to the modern state and its system of centralized control perpetrating such misery finding myself not an idealist in thinking that society can occur in a non-governed fashion because it has always occurred like that throughout prehistory"


"developing this idea that to oppose the centralized and therefore destructive system people has to re-appropriate themselves of the land so as to rewild it and that placing within these lands monuments to manifest their own human consciousness come to work as personification of mother nature safe-guarding the wilderness departing from the stoic idea that also within each human there is a divine nature and this is just oppressed by the system only wanting folk to preserve it and police it and expand it no matter how this will eventually destroy the planet and the human species with it"


"telling on how i do perceive that the world and society are not doing well but seeing the remedy in getting rid of the yoke that creates these symptoms and thinking more in terms of abolishing the confucianism that is just derailing humanity and the environment because of the control it exerts on them and in this respect considering that the world is big enough to try out different modalities of non-centralized living such as dedicating one continent to the primitivists and one to the agricultural communes and one to the more industrial and workshop based unions making sure however that power-structures are abolished as much as the infrastructures that have been sustaining them"


"describing how thanks to my life-project i was able to invert my energy from being devoted to the power-system to being deveoted to my local ecology and find in this approach the more life-saving activism humans can by now conceive within the tight and regimented hierarchy considering in the end that all i am doing is what humans have been always doing since the beginning of time and that is to flourish in their own diversities that are so much antagonist to the vertical system of power imposing its megarituals and life-exhausting agenda"


"seeing how any human civilization has been more or less detrimental to the natural world and to humans and in this respect envisioning the ultimate solution in reversing the energy by creating the very micro-cultures any civilization destroyed in the first place in order to come to life therefore logically seeing autonomous micro-cultures as directly antagonist to a centralized system that is so detrimental to humanity and the environment"


"commenting on the fact that it would be not so unfeasible to return to a more hunter-gatherer-like lifestyle given that hunter-gatherers were displaced in the most harsh environment on the planet and were still thriving but also insisting on the fact that the advocators of a primitive lifestyle ought not to be so dry but on the contrary come out with their latent creative power as i have learned to do with my life-project that in a way has been trapping content that has in turn fed my consciousness and has initiated me into a human of the wild demanding the wild only with his creative presence"


"speculating on the fact that the circular nomadism of hunter-gatherers can be envisioned as an act to make the earth spinning and with it the seasons with civilization now locking up people even when they travel and also discussing how in my local environments i try to keep up this circularity and with it spread the seeds for rewinding acknowledging however that this rewilding is in the first place a matter of being born a native and to be a native is to be very much aware of the self and the surroundings which is something my life-project exemplifies"


"defining my project as totally altruistic in a way that i reject any type of career but also to be part of any wage system putting all my work in engaging with my surrounding and really getting nothing in return but the fact that i have recovered my natural role mimicking that of a hunter-gatherer not concerned to establish himself but just to be part of the natural course rather than attempting to control it and in this way putting in peril such as embracing the christain-like attitude of saving all lives while on the other hand suffocating life as a whole"


"alluding on the fact that while i tried through the years to find an actual place where to construct the memory building on which my whole life-project is based i am just thrilled with remote and inaccessible environments such as islands where the memory-building could act as a lighthouse beaming to an ocean that gets increasingly restless for being harnessed by a civilization that is too much obsessed with controlling nature and seeing on one hand that despotic governments will arise to control a nature that is manifesting her state of distress with the very water that gave us life and considering that ultimately the only way to contrast the destructiveness of the system is to become like hunter-gatherers who were very much in being in control of themselves but never of their surroundings"


"writing about my work rendering the shapes i see in clouds and immediately pointing out how these shapes are somehow primordial as if by observing them in the clouds i also in a way recover my primitive self and generally advocating to the type of practice i do nourishing myself like a hunter-gatherer from my surrounding without investing in becoming yet another powerful person of the social hierarchy claiming that it is vital to instead focus on our local ecologies instead of taking shortcuts to dominate over one another even trying to brand ourselves as environmentalists finally suggesting a different type of education that is not about uprooting but about being able like hunter-gatherers to detect the richness surrounding us"


"seeing my observing of the shapes i detect in clouds as a form of escape from a reality that is no longer real but just a computer rendering with its fake architecture and fake people as if in a computer game that i escape by creating my own game to engage with what nature has to offer me particularly the wilderness i so much long for and feeling that by exercising this playful engagement with nature i can keep my brain oiled preventing it from drying out just complying with the system and its procedures"


"telling on how my project and this work is just considered crap by other people who are by now so used to flashy and sexy content but also reflecting that because this latter content is generated with increasingly automated softwares in the long run people will try to look for more authentic practices like mine where the point id really to adhere to a set of formulas and maintain a craftsmanship through time without wasting constantly having to look for the latest technologies making a call to arms in search for the ultimate weapons to keep up the unnecessary battle against one another which ultimately result in a dehumanization i try to counter by simply using technology to enhance my humanness"


"making a small comparison between the field-work conducted by the now a days quite regimented scholars and the one i conduct on a daily basis seeing in the end how my field-work is far more ecological also because it is not aimed in getting more recognition but it is rather similar to that of a hunter-gatherer who was anyway far from it also pointing out how i am enriched in the process and have none of the limitations of having to execute the field-work in a specific time and a space that is often distant and therefore not part of any ecological reasoning"


"talking about how non-obstructive are the works i conduct as part of my project with my observing of clouds becoming sort of a game with my children training also them to use their imagination which is otherwise not in the least stimulated in the school system and seeing my way of engaging with myself and the surroundings through my project as a way to keep like a hunter-gatherer and stay playful and active instead of numbed and greedy as i am supposed to if i was to take part in the power struggles the power-system generates turning my focus instead to keep rich and/or important also saying that ultimately it is not in the physical product we ought to judge an ecoloical practice but in the actual process such as the pygmies in the end using stolen metal pipes to perform their symphonies to their mother forest"


"discussing how the very sterility imposed on the environment does not allow humans to develop their imagination and thus connect to the cosmos keeping them small at the convenience of a centralized power that also imposes regulations so as the sterility of the environment is not altered and in this sense insisting that what is needed are not environmentalist approaches that gives more power to the system but rather approaches that make the environment more organic not only with spontaneous nature growing but also spontaneous creativity which leads a more horizontal type of inspiration between people rather than the constant deadly competition perpetrated by the hierarchical system"


"returning to my metaphor describing the digital age as once an open frontier of which i was a pioneer with later some oligarch profiting on it and establishing their megalopolis and power-structures from which i decided to stay out as some kind of displaced hunter-gatherer using the same technology but in a shamanic fashion to connect not to the sky and its deadly sun but to the horizon where in fact i observe my clouds as the reminiscence of the affluence of a nature left to govern herself"


"moving forward in my critique of the privatization of also the virtual space which in turn has generated a totalitarian type of autocracy which no longer needs cops because the environment itself is just too sterile and no longer offer any stimuli to try to be autonomous and thinking now of my project as re-naturalized environment in which i have regained my autonomy but also offer others to do so describing in the end how the fact that i was lucky to grow in the wilderness of my ancestors facilitated me in this process even though this wilderness has been raped by nation state and by now colonized by the industry magnates who in turn deplete with their capitalist activities the wilderness oversea"


"seeing how i am rather unusual in that i do not subscribe in what it is demanded from me and that is compete for power but i instead dedicate myself in being part of the natural flow for example by depicting the passing clouds rather than just go for one sculpture and create an idol out of it and of myself in this sense conceiving my role as that of someone there to push some natural flow in the highly disruptive artificial flow used by the system to sustain itself"


"discussing how life in general is interposed with the grids civilization imposes to it and the fact that i escape in the landscape to observe clouds is a way for me to disconnect from the power-structure of civilization and reconnect to nature using also my project as a type of grid but that is meant to retain this nature and bring it back to my tribe caught in the grid of civilization so as to nourish them of nature as if he indeed i am some sort of modern hunter-gatherer"


"pointing out how not only commercial artists promote with their works an oversimplified reality but also the more political active ones showing how with my art of reconnecting with nature i am in fact far more advanced in creating an autonomy that is however not individualistic in the sense that i ultimately develop a consciousness that is one with nature and that requires my constant connection with it in order to keep disconnected with a system that would turn me individualistic and greedy and power-oriented"


"reporting on my memory theater as a subtle environment that require people to be hunter-gatherers like me in order to make sense of it in this respect claiming that i am also fascinated about other people's lives especially if they lived without trying to establish themselves and their businesses but trying instead to keep a more horizontal relation engaging with themselves and their immediate surroundings just like hunter-gatherers did and how people should in general do in order to avoid the struggle that the rush for power generates"


"introducing my work about my experiencing the wind and immediately expressing my opinion on scientists who only collect data from their very unexposed environments and only to fulfill their personal agendas and ultimately consolidating a type of spaceship civilization in which humans are sealed away from nature and discussing how with my project i want to be back into nature and exposed to it not as a loner however but as a creature that is fully reintegrated into a more holistic type of understanding more in line with the lives of our hunter-gatherers ancestors"