"pointing ot how it became far more difficult to get to know people ever since the rise of social media have turned them into little tyrants very careful about their social media status and discussing how in the end i get to meet and photograph only people who fall out of this regime or generally who come to visit my ark in the mountains and get very intrigued by my incredible effort to manifest human nature against the predatory social media industry"
"disclosing a new capitalist scheme in which human nature is now being exploited and a new type of urban constellation is being created with social media users becoming the new bourgeois and their profiles turning into the new properties they are ready to die for and discussing how i strictly kept out of it developing instead an alternative by not working on the branding of my persona but revealing my inner self"
"describing how my photographing of people doesn't really steal their soul because their souls is already stolen by bureaucracy since their birth and what i am doing instead is using their portraits to make giant totems which placed in the same context reconstitute a savage type of environment where the humanity of the photographed people is beamed onto the people who stumble in such a holly temple in the jungle a temple that is in this respect not animistic by humanistic"
"entering the discussion about how in my opinion mutual aid is impossible in the current hierarchical system and how my level of sociability really deteriorates when i have to deal with folk so much channeled within their careers feeling perhaps that my contribution to humanity is my stark avocation to turn back to an organic society and only from there resume solidarity and with it also evolution"
"trying to develop not so much a prejudice about nordic people who are unwilling to be photographed but a prejudice again their efficient centralized system that has turned them all into little soldiers erasing the more itinerant a poetic figures they had in their more organic past and in this respect being concerned with the inability for a spontaneous life to take place under the highly regulated impositions of highly regulated environment i suggest to loosen up so as to also alleviate the burden it causes on the environment"
"discussing how i felt very open at first to share my work and not give to reality as much as i took from it but experiencing in the long run an increasing institutionalization of reality itself in the end turning me in an outcast operating at the margins of society unable to deliver anything more to it"
"making once again the point on how only by following our creative intuition we can affect the sterile environment even though this require us to suppress our vanity and stop complying with a mainstream that has by now transformed itself into a new church with its increasing dogmas and its cultural regression"
"discussing how the level of regimentation is by now far worse that that experienced by my grandparents under fascism given that the life was still very spontaneous beside the burlesque parades they had to attend but now humans are increasingly the slaves of procedures more and more tailored by a centralized computer that has only utilitarian purposes and suggesting self-regimentation as a way to exit the deadlock and recover one's own natural character"
"reproposing my ark as the only place left in my life where some humanity can recovered with other people bringing them not only back to the natural environment but also back to a human nature and comparing my practice to a very calm and quiet one in comparison with the very noisy and nature upsetting practice of the new medium of telecommunication"
"talking about my decision to invest with all my cultural heritage back in the south where i was born finding that it is gripped by a negative energy almost compensating the positive energy of the north of europe and advocating here for a more thamed and decentralized system where also these differences can be tamed as it happens in smaller and self-governed organic societies"
"discussing about the imposition of diversity by the centralized system and saying that while i would like diversity to be completely spontaneous i think it is not me to be phobic but the people who get so afraid of me after i explain to them that we ought to get rid of any form of centralization in order to obtain it"
"making a parallel with the cathedrals built by local communities in the past and telling on how these enterprises really made the communities and guaranteed their autonomy against any form of centralization in this respect presenting my cathedral as a simulation of this autonomy where people are presented vertically as sovereign of themselves without the need of a one ruler standing over them trying also inspire people to also release the human nature within them and face with their power the artificial power turning life so dull and gray"
"introducing my trash project comparing myself to a scavenger collecting what he or she finds on the street and telling on how this scavenging is not only restricted to picking trash to make collages with but it is well extended to my search for cheap and good food for my family feeling in the end satisfied about the whole process now that i can no longer conduct an autonomous life as i did while living in swede among locals that were completely negligent in regards to the nature they owned only focusing on her cosmetic surface i deprived by cultivating it"
"mentioning how consumer society in general hides its trash while i bring it out in the open and make a radiography of it as a large surface or as a rive representing not only society and how it has been shaped by the commercial establishment but i also what i had to go through as an individual standing starkly against such an hastened consumption of the planet resources and the pollution that is generated with it also highlighting the fact that while refusing that my work becomes also a luxury item for the rich industrialists pursuing such destructive agenda i am aware that as these industries become less profitable with the resources becoming more scarce they will try to make profit waging their copyrights for example against my project"
"talking on how through the trash i pick i can sort of divine the type of undertaking the establishment is using to boost its commerce finding very sad that minorities become the leading characters since right minorities ought to instead teach the capitalist west how to downscale itself and adopt rituals and superstitions so as to stop plundering the earth and not plunder it even further just because they manage to brand themselves as anti-racist"
"discussing on how the nethelrands where i ended up living represent the tip of a pyramid in which i can apply a sort of counter-ethnography not going to remote areas of the world to study primitive societies but to study instead the effect of power in its epicenter and how not only turns people most regimented but also quite mentally unstable"
"stating that even for this work my project documents the end of a more tangible advertisement in favor for a more virtual one which makes me critical of all the amounts of devices that this transaction has caused turning in fact the life of people in third world countries even more miserable with all the mineral the have to mine and all the environments they have to pollute to do so but also critical of the very lucky folk who gets to use these devices getting more and more intoxicated within and unable to be in the here and now constantly on their phone with me instead constantly avoiding to get sucked in the one i only and exclusively use as a medium to conduct my project"
"telling how i grew up in a very capitalist driven environment but despite that became a very generous person who has always given things away completely careless of their values and in fact has developed an art project that is fully open and but for certain elements that keep it close namely the threats that i have received from powerful people who are in fact threatened themselves by my openness thus seeing power as bringing death and poetic attempts as most necessary to compensate this dominant death with life"
"using my own life an example on how to live ecologically meaning taking care of the household while refusing to be part of the power system that is anti-ecological in principle and discussing of this sort of ecology of mine as a way to conceive life rather than subtracting life as power does despite all its sustainable and environmental promises"
"telling on how i feel there are two kind of power and that is the power of the system and the power one can generate living according to his or her nature and in this respect also viewing the more leftists types of powers as belonging to the big power of the estasblishment claiming then that it is important not to side for any of the big powers but to rather cultivate one's own power as the most effective way to contrast authority"
"discussing how intolerant i am to processed things whether and how i made compromise in my life to make use of them but still to generate rough things such as the outcomes of my life-project and making a point here in saying that to keep rough is essential to be able not so much to be an outsider but to make it outside the system once it collapses"
"telling on how every time i stopped to print out and exhibit my works too much energy went into it and i found it difficult to go back to my daily practice they is much in the flow of my life and it is in fact making me mindful about it and in this respect also ecological unlike all the too literally environmental works promoted by the system when it is in fact the system in the first place to disable individuals to set out on their paths and become mindful of their immediate realities and therefore ecological"
"pointing out that maybe yes the environment in which the more civilized humans live is safe without robbers and prostitutes who were in fact the victims on injustice but in reality a constant harassment is now perpetrated by the industry in order for the people to maintain its absurd and overgrown constitution and claiming that by so doing there is no possibility for people to grow their own cultures which is in fact what i try to do via my project"
"discussing more in details what is my ideal exhibition to me not like an institution but like a rather shamanic knowledge production as conducted by europeans before they turned in to colonialist powers and got rid of such a generative and playful tradition to build a hierarchical knowledge institutions supporting their strive to dominate nature and grow their worldly power and to this end advocating for a return as i did to these forms of productions based on complete architectures that are more arks to transcend all dogmas and ideologies"
"introducing my collecting of news reporting about casualties and discussing how pretty much this work reports on artificial deaths that to some degree can be connected to the existence of nation-states segregating humans into prisons within prisons and sucking life out of them ultimately turning them into supporters of more authoritarian forms of nationalism which are suicidal and proposing to rather focus on cultivating intimate media based on our relationship with the local environment and develop the necessary autonomy to disengage with the deadly establishment and its mass media machine and boost a whole new life"
"discussing how the new ideologies are not really addressing the main issue and that is a new aristocratic class in the west but also in second world countries like india and china making miserable the life in third world countries especially in africa with its many casualties that are never really discussed so much on the news channels and claiming that the only effective form of activism is to break the bourgesios bubble and become proletarian once again and international brothers and sisters bringing new life to the old and conventional life of the more privileged countries"
"taking a rather taoist stand in seeing how calamities in the world are often the result of humans being too noisy because of power and that in living according to my nature i was able to avoid to get myself entangled in any power position growing into an ancient tree that is good for nothing but to tell others to also find such level of peace as a remedy to all conflicts"
"using my work on casualties gathered from the news to debate that there are two kind of powers and we are by now only used to the one that is imposed on us from the top which is the cause of much misery but in fact as i have experienced there is one coming from within especially when we open ourselves up to be a force of nature and become medium that enhances not only us petty humans but her as a whole"
"coming up with the notion that if any form of journalism is directly related to a form of propaganda then a more personal type of journalism is a transposition of hunter-gatherer society where people seek to report and actively observe their local environment in search of meanings and by doing so like hunter-gatherers they become truly egalitarian and ecological in the sense that because of their journaling of their surrounding they begin to appreciate its subtle variety and with time boost its biodiveristy"
"making a distinction between casualties that are more related to an overgrown society who obstinately tries to cling to life despite the suffering that this clinging causes on life itself and her ability to regnerate herself and claiming to just have a full focus on more violent causes of death as i think that my work on casualties is in general but the reporting of a crescendo of a violence that will utlimately erupt in a war of mass destruction especially with individuals so much deprived of their ability of being organic in this sense seeing mysef within my community as generating much organic matter and envisioning the stateless and therefore ecological society of the future"
"presenting all the literature i read hat affected my view of history avoiding any official text and always relaying on first hand testimonials along with what i learned as a child by my grandparents finally stumbling on orwel's account of his time as a volunteer in catalonia which gave a political direction towards anarchism not as a mere lack of governance but as a highly organized confederation of communities that bring politics closer to the people and the environment and diffuses all the violence that erupts with the creation of large nation-states"
"relating of my phobia for people getting entrenched in certain opinions and counter-opinions which can ultimately escalate into major conflicts and promoting instead cure to this in the cultivating of our human nature and the taking care of our immediate ecology feeling also scared in this repsect of only promoting mutual aid as an ideal without in the first place enabling individuals to reactivate their own humanity and become mindful"
"talking on how i am negatively affected by news whether they are interna or national or provincial saying how the kind of media practice i conduct is a way to link to my local environment and by so doing to find the power to contribute to my community and in turn contrast all the negativity that emerges from state-power and its derivatives which i believe will ultimately culminate in a war in which the real heroes will be the partisans who will have already committed themselves to their communities"
"showing off my small village mentality explaining how i am at times very curious and can gossip about people especially with the smartphone and my little network of friends i keep in contact with through it but also pointing out some of my qualities and that is namely that of being very generous and by nature very convivial finding in the end wright in the generating of my life-project this energy which i would also advise other to pursue if it wasn't that i know they would find it too banal"
"telling on how in the mountains i have barely any internet to check the news but also back to civilization and right in the midst of it like a stoic i manage to subtract myself from this constant mainstream of information turning people numb and in pursuing my own nature and in taking active care of my ecology i am able to come up with something that intelligent scholars would define as subjective but questioning in the end the objectivity of their institutional apparatus comparing it to a giant with clay feet"
"asserting how i grew as a child in the midst of many war monuments treated almost religiously by going in a discussion to claim how in my opinion the state ultimately resort at war as a way to divert the attention from the misery it generates and seeing how in stateless societies violence is more diffused while in a state society violence can be even completely eradicate but because this later society sit on a global order that is in itself the greatest form of violence ever conceived"