"talking about my emotions more in terms of moods cyclically shifting from good to not so good as the weather and discussing how thanks to my project i cam to love life and content myself of my humble existence not really panicking about the world coming to an end but wanting to inspire people to stop committing to the nature destroying machine and instead develop their own local environments starting with themselves"


"sharing my opinion about the increase need for psychologists and other forms of sedatives discussing in the end how they can be avoided by simply cease the fight to resist in a machine governed society and undertake a process of reconnection with nature as i managed to do with my project"


"revealing how basically all type of authorities representing whatever social institution have always tried to put me down and hinder me in my project causing me much distress until i have discovered anarchist writers and began to understand that there cannot be any natural evolution but only a strong regression as long as society is based on hierarchy"


"presenting my idea on how to install this easy to make project but very hear to realize so high up it is meant to stand as some kind of an instrument to be played by nature in this respect not only being a work about emotions but also generating emotions to the visitors also discussing how the establishment is so much erecting architectures that are but the direct manifestation of the greed dominance of a few people over the world and how opposite to it is the building i am doing of my life-project"


"talking about my strongest trait and that is that of not only rejecting to become an authority but also fully and unconditionally rejecting any authority believing that the fact that i have cultivated my project as i did enabled a sort of a common sense within me which very much suggests me how to deal with my own ecology hoping in the end that other people would get inspired by my example and together we could crack the oppressing layer of control imposed by centralized types of governance"


"noticing how i have always had this strong need to bring my project back to nature and in doing this give my full devotion to it but how authorities has always hindered me to do so eventually using their brutal tactics which on the other hand provided me with more profound way to look at reality also expecting in the end that the more pursue my project and the more it is likely that something even more tragic will befall on me"


"a pretty strong section in which i explain why i picked up the role of the housewife not to provoke anyone but because i believe this is the only way of recovery a small ecology which can contrast a tendency by the centralized machine to take care of it in such an annihilating manner reducing not only the identity of local environments but especially the possibility for the to be self-sufficient"


"bringing forward the relationship with my father as a crucial emotional development in my life and seeing that we both aspire to a common goal but disagreeing with his siding with nationalist and supremacist ideology to achieve the goal preferring myself a more subtle type of anarchism which could guarantee a more ecological and egalitarian type of living"

"motivating not only why i dropped out of academia but also about my great aspiration to show solidarity to others but feeling very much unable to do so because of a system which wants to control even that aspect of human life in the end turning my aspiration as a teacher to completely dedicate myself against such form of centralization and control in favor for a down-scaled type of society"

"discussing about how over the years i have been always attacked by authorities who defined themselves extreme right or left wing but in reality to me have always played the representative of either the conservative front or the progressive disussing how also i am neither of the two since i make it a point with my project to create an alternative hopping off the system and indicating a more natural way of living"


"talking about how eccentric i can get in certain situations but generally how i really fulfill my role in my community and how other people are just too busy with the fictitious roles that the hierarchical system assign to them to actually play out their communal role and revive the local environment and with that spark the biodiversity that is so much needed to bring life back on the planet"


"concluding the chapter on my record of songs by discussing the meaning of the cathedral-like mnemonic building that should host it seeing it more and more as the concentration of skill and craftmenship just like the cathedrals of the past were what bound communities together and in fact kept them autonomous from a centralized type of power"

"introducing my tracing of walks work bringing forward a concern on how the network of paths connecting the whole world together in now ceasing to exist with all the infrastructure imposed on the landscape and encouraging people in their small realities to just keep on walking and challenging the later"

"making a point discussing how all the tracing of my walks could be meaningless but in fact they are a statement of me walking and exploring reality with instead most of other humans seating and delegating their pyramidal knowledge to the computer while in my case the technology i carry is kept as a medium also for a possible more horizontal type of knowledge with other active and independent explorers"


"discussing all the various elements that hinder me to walk such as the weather or an injury and other natural circumstances but also the more artificial ones such as having to work or the restrictions that came after the pandemic arguing that they were viewed to safeguard old people life but has deeply compromised life itself and in particular the youth who was locked up for months and telling how i completely disobey the lock-down and brought my children on very long walk teaching them how to become independent especially from a system which can play such sadistic tricks"


"with all other citizens going to work and either way using the environment only of r leisure seeing my daily effort to sense the environment through my explorations as a way to create a bridge between it and the middle class provide a way for it to heal from all its neurosis but also suggesting a path to find back in nature the possibility create ecological communities detached from any form of centralized governance"


"talking about the possibility to off course conduct the tracing of my walks by simply using a global positioning system which can take care of collecting all my movements in a more meaningful way but on the other had explaining how this automated tracking misses my point of wanting to reactivate my human faculties especially with satellites flying over our head constantly retracing the earth surface for the sake of control and the expansion of a centralized power encouraging now people to walk and already mentally reappropriate themselves of the environments from which power excludes them"


"by declaring that walking is the inheritance i gave to my children i also use these writings to declare that if I walk i do it for them and also through my project for others feeling most awkward to do anything for myself alone and in this respect conceiving the project-museum where people have to walk to as a libertarian institution where they can learn to reconnect to nature and start-up their own ecologies if they only have the will to access it"


"telling how walking is for me not so much a time for leisure but an activity i try to make worth for my family doing all sort of little errands in the spirit of a scavenger or rather a human who want to be part again of the natural world and uses even the urban settings to do so even though the setting of a nature released from the yoke of governance would be the actual ideal"


"making fun of all the fight or rights which in the end can be conceived as only a way to get more power and more commodities in their sedentary living and advocating instead for the opposite right the right to be able to be nomad without any artificial border and without any arbitrary constraints and talking about the taiwanese artist hsieh and how he made fun of these constraints by sepnding a whole year in the open using new york city as his house with his toilette and bedrooms and so forth to later disappear like all taoists into the wild"


"giving a quite detailed description on how i think walking entered into my genes talking about my ancestors who had to first migrate from germany and then started shepherding and then became smugglers and then soldiers with my grandfatehr having to walk through the russian winter back to europe but also her mother having to walk everyday to the other side of the highland for a badly paid teaching job lastly also getting quite indignant with the western world forcing its people now to stay seated while the rest of the world have to pick up the hard labour on their behalf"


"telling how i prefer to walk with my friends and how my friends have been all great hikers and how hiking itself got us to know each other very profoundly and going more specifically telling about a great polish friend i had with who we took many long walks and risked our lives but go tin the end split apart by academia and its awful competitive environment turning in the end to nietzsche to encourage artists to be more dionysian"


"going more in detail with the discussion about cartography and how it has been used in the past centuries to enforce the creation of nations and the colonization of the new world despite the greatest geographers being anarchists and rejecting this idea wanting to instead import the idea of communal confederations from the distant territories they were exploring and discussing how either wya with my cartography i ought to be organic and reshape my environment in such a way given that it is by now shaped most artificially by the surveying technology"


"going more ein depth with how the glass panels in which my walks are engraved should be presented in the context of an ultimate ideal exhibition and considering that the choice i made in the end to do it in the alps is also based on the fact that is likely that the sea one day will flood the flat land below it and that the ancient civilization of my ancestors could resuming their east to west networking among its various communities that are by now isolated encouraging people to take these routes and walk these routes so as to recover this lost ecological dimension"


"talking about how i am certainly very physical but cannot manifest my physicality in a bourgesois setting and while i can very well do it when i am back in my moutnain village i refuse to do any sport as i believe them to be a surrogate to endure the centralized power structure pending over us in this respect trying to limit my training strictly to tasks i need to accomplish in order to survive"


"putting up a polemic about the fact that we are convinced that all our perfectly scientific and technological system can keep our health monitored and in good condition but i personally find it more harmful since i can really well take care of my natural issues and i have more difficulties with the health-related issues that modern life perpetrates on me despite being very careful to avoid them also pointing fingers at the old population not willing to let go and trying to become increasingly immortal at the expenses of a more and more oppressed youth"

"mainly discussing how the mania for sports i inherited from my foster family was replaced with a dedication for my ecology which starting from myself naturally extended to the surrounding and how i use the nature i decided to dedicate myself to as not a place to be exploited but only a place where the local nature and my personal nature taking care of it should be exalted with the only issue presently of people taking possession of nearby properties for their comforts and luxuries"


"recalling my time in the united states training so hard with my team there eventually getting me to become a bodybuilder and from my short-lived experience in the world of the spectacle competing and getting to know the filthy side of the entertainment industry eventually letting all go to focus on cultivating my inner self and my surrounding where i found great joy looking forward to at last become old and sit on the very elevation i have reached"

"describing how generally very powerful i felt and how much i could not relate to the surrounding because of all the regulation imposed from above but ow i did find in the digital media a way to manifest all my natural strength until also this medium got colonized with all its media platforms and the regulation they generate"

"discussing once again about my father and his painful rheumatism which perhaps i have also inclined to have but sort of breaking such chain by conducting m life without too many excesses and doing tai-chi which in a way integrates me back to the local environment and also discussing on how my approach is eastern in that i do very ritualistic type of works but never projecting them up on any hierarchical ladder only exclusively using them to engage with the environment"


"bringing up the fact that while i am very easy and servile in my family i do insist on one point and that is that the relation with nature must be cultivated also to guarantee my children to be able to avoid becoming voluntary slaves of a locked up system and find their own way to become self-sufficient and autonomous"


"describing how everytime i try to com out with my project there are authorities pushing me back realizing in the end that in order to command and control they don't want to deal with any of the living nature i am cultivating and that this nature would be very dangerous for their conservative domain where everything and everyone has to be kept without a natural life and the possibility to grow independent"


"talking about how i am caught in two different realities and how in my tolstoyan view of history i have been pushed to one and then pushed back to the other reflecting on how perhaps this agitation is perhaps the cause of a too enforced and unregulated progress i come to regulate through my own artistic practice"


"perceiving almost as how chronically my ancestors has been experiencing the tragedy of a machine destroying their relation with nature and setting them into a diaspora conceiving the realization of my ark as going back and sort of mend this constant tragedy going from parents to offspring also coming to the conclusion that i was able to o against the machine by literally developing my humanity by having my life-project as a kind of objective i was drawn to"


"a section in which i emphasize how i really don't give a hell about my body but i simply keep it healthy and in order while putting the whole of my focus in strengthening my inner-self especially through my practice of self-examination and observation of the surrounding criticizing a modern civilization overprotecting its citizens and turning them too feeble and unable to be independent"


"finalizing the discussion about this work by talking about how i want to present in the form of a clock and how this clock in reality is complete opposite than the clock that through the centuries has regimented human life even though computers now have turned this time relative but only in reality providing a more tailored schedule for everyone to attend and describing in this respect my practice as a way to disobey this advancement of the system and get back to my natural rhythm"