"hammer bought in italy mostly to nail down the panels i have used to build the two giant closet i kept in the middle room of my barn in the mountains to store my archival boxes"
"paint sprayer i have used quite extensively to add a layer of linseed oil on my ark especially as it go rusted and even attaching the sprayer to a long stick to reach the high up but by so doing losing all the air compression"
"mask i had to use under my welding helmet so as to make sure i did not inhale any of the fumes i made while welding the textures of my ark locked in the netherlands during the pandemic with also my neighbours not happy about me working in the garden"
"glasses used a first by my oldest son to practice with his soft air gun and after he dismissed it taking the glasses mostly to protect my eyes when plastering the mountain barn with all my equipment"
"protractor bought in the netherlands to build the first hexagonal prototypes i had in mind to present my work using it to mark metal tubes with the right angles prior cutting them"
"cheap brush used mostly to paint the room i used in our mountain barn to store my archival boxes and later also using the brush to oil the ark"
"converter used to connect my laptop to beamers so as to give presentations of my project especially as i tried to talk the italian authorities into allowing me to build my ark until i did not have a single chance to present my project after building it"
"usb stick i used to have my desktop computer to connect to the internet and be able to upload my month productions onto my website but also to be able to learn on how to create a virtual environment of the memory theater with which i have generated my project"
"hub used to get more usb ports in my laptops so as to be able to attach to it more devices such as my scanner and other tools i use for my various works"
"sharp cutter knife i used to build the prototypes of the first vehicles i have conceived where to both stow and show my life-project"
"iron square used during the construction of the ark but also of the barn where all the tools and the archival boxes have been stored during the making"
"spade used extensively especially for the making of the foundation of the ark getting the grave from a small hill south of it and filling the ground where at last the ark was built"