"with the world news focusing now almost exclusively on the pandemic second wave still able to search for casualties especially in the middle east with several occurrences in afghanistan"
"a period checking the news also while visiting august in sweden reading o fa lot of islam motivated attacks in africa but also in europe and some natural catastrophes particularly in turkey but also gas line explosions causing not so many casualties"
"news read regularly and only filtering those related to killing and finding some disastrous natural events especially in guatemala as well much terror in africa with the situation in ethiopia degenerating under once again a nobel prize winner for peace"
"checking regularly the news as the first thing in the morning and searching for the keyword kill finding many side news about blasts and islam terror caused casualties especially once again in nigeria but also several in afghanistan also now again never finding any headlines related to the corona virus pandemic killing people but rather only finding deaths and statistic saturating all the media channels"
"a period with quite some news of minor casualties and then the new of a lot of atrocities in ethiopia under the regime of the nobel prize winner for peace and then no news of casualties for quite some days to suddenly erupt with many news about deaths all over the world and sadly again in muslim countries"
"reading the news very regularly and finding a lot of violence in africa and in muslim countries with the media fully focused in covering mostly north american news such as the capitol hill insurrection only causing a bunch of deaths"
"for several days finding no casualties in the world but then suddenly reading about a lot of violence occurring in many african countries but also quite some weather related casualties in indonesia"
"a month with numerous deaths cause by gas leakages all around the world but still with an awful lot of violence in african countries and especially in somalia with the army attacking terrorists and terrorists retaliating"
"beside for an avalanche killing hundreds in india recording religious inspired attacks both in the middle east and in africa especially in the democratic republic of congo where the situation seems to go out of control"
"way too many casualties found in the african continent making in depth searches in the news with still the situation being quite critical in the democratic republic of congo but also violence recorded in central and south america"
"a month with still minor attacks and a lot of crashes and some attacks but also much protesting in myanmar causing however not so many casualties"
"reading the news headlines first thing in the morning searching specifically for casualties without wasting any time reading the general gossip-like news with topics such as the global pandemic and the new american president taking over the media and reading once again of many violent deaths in western african countries but also around the world with several accidents like fires and crashes"
"still several attack in africa now also on the east and several minor casualties around the world with the protest against the coupe in myanmar still continuing but also reading of some accidents like two helicopter crashes and generally trying to stick to the reading of casualties avoiding the too bias headlines of the front pages"
"period with an incredible amount of casualties around the world checking them daily but being too busy building the textures of my museum to also check other media channels and finding several casualties once again in violent africa but also a deadly crash in taiwan and many casualties in indonesia due to the rain"
"still a lot of casualties in africa but also in the middle east and some minor accidents and major sinking disasters with migrants trying to escape africa and a missing submarine in indonesia but also reading about several deaths related to lack of oxygen in curing people affected by the coronavirus"
"following the disappearance of an indonesian submarine to see if it actually caused casualties which it did in the end and also reading of many minor casualties around the world with quite a deadly stampede in israel and several accidents but also a not so much talked of sinking of refugees trying to make it to europe"
"still checking the word news the first thing i do after waking up to update my project often in the middle of the night and at last having to create an account to access the reuters website no longer allowing viewers to go in depth with any article without an account also finding other news channels way too contaminated with commercials and political agenda especially when reading of all the dead people caused by the israeli in gaza but also reading of many other deadly catastrophes all around the world"
"sadly still many news of casualties in the african continent too often caused by terror attacks but also by a volcanic eruption with too many casualties occurring in the democratic republic of congo the long name itself repeated several times filling up quite some text in this month production"
"reading news while in the mountains with very little internet connection and only checking one not so bias news channel finding many small casualties around the world and in particular a deadly building collapse in the united states and a quite scary heat wave in the west of canada killing hundreds truly now a premonition of many disasters to come"
"still reading the news from the mountains not going too much in detail but finding minor casualties from around the world and upon completing the project museum that is some sort of noah ark reading of the many deadly floods occurring especially in germany but also elsewhere in the world"
"not spending too much time in general to read the news and only focusing on the first page of reuters world news too often however only reading about the talibans taking over afghanistan and not so much about dreadful events such an earthquake killing thousands in haiti at last also making it back to holland and starting the day also engaging with my new social media accounts i created to promote the project museum rather than going right away into the world news as i used to"
"going every morning through the headlines and only seldom reading about important ones concerning human lives and finding several scattered news about human caused deaths but also calamities like again deadly floods"
"finding very little important news in the world headlines and having and mostly reading about casualties after scrolling through several pages with many small accidents around the world and an earthquake in pakistan and much violence in nigeria but also a most deadly prison riot in ecuador"
"checking the news every morning and having to resort to a more specific key search for casualties with the front pages of the main media channels just filled with the usual gossiping about the american president or the swedish teenage activist and a come back of the coronavirus finally getting to read about the many casualties in many west african countries mostly terror related and also quite some casualties in india and nepal after severe floods"
"checking the news regularly every evening now going to work early in the morning and having time only late for my project but still following the main online newspapers reading of many casualties pretty much around the world with prison riots in ecuador and a deadly fire in russia but also a lot of violence especially still in western african countries"
"several casualties around the world cause by accidents but also fires and quite many dying in the united states with a tornado and still forces killing so called terrorists and terrorists retaliating with deadly explosions"
"checking the world news at least daily and finding several deadly fire n the united states and beside natural calamities the usual deadly terror in west africa but also a particularly heavy repression of a protest in kazakhstan"
"now left without work having the tendency to look more often at the news and even in the more mainstream sites finding also about less relevant accidents but also quite important ones especially once again africa with calamities and attacks but also on the north hemisphere in general with freezing temperatures killing especially migrants"
"traveling in italy yet taking my time every day to read the news finding many casualties related to natural calamities around the world and at last the war erupting in ukraine killing thousands but at the same time completely jeopardizing on the news any news about other casualties around the world putting events like the falling of a plane in china almost not making it to the front lines saturated with much speculation about the war development"
"still only news about the terrible war in ukraine with a lot of gossips and few concrete facts jeopardizing a lot of other important news from all around the world with severe plane crashes and deadly natural catastrophes but also quite some attacks both in muslim countries and even in the united states"
"reading regularly the news also while traveling to italy and noticing the focus on the war in ukraine coming less with the russian troops regrouping in the south east of the country nonetheless reporting on some casualties among civilians and especially searching for casualties in other countries with the situation getting quite tensed both in africa and in south america but also in some part of asia and to some extent in the middle east but also with a few casualties recorded in the netherlands"
"still making quite an effort to read actual news with the focus of the main newspapers on gossips and just on the sides reading of important events such as floods and blasts around the world especially in bangladesh but also reading of several sad shooting rampages in the united states showing the level of mental sickness there while in europe only reading of one train incident with minor casualties and knowing that the war in ukraine continue but as for the corona virus pandemic not really getting to know actual facts but just a lot of speculative claims from one and the other block"
"still a lot of crap read on the news mostly about what the powerful people of the world think and finding no actual concrete information as if the media has also turned into the social medial of these people but managing to find here and there information about deadly and religiously motivated attacks in africa as well as a powerful earthquake killing thousand in afghanistan but also reading about many small minor accidents despite having to travel with the children through a europe now under threat with a most aggressive russia at its door"
"in the mountains with not so much internet connection yet still every morning checking always right away the world news finding a lot of the usual gossips and seldom some concrete news such the several casualties in ukraine under the russian invasion but also some deaths in the united states for various reasons and even in italy with a breaking glaciers beside the sad often uncovered casualties around the third world"
"checking the news quite regularly even in the mountains with little internet connection and finding some news on some major sites but not in others and at times finding news of shooting pretty much around the world but also of floods with climate change bringing much summer drought in china and europe and huge rains elsewhere"
"reading here and there about several attacks and minor calamities but then also about a giant flood in pakistan killing over a thousand people and slowly getting a glimpse about the catastrophe particularly with europe getting almost no rain and beside the many other attacks also reading a small news item of the amount of people dead from a measles outbreak"