"swiftly improvising the fable of this swift razor cutting the beard off the clouds revealing the forgotten gods underneath them but then getting most upset of the gay interaction between these gods above and the creatures below getting stuck in the middle and then opting to cut off all these up and down going dicks becoming the shepherd of them all yet ultimately having to cut their balls off letting them drawn in a sea of their own sperms"


"fable of lazy mandrill falling in a long sleep in the end waking up to find that all his fellow mandrills have been eaten up by the indigenous human population now basing the story in him somehow taking revenge grilling these humans but inadvertently making them very mandrill like"


"improvising this fable about a gazelle whom most virgin and pretty she was at all times having to escape from male predators but in the end loosing her virginity in the jungle and bringing within her back to the savannah much biodiversity in the end however creating much unbalance in the earth climate with the result of massive waves of creatures all immigrating to her biodiversified savannah"


"remembering of the time living as a bump in a tropical beach and improvising this fable about an iguana getting drunk of the tourists cocktails in the end getting some super powers beaming out in the universe with god himself using this beam as a straw and getting destitute as a god for his drunkenness in the in then using now the beam as a leash to roam around his planet creations with his dog iguana eventually however regaining his status but creating a monopoly on alcohol and addicting the whole planetarian population"


"improvising a fable about a belostomatid at first sucking the blood out of virgins bathing in a river but then literally abusing them in them turning into a dildo piston getting them pregnant and generating quite a restless offspring also with their pistons and the possibility to move like trains in a network of railroads their father exapnded out into the universe but in their feeling bored about this game wanting their father to also introduce elements of danger such as enemy planes in the end destroying them all with our belostomatid having to hide out in the crater of a planet it eventually also made pregnant"


"narrating the fable of a pufferfish blowing other fishes and eventually turning into a planet among other fish planets and in the end falling in love with the sun turning her much in love with him but melting him into drops of sweat and with her tears mixing with these drops generating a whole new space population of pufferfishes"


"reading about a myna bird in a chinese memoir and later reading about the bird faculties to reproduce sound using this feature to make the myna birds all embedded in appliances to give sound feedback but not a mini myna set to liberate them in the end escaping her clan and ending up in the ass of a bull thus coming to make a mynataur minotaur living in a maze at first and then escaping into a green pasture where the myna began to take care of his taur bull fetching hay and making a nestle for them"


"improvising the fable of a leopard most afraid of lions and keeping on a tree starving soon however learning to become more monkey like eating like monkeys but in the end also feeding on monkeys and become much stronger than the lions and the new king of the animal kingdom who so fat he got banqueting that so fed up his subjects were to take him around that at last the ate him up to his bones making him transparent and returning up the trees with his animal subjects once the lion took up back his kingdom and got most voracious"


"in the end writing up the fable of a moose after so much experiencing of it in all years spent in the swedish countryside and focusing very much on how hunted down the animal is and on the long legs of the protagonist i created and the marsh of blood she lived in and her collaboration with vikings to slaughter more animals later using her horns like propellers to reach creatures under the sea and in the sky and later new planets with the different coloured blood of different aliens she later used as the ink to make the nordic lights to reconnect to her nordic landscape"


"getting inspired by reading about female mantis abusing and eating up and decimating the male population and really now writing a fable also inspired by the incredible arms of the insect using them in the fable to box but also as the rods of a flying locomotive"


"improvising the story of a skeeter skating on his river but managing to also make it through the winter to skate on ice becoming a sort of celebrity demotivating all other olympic skaters but also with the coming of the summer making all the new batch of skeeters into skaters in the end also becoming better than him and in the last season learning accidentally to sled and being used as a bait by fisher eaters and eventually been eaten by a fish and setting free by cutting his throat open with his skates but finding himself out at sea and becoming a salt crystal placed to dry up in a mountain of salt but here turning to skiing on it finding this winter sport the most suited"


"after a small holiday in sardinia with august and davide trying to identify the fishes i saw snorkeling realizing they have hallucinating effects and really working on this in the fable with a dreamfish protagonist making all his creatures also creative but always getting out of control in the end with the protagonist trying to impose a firm order on them failing however to keep it up getting most depressed and dreamless about it eventually letting the creatures loose again"


"observing lapwings during my walk through the dutch landscape and also observing all the effort of local environmentalists to protect them from all the many dogs running freely along the river and basing my narrative on this struggle turning the lapwings into actual indians very much fitting the little feather sticking up their head at first with their mother trying to stop the fighting but in the end wanting it to be resumed so as to leave her in peace after she rescued her offspring from becoming some sort of totems of a skyscraper metropolis"


"finally with some peace of mind back in the netherlands having more time to focus in the evening coming up with this fable about a chacalaca departing from her obsession with melons eventually turning her to suck the head of other creatures becoming at first very bullying turning her into a very brainy him forced to pooh out all the excessive brain matter he sucked and later forced to eat his own brainy pooh finally using it to bombard the outer space and propagate"


"focusing on the baboon aggressive behaviour which got him to first chop off the heads of the creatures of his community but then got him to became the head of this headless community eventually trying to get their heads back attacking monsters and then also venturing up to the sky to get the heads of gods who all peed in their pants and flooded the earth in the end getting our baboon to seat in the throne of thrones and use the gods to repair it"


"reading about the tarantula spider and about how the actual name is erroneously linked to the tarantella thinking that after a bite one goes into a wild dance and basing my whole narrative on this element eventually having the spider being brought to america and then to russia to revive the people there under their regimes but also using the spider legs and net to even make aliens dance like puppets turning them eventually into tiny spiders in the end using the spider net to come eating up the tarantula and creating a whole new galaxy but in fact making her bigger"


"fable about a shoebill in the end married by a dutch colonizing prince in search for his gay cinderella bringing him with him to his palace but truning our shoebill most depressed and ending up in a swimming pool filled with inflatables until he cold take no more of it and out he escaped up in the sky yet so queer he still was that also the gods wanted to wear his shoe-beak becoming also very queer and so sick of such extravaganza he was that much now he vomited turning the earth into a giant concrete-vomit parking lot for ufos to stop by"


"making up a fable about a sawish after seen many of them hanging in my the viall of my partner's doctor brother and using this to turn the saw in to an actual chainsaw obsessing the fish to keep the bottom of the ocean clean but also the hairs of other fishes feeling in turn most obsessed to also et his own hairs removed later beginning a mass slaughter of the sea world to get all the nutrients on her skin from the bowels of the other fishes and also getting skilled in flying out of the sea and decapitate the wings of plane to later used them as tubes with all the cream produced by the dead passengers within finally turning into painting the celestial vault with them"


"telling of a butcherbird after reading about the many attacks of the bird on humans in australia during nesting season and depicting him really as a butcher starting his own fast-food while also killing his costumers for more meat in the end getting himself eaten by the last costumer and finding within it all the variety of meat he had previously butchered later after eating it all up turning himself into a planet with ufos shaving it like a kebab but finally regretting all his carnivorous past and after deflating seeking for a new planet to only group up with vegetarians declaring war to meat eaters but by spilling their blood turning the all vegetation also carnivorous and ready to eat all the vegetarians who for so long fed on it"


"writing a fable in plural about termites demolishing anything humans would build but then in the end getting used by humans themselves to create by demolishing coming in the end to unite themselves together into a one termite super hero also building a type of termitepolis for his termites who in the end ate it all up and became themselves some ginat monuments aliens in the outer apce came to bring them to their planets which the termites could not resist to eat turning into metermites meteorites"


"playing around with the word cowboy using a coyote boy as the point of departure of this fable soon however letting the boy turn into a bison and later escaping to the kingdome of the wolves queen with who she had many a coywolves later sent to defeat humans only to turn them also into wolfmen and wolfwomen set to wolfyfied the whole planet until so much was the howling that from it emerged an old shepherd to get them all into a flock of sheep once more"


"telling the story about a kiwi bird having to witness the killing of all her fellow birds by the white colonialists eventually turning them into kiwi fruits awaiting to be picked by god so as to be poohed by him and turned into gold but at last getting picked herself and becoming the main operator of god from within his stomach and turning the universe into a kiwiverse but in the process becoming outlawed until the new authorities get a hold of the kiwi-balls of god"


"reading peter marshall's account of his trip around africa and his telling of the giant perch in the nile river and writing about the big fish and the ecological disasters it caused being introduces in other waters elsewhere in africa insisting throughout the fable on the fish voraciousness bringing him to create a strip of fertile land like that of the nile but out in space in then end letting him return to his ancient civilization transporting the blocks with which the pyramid was made"


"writing about a tuna getting all into different cans but nonetheless retaining her wholeness and managing to escape the supermarket shelves rotating away as if on wheels and inspiring the whole can food population to return to their place of belonging but in the process causing many accidents and creating hybrids the tuna cans set out in space to relocate only in the end attracting aliens to predate the earth of the cans"


"improvising the fable of a ptarmigan high up on the rocky mountains quite desperate to meet a female and in the end turning his male competitors featherless but by so doing attracting the attention of local hunter with so much feathers falling like snow finally himself becoming the patriarch of the village and later of his new offspring playing with the work ptarmigan turned into patrimigan and as all patriarchs also being ousted and later recovered"


"after being visited by my brazilian old friend mario and his family hearing their account of the amazon feeling inspired to write about the coatis and in particular of one up on a tree defending all others from bird predators but not feeling rewarded from the service he provided in the end letting these birds exterminate the community but for the last surviving female with whom she generated many a new coatis going from paintball shooters to becoming artists and then using their long noses to wine throughout the nights in the end with our coati protagonist and his partner deciding to convert them to reversed flying creatures"


"trying to invent a fable about meerkats this time treating them as a whole protagonist getting caught in a battlefield at least making up a giant underground arsenal of all the shells and winning both armies getting rid of all their hierarchy by digging it underground as an inverted pyramid which at last was able to re-emerge again and defeat the meerkats by putting them in isolation unable to connect with one another and only recovering after being buried in a common cemetery"


"focusing on the warthog habit of plundering vegetable gardens making the life of south african people miserable in the end however also headbutting them out in heaven and making them a favor but with no more miserable people to toss up getting quite bored in the end making our warthog also dig in the earth and throw up to heaven the devils within now using hell as a giant mud pull for all the world swines but having the devils finished to consume the flesh of god turning hungry again right on this pull they turn slowly roasting all the pigs but our warthog who was so used already to the african heat but as filled with swine the devils became our warthog began to juggle with them hypnotizing all spectators coming from other galaxies to see the show and making of them at last salami"


"reading how the chinese paddlefish got extinct because of all the dike works on the yellow river and basing my story on the last surviving paddlefish trying to set up a revolution against the mandarin people along with also the other species but ultimately only finding them in zoos and finally using her nose to liberate them and make of these zoos strongholds of resistance from where in the end all the mandarins were subdued in the end however also revolting and eating up all the species leaving only our paddlefish locked up in the remaining zoo with the mandarins outside turning like the animals they ate and eventually turning into the paddlefish so much they longed to eat it"


"telling the story of a branzino and because of his name and look making it a cool fish and womanizer who cannot however succeed in seducing a mermaid in the end kidnapping her very jealously with only the pirates succeeding in taking her and freeing her despite all their abuses filling their vessel first and the ocean with their sperms so horny they all got to have her on board so by the time the vessel capsizes having with the branzino recapturing the mermaid having the pirate sperms getting her pregnant producing a lot of small pirates turning the branzino into their ship used to penetrate all the fortresses to make the mermaid richer but so much our branzino had to penetrate that into a golden dildo he turned getting rid of all the dynasties of queens desiring to use him and freeing the world from aristocracy"


"after observing wagtails in the mountains writing the story about one who is a ballerina in all her frenzy movements and actually attracts the interest of a producer who in the end forces her to work for him turning however her movements too mechanic and ditching her into a mental hospital until the aliens come to earth and recognize in her the first alien making her very successful in the whole universe with all extraterrestrial creatures following her steps and making the universe capsized leaving all space to the wagtail who in all her poetic dancing turned the worms under the crust of the planets into colourful butterflies soon to become the pixels of a megascreen used at first as a choreography becoming increasingly more real"


"departing from the gypsy moth introduced to the american continent with devastating consequences for the forests there and taking about one moth that did not want his fellows to infest a virgin forest turning into a supermoth defeating all the larvae and fighting to regain more of the wilderness resurrecting the larvae to attack humans but then having to transport them out of the atmosphere so as not to get contaminated by them ultimately with them fighting off the aliens trying to protect the universe from such a contamination"


"inspired by my reading on hunter-gatherers in the kalahari desert writing a fable about a gemsbok who very peaceful she was if it wasn't for these hunter-gatherers' obsession to kill her resulting in many tribes in the end shooting all their arrows at them with the different poisons however working as antidotes to one another and turning her into a giant porcupine making it on top of the animal kingdom and wanting to demonstrate this to the lions who most amused they became irritating our gemsbok to the point that she shot out all her poison arrows killing them all and letting her as the only top predator of the desert becoming a goddess among bushmen who lastly starved to death and turned the gemsbok more into a domesticated dog feeding on their bones"


"reading on how cheetahs puppies are endangered by other predators and basing this fable on the last surviving puppy in the end seeking to group up with other cheetahs eventaully grouping up with urban cats and with them forming a band and even daring to move from the city back to the savannah but there having the cat population becoming too big and too much into fighting one another that a big spectacle it all became with our cheetah having to supply the food for all the spectators until at last the profession of a butcher he began establishing the meat monopoly until the other animals had enough and just locked him in the butchery with no meat getting him to hibernate until he woke up again in a post apocalyptic age with a lush forest and many monkeys to eat like fruits falling in his mouth from the trees and right merging with a tree our cheetah ended up to no longer having to worry about survival"


"coming up with a nice format of a fable making a spoonbill change her beak at her convenience in the first place having her spoon-beak being used by drug addicts to heat up their heroine but then getting herself a rich dealer turning the spoon into a fork to eat and enjoy life later eventually having to turn the beak into a tap and then a straw and ultimately into a shooting-gun to exterminate the humans who have turned her into some king of power plant later using the very shooting-gun to replant the wilderness around the planet shooting seeds eventually having to turn the beak into a machete to be able to go through the wilderness and create some kind of open-air museum with all the species she would kill but then regretting to be left alone and using her beak as a syringe to inject life back on these species turning them way too wild eventually ending up in prison with her beak in their hands as some kind of scepter of power lastly coming back to her in the form of a key to free her"


"once again improving a fable with quite an underlying metamorphosis this time talking about a very fast halibut terrifying at first the over-fishing ships with his cyclopic look in the end however also starving to death eh native population and trying to feed them slicing himself up becoming however thinner and being transported away like a leave flying onto the big cities of the world and terrifying the population to the point that all back to nature they went and also the halibut back to his arctic territory but there the new arctic people like a flag of the new empire they used him for advancing onto the other territories until like a ghost our halibut imposed them all back in their native lands but too tired of patrolling in the end engaging actual ghosts terrifying the population making our halibut squeeze himself like a cloth from all its oil to give like back to them in the end finding a way to inflate himself and make them pregnant thus resurrecting the dead ancestors they represented lastly using our halibut as the cover of a book of many halibut pages where to record all the storytelling of all these resurrected ancestors"