"walking quite much while on holiday with my family in abruzzo mostly exploring wild beaches even venturing further south in molise and trying to take walks there despite the heat and with august also picking him up at the fiumicino airport walking with him in rome to the main monumental sites before making it back to abruzzo and there taking two walks with our dutch musician friend mathijn exploring some of the maiella moutain going mostly up canion and smaller peaks and driving back stopping in bologna to say hi to my youngest aunt donatella living there and exploring the city walking from the margherita gardens to the imposing city center and then back over the hills and from our mountain apartment not working so much at the ark mostly focusing on the family and also with florian coming to visit exploring the nice campogrosso area overlooking the small dolomites and with the children even venturing down to the specchieri lake finding it almost entirely dried up due to the severe drought and beside that taking walks nearby such as up the novegno and the enna mountain always with the kids walking alone"


"being quite impressed about my two little children able to walk up the mountains and take quite long walks around them especially in novegno at first with the mother and later also with mathijn exploring a whole new area called vaccaresse and even from the ark trying to explore with the children the connection with the path to the top of the mountain but prior myrthe's departure back home taking a nice walk in bassano up the brenta river and despite the drought finding a great place where to swim and the day after alone with the children visiting my native highland and with my friend francesco and the kids walking from canove to asiago over the former railroad and then making it back to the netherlands across germany taking walks with the children in the quite ugly ingolstadt and later spending the night in a shithole south of wurzburg and with another dutch family taking quite a walk to find a place selling something to eat in the end ending up on the beautiful and war spared towns along the main river the day after also stopping by chance in the picturesque idstein almost being in a fairy tale with the children very happy to explore it and at last in holland mostly walking around our dutch village even going up stream on the dried out river bank and only for a weekend going into belgium and taking a walk first in the ugly town of linter and then around the marshes of het vinne with the children still quite strong"


"a month only walking mostly in our dutch town and once in tiel after bringing our poor greek spanish friends to the hospital and in the industrial south of utrecht picking up with little silvester my phone i accidentally left in a van i rented to return a cement mixer and really spending my free time only mixing cement hastening to make the foundation of our new garage and after taking a break and with a bad weather spending a day walking in eindhoven to the evoluon where an english professor for whom i worked in sweden had an exhibit generally also feeling my legs quite tired especially from all the lifting of hundreds of bags of heavy concrete"


"spending the whole month building a garage in the back of our garden and taking very little walks and mostly in our village with silvester going down the old dike and across the fields to the cheese farm and only a couple of times following myrthe to meet her friends taking care of the children both in apeldoorn also taking a walk in the forest there and later in dordrecht and towards the end driving all the way up to the north of holland to fetch a smuggled heat pump and stopping in alkmaar to take a walk but soon making it across the city and back longing in the end to explore a forest and even following once livia with her school to the one in doorn but literally only making a few hundred meters having to stay with the group and silvester"


"still working on our new garage and making less walks but at times with silvester at home with me and with some good weather going mostly on the more rural east of our dutch village also spending a nice sunny day in tilburg with the family parking in the harsh immigrant neighborhood and making it to the cultural center where our friend mathijn had a concert and on the way back home stopping in the forest east of the city and also for the first time in five years talking a walk a lone with myrthe with her friend hanneke brining the kids to the zoo and exploring the forest west of the zoo and then even going into the city to buy the christmas presents for the children also going to tiel with silvester and despite the rain going from the immigrant neighborhood through the city farm into the center to get me a dutch phone and with the weather getting quite cold trying to bring the kids for some walks especially on a day livia was also home from school taking a small walk by the cute linge river"


"after too many weeks spent building the garage in our backyard also venturing with silvester for walk outside our village going to amsterdam searching for second hand books in english and then also taking a nice walk in the forest in rhenen after buying some more wood for the garage roof and later leaving with also livia for the alps slowly descending france stopping in the very cute city of metz and the hyper touristic strasbourg with livia being very strong and walking all the time and silvester seating in the stroller in the longer stretch in the end ending up at florian's place in mullheim and with the kids venturing in the snow covered white black forest but having the kids not really lasting in the cold feeling a bit frustrated not to be able to walk further in such an amazing landscape"


"a whole month spent in italy at first alone with the children venturing with the stroller and silvester inside it and livia on my side both up and down our contrada and several times to the ark but also up the summano mount and upon their mother arrival taking a small walk in the venice lagoon by the airport and then also taking a walk up the novegno mount finding snow there and with the children really good at climbing through the rocks also later reaching all together the cross of summano and during a dull day taking a walk in vicenza beside also several times going doing to schio and walking there mostly to solve bureaucratic issues"


"doing the last bit of walking around our mountain village mostly to load the car and then driving with the family across the alps making walks at first on the other side of the alps in austria and then in a very nice medieval village on the german donau at last making it east of a much colder and rainy cologne walking at night along a big road to fetch some food for a family sleeping in a tiny basement and then finally making it home to our dutch village and there keeping up the walks bringing livia to school and silvester to do grocery and with the few occasions of good weather also venturing out to chicken zoo and at last also searching in the east and the west of the country for a van to make our traveling to italy more comfortable and after checking one or another getting to take walks in tiel but also on the nice dunes by the sea north of haarlem"


"walking mostly in the garden improving it for the coming of the spring not really taking too many walks other than bringing the van we at last bought to a company up north to turn it into a camper and then walking with myrthe and the children back to the station and then visiting on our way back the fancy city of zwolle and beside taking some walks with silvester in our dutch village going to amsterdam once to get a package for myrthe walking from amstel to the central station and then taking a nice walk with little livia from the south station again to the center where we picked august up from the airport"


"taking many walks with august in many dutch cities to begin with across arnhem and up in the more forested nature there and then in rotterdam despite the rain having some cheerful time together also later in leiden buying for him a second hand hacking device before taking a nice walk in the dunes behind the european space agency and along the sea but also walking quite much in culemborg despite the bad weather going all the way to the cheese farm and then with the children alone venturing also from one fort to another down the river despite the mud and the wind blowing cold air from the north and with the whole family making it first to amsterdam to bring august to the airport also exploring the less touristic west of the city and then to utrecht mostly to visit relatives and friends walking the arab quarter to myrthe's small brother later also getting our van ready having to take the long walk from wolwega station to the company that turned it into a camper and with the camper taking our first trip to an ecological cathedral made of recycled tiles having the children very excited to walk the surrounding forest to it"


"with a very bad and cold and rainy beginning of the spring in the netherlands taking walks only during the few decent days both around our village and over the dikes and to the more industrial part of town but also using our van to reach other destinations such as the forest near oss to the south and a big park with hills and lakes in the north near rotterdam later also taking the family for a whole new adventure camping in the van in the north of france and despite the rain and the wind exploring the gorgeous but war battered coasts of cap blanc and boulogne and of the platier d'oye before even venturing into the fancy city of lille and walking across it with always the children on our side and no stroller this time to help them"


"walking at first quite intensively in our dutch village mostly with silvester dropping our van at a mechanic on the other side of town and walkingg after him on his little bike and also picking livia up from school walking often with her and her brother towards the river to enjoy the coming of the spring and with their mother also going for a day to the forest in neerijnen venturing to the river waal depite the gray and rainy weather persisting in the end traveling in one time back to italy and there in the mountains walking often up to chris and alessia's restaurant and to the ark and the valley underneath it spending several days to clean it up also walking down the mountains in the town of schio and in the beautiful fields around giavenale and on the hills of cosatabissara on our way to francesco but only in our last day in italy taking the children up the novegno mount and making them walk all the way to the stunning vaccaresse observatory"


"traveling back up north with the family and camping in some very nice german valley taking a walk there with the children still sleeping and then stopping one more time in an ugly town near dusseldorf to eat an asian soup and walking around to stretch our legs also doing quite some walking in our dutch village often in the evenings going by myself to the river to clear up my mind with longer sunsets also taking myrthe still home sick and little silvester for longer walks on the dike and taking him and little livia to the biesbosch also for a walk so as to keep up their the good training i gave them and especially her prior she began school and with the family going camping in the limburg and in the a country place west of dusseldorf taking several walks mostly in the nature but also to small towns to do grocery and to a sculptural park and lastly in dusseldorf to the japanese quarter"


"a lot of walking to begin with in and around our dutch village making it over the dike and along the river with little silvester and then with the family traveling to the limburg city of weert walking there through the forest to reach a lake and also walking across amsterdam to pick august from the airport and with him walking in germany to the weeze airport after being dropped by myrthe outside it and reaching davide in sardinia and there stopping north of oristano taking a walk with august on the coast and then with him also crossing alghero and again walking up the coast finally reaching the galluria town of isola rossa and from costa paradiso taking once again an incredible walk with august along the beautiful coast letting him go all the way back to davide's village making back alone to our car and also walking from isola rossa north to the beautiful canneti coast and with also davide along exploring the island of capo testa crossing it entirely on foot reaching the hippy settlement of valle della luna then traveling back to cagliari with august exploring the ugly town of oristano and then the cute village of primestel where we spent the night in the beautiful gardener of an old traveler making it at last back to the netherlands taking for a day august and the kids for some ramen in rotterdam and walking slowly together through the commercail part of the city"


"walking with my two sons around the camping north of giessen exploring the german valley there and then walking more extensively in mullheim reaching the castle on top of the ills and exploring the spa resort there and also walking in the black forest and to the rheine river before making it to zurich and there walking around the city but with silvester unhappy making it to our camping in the south of the city and there walking along the sihl river and then up in the beautiful forest later also walking all around a town south of bergamo where we spent the night waiting for august to fly back home in sweden and then alone with silvester having him to walk all the way alone up the enna mount and also walking for aroud the padeghe coast of the garda lake where we swam before being joined by her sister and mother and with the family reunited walking many times up to the ark and also once on the novegno mount making it for the first time to the cross and then down to campedello to see the little frogs in the pond there and also walking along the river in valli on a very hot day"


"despite trying to spend time gluing tags in the ark also taking regularly nice walks at first with myrthe and her family walking in novegno and later in campogrosso and then alone with my old friends making it all the way up the very high pasubio mountain taking livia along and being totally impressed about my five years old to then having to pause our walks because of the not so nice weather with much rain and storms and either way with our albanian pianist friend stopping by trying to take her and her family up novegno but barely managing to walk up the rione fort and down to fernanda's cheese farm later with the weather getting a bit better going alone with the children up to the cute contrada alaba and down a new path to the valley and then again exploring the alternative route up to the novegno mount from cerbaro making it with my two little ones to the old casara and beside these walks only once making it to the plateau in thiene walking from the police station where i retrieved my id to the city center where myrthe got me some clothes for my birthday and with hanneke and her family coming by also driving to the lavarone lake and walking all around it with a very beautiful blue sky but much cold wind"


"taking many walks in the mountains going many times up to the ark to finish the work there and taking different roads so as also to entertain the kids following me and with them and myrthe also taking a very long walk all around the baffelan mountain before spending my last days in italy and then travel alone with them through austria stopping at the enchanting fern pass and there taking a long walk with the children going to a remote little lake where to swim later traveling through the much more tedious germany stopping in a little medieval village nearby the city of heilbronn taking a walk there and back in holland getting visited by my old friend davide taking with him and sivlester a long walk down the old dike and downstream along the lek river but also venturing to osterwijk discovering the beautiful wilderness of kampina with wild horses and cows taking later also my family there after also exploring the messy and ugly tillburg prior davide's departure and with the children both starting mandatory school trying to really make use of the weekend to keep their legs trained and at first camping with them in the east of the country by odenzaal discoverying a landscape very much broken down by large farms and anyway filled with mosquitoes and too much reminding me of some dull and exploited swedish forests finally rediscovering the beautiful and hilly national park north of rheden and wit my kids and myrthe crossing part of it and saving the beautiful walk on the heather blossomed hills i walked once with my iranian friend fatimah for another time"


"a period spending much time in the attic of our dutch house doing writings and editing fro my project and regularly bringing my children to school and picking them up often only by bike but either way trying to compensate taking walks both in our dutch village as well as when the children are free going once with their mother to utrecht making it from the south all the way to the east of the city and then back through the center and then to keep the children trained ringing them for a walk in the beautiful hilly landscape north of rheden and during silvester's birthday party in cas' forest little house near doorn also managing a fast walk across the meadow and beside that taking a small walk in through the very cute town of buren just prior to attend another birthday and taking advantage of a very warm and sunny autumn walking with the children from the outskirts of haarleem all the way to the sea making it across the dunes and spending the whole day to do so in the end also going to breda to pick a used cargo bike to bring he children to swim classes and there also taking a fast walk alone in the nice forest while myrthe and the kids kept in a little zoo in the near of where she was born"


"a month making a point to walk and bring my children to walk now that they both began mandatory school and i also spend much of my time working on my project but trying to take walks along the river and to their school and through the old town also bringing them in their free days for major hikes like on the dunes west of den haag reaching the sea and to the waal river across the meadows but also in our little town crossing the river with the ferry and taking a long walk with the whole family down to the fort and back also taking a small vacation in the south o the country near maastricht to take care of the dog of my wife's older brother and there taking it for a walk in the highest forest of the netherlands next to the belgian border and then on the nice little hills east of the city but also walking around and across the city itself before making it back to our village and spending one more ay with the children walking in the forest north of doorn experiencing the autumn with its colours and the many mushrooms finally going to the ugly tilburg to attend my friend mathijn concert and there walking all the way to the south and the across the city again and all the way to the north where i realized the concert was"


"a month with a lot of rain and a lot of wind spending much time writing indoor with bot children at school and their mother fully back at work nonetheless walking daily making the usual round to the arboretum and also with the children avoiding using the bike and just walking back and forth to their school managing once to go for a walk in the cute village of neerijnen staying away from the muddy side by the water and exploring a whole new area on the other side of the forest and beside that in the end only making it for a long walk with the family in the south of utrecht with much rain but eitherway managing to reach a lake and from there hanneke's place in the city"


"making the effort of walking more despite the constantly rainy weather and doing at least one walk a day out of our dutch village mostly to the arboretum and with he children home from school taking some sweet excursions in the forest going to our favorite forest in neerijnen by the waal river but also reaching the north of rhenen and from there crossing the forest all the way to amerongen with quite a cold weather and always having to make it back on time for livia's judo class also when walking in the forest east of oss and for the first time there escaping the beautiful little pond where at last some sun shone and in pushing in the wild where dogs are not allowed to run free finding a bigger pond we did not know about and with the only sunny day while in our village and with the children at school pushing also down the river getting some kilometers under my feet also in one occasion traveling alone to arnhem and there walking from the station all the way up through the forest to the highway where i could not go any further with also the rain starting to pound otherwise in the weekends making it twice to utrecht going both south but also more to the north through the muslim quarter to reach myrthe's younger brother"


"in the netherlands taking advantage of the few days without rain to walk with the family in a nice desert north of ede also taking a walk in rotterdam after visiting a museum and beside that keeping up with my daily walks in our village prior to leaving for italy and there taking adcvantage of the beautiful weather to walk up the summano mountain stopping in the malga there with still the kids feeling quite sick and after recovering making a nice round with the family of the novegno mount oing straight up to the Rione fort and then down the ridge also walking on the southern side of the Baffelan mountain range making it to Campogrosso and back and beside that also strolling in schio but also in my native town of asiago after visiting friends there and also exploring the nice paths over sant'ulderico at last with my old friend davide coming to visit me also walking again on top of mount novegno this time making it to the vaccaresse observatory despite the paths being completely covered in ice having to proceed very sloowly and with davide and the family also walking a path straight from cerbaro to the beautiful alba contrada with livia regaining all her strength making it up the asphalt road all alone"


"back to holland finding a very good weather to hike with the landscape getting completely frozen and walking far down and far up the river an later starting to renovate our house so as to make to separete rooms for the children still finding the time to walk not only to leave and pick the children at their school but also to the arboretum to do tai-chi and with the children free walking with them and also myrthe once in neerijnen unable to close the loop along the river over the die because it was still flooded but then also going to the ugly and commercial veenendal walking there to get myrthe's boots fixed and later taking a walk with myrthe's mother and her boyfriend in the mast forest near bread with still the landscape covered in snow finally taking a very nice walk with the children in the forest east of oss going around the two lakes there and discovering a nice path on the dunes taking us back"


"a month of intense walking beginning with the hills just east of rhenen discovering a nice walk there with my children and having a great time feeling worry of disrupting our being in nature after accepting to work in a bakery but either way also managing to take a walk with myrthe's relatives along the river in our village and after working early in the morning also taking a walk in the near marienwaerdt later walking with the family from de steeren just east of arnhem all the way up through the forest and the same day also crossing the city of arnhem to attend the carnival there and also crossing the city of den bosch to also check out that carnival feeling very proud about my children walking so much with their classmates instead being so incapable to cover even small distances and having a great time with my children taking them for a bike ride through the forest west of den bosch following them on foot also back along a mountain bike path parallel to the desert and after taking a very long walk from the amsterdam stadium all the way to the central station to then pick up august from the airport also taking him to the desert and this time letting myrthe follow the children on the bike path and just cross with my big boy the dunes getting lost in a forest ultimately doing more dunes experience driving with august and the children north of nordwijk and making it to the see and then down the beach to city and then through the dunes again getting all my children very happy"


"having started to work at the bakery early in the morning walking now less but nonetheless feeling very fit from all the loading and downloading of racks filled with loafs and my biking there managing still to take walks with august visiting us going with him and the children to the sea in nordwijk and to rotterdam to eat ramen but also visiting utrecht and taking a nice walk in the forest east of oss and a very tiny walk north of maastricht just prior picking up my old brazilian friend mario and his family and with them walking around our village enjoying the nice weather also later taking the children for a walk in amerongen on the other side of the river and then with also myrthe walking on our side of the river down to everdingen observing the beautiful nature and the wild birds there bu having to be careful of the many dogs let free and the motorcycles when walking back on the dike"


"despite the bad weather with much cold wind and rain venturing either way with the children for walks crossing utrecht with them from the southern station all the way to their cousins' house in the north of the city but also taking a walk in the ameliesweerd forest after with them and hanneke's family having to hide under the big trees with an hailstorm hitting us and still with the children walking the cute grebbeber east of rhene discovering there also a war site with its cemetery and beside my walks alone in our village also walking along the river with silvester refusing to go to school and with finally altogether taking an incredibly long walk from the tulip fields north of noordwijk across the dunes and to the beach to the walk even more to the north and then in a long diagonal across the natural reserve back to our van feeling extremely proud of my children i have trained to walk like no one else i know but my oldest son august and the day after even taking another walking with them in de bilt forest near utrecht finding quite beautiful but just feeling rather disgusted about all the very posh people using it as their exclusive recreational site with all their villas in the near"


"taking small walks in our village feeling a bit too busy setting up my welding laboratory to do it everyday but managing a few walks also by the river and during weekend taking other cute walks with the family taking myrthe for the first time to the hills east of rhenen and once walking also in the pretty ameliesweerd and with much rain having the shildren skip school to bring them to their grandfather in breda and with a lot of traffic in that direction stopping in gorinchem for a walk later also making it with the family to limburg to fetch a motor for the fume aspirator of the lab taking a walk there in the near of the village of beesel and also across the border checking out a decadent zoo in the german town of bruggen also making it to den haag to fetch another second hand motor crossing the city with it on my backpack finally driving to italy for the spring holidays and upon arriving taking a walk just below my native highland in the sella valley also checking the scultpural park there and in our mountain villae often walking with the family up to the ark and only once walking a bit in schio taking also a major walk with the children and their cousins in venice going to check the biennale walking from the station through the accademia bridge on the way there and through the very touristic rialto bridge on the way back later attempting with the cousins to take a walk up in novegno having to turn around due to the very cold and rainy weather"


"taking a few walks to the ark and to our friends' restaurant in the mountains but also with myrthe having to work remotely going down to vicenza and walking with the children across the city and also crossing padua to visit my aunt there and on our way back to holland stopping in the cute tyrolean town of vipiteno for a walk and in holland trying to keep up with my walks especially bringing and picking the children to school and to the arboretum for tai-chi but also for myrthe's fortieth birthday spending the weekend in wuppertal walking extensively the city as well as the very nice zoo on there also exploring the beautiful nature on the hills with my children showing an incredible strength especially on our way back stopping in the south of dusseldorf and walking from around the lake and through the cemetery and across a park all the way to the city center and back in the netherlands taking a walk by myself in the lame countryside north of gorinchem where i bought a second hand ladder and then with the family in the biesbosch with quite some mud eventually even falling trying to make it thorough a swamp"


"walking regularly to the arboretum awith only a few exception due to the rain and taking advantage of these exceptions to weld the structure of the time-capsule to be placed inside my ark and generally not walking much having to work for the bakery and only once having the children off from school and taking them for a beautiful hike in the forest south of osterwijk exploring with them the eastern part of campina and then also hanging out in osterwijk itself and later on a saturday after work going with them and their mother on our usual hike in grebbeberg and during another weekend making all the way south at myrthe's oldest brother trying to convince everyone to go for a walk in the end taking a nice one down the hills and up again to a strawberry farm with only silvester following me in the end and with livia not feeling so well in the end however on our way back stopping in eindhoven and crossing the immigrant neighborhood to the north making it altogether down the city center with the kids running and feeling still very energetic in the end with the coming of a nice summer heat also mostly investing to taking them to swim in the old mine by the river rather than for walks"


"taking the usual daily walk to the arboretum in our dutch village and to bring and pick up the children from school managing with them to take a longer walk through utrecht and a much longer walk in the beautiful national park north of rheden but also taking a walk with a new italian friend and his family along the river from one fort to another and during the weekedn also making it with sam and his friends to belgium exploring there the verbeke foundation and even managing a little walk in antwerp to kill time before eating a pinza pizza together finally in the end leaving for our summer holiday in italy and there mostly driving up and down to the ark with the tractor having to use the generator mounted on it but being quite good at keeping work isolated spending much time hiking with the children and myrther finding a nice round to do from our contrada around the hill below the ark also taking a small walk in the village where my parents moved when i was a teenager prior meeting my old friends there and with sam and his partner maria coming to visit taking them for a bigger hike on the novegno mount going around it to mount calliano and back over rione fort later spending a few days at the sea side in rosolina also there taking long walks with the family going from the camping all the way up to the city to eat in the evening and then back on the beach but also exploring the pine forest to the south"


"taking many walks during our summer holidays in the mountains trying to contain my work with the ark only going there mostly to cut the grass walking around it with the mower and then paying full attention to my family walking with them across the valleys departing from our contrada and visiting the contrada of our argentinian friends but also alone with silvester walking all the way down to the reghelini contrada to meet a new couple who has just moved there from berlin and with my oldest son august also joining taking bigger hikes with also florian and his super fit daughters walking around the novegno mountain going up the rione fort and even making it all around the baffelan mountain chain with my children showing quite a strength later taking them for a major hike up the pasubio mount across all the fifty-two galleries with silvester and livia being the youngest climbers and august going up at a record time without even a torch later also visiting my sisters in my native highland taking a small hike there and then with my best friend's family taking a much more challenging hike up to the castelloni natural labyrinth and with florian and his daughters coming to stay with us again on the way back from their holidays taking a nice hike again down the orco valley with also myrthe's father and his austrian girlfriend going also down to schio with them walking a but through the center before taking a day off from the family taking a photographer coming to visit me from rome to see the new sculpture of my countryman up a steep ski-slope in molveno"


"taking very little walks in the mountains with the bad weather only going from our village down to the fields and up again later in the end making it across northern italy to bring august to the airport stopping at garda lake for a swim and walking from the supermarket where we parked to a quite ugly beach also having to park quite far in chiasso to reach the lake there through the old city and have nice meal with my uncle before spending the night in ugly swiss city of chiasso where i also wake up way too early and went for a walk and in germany keeping at florian's place in the cute mullheim also venturing for a major walk up the blauen mountain feeling very proud of my children managing it and back in the netherlands trying to keep up our outdoors activities taking them for a bike ride in the loonsen dunes walking with myrthe behind them later also venturing into the actual dunes feeling like hunter gatherers and beside taking the usual daily walks to the arboretum in our dutch village taking a major walk from the center of utrecht all the way to houten via the ameliesweerd forest and then in the veluwe east of utrecht where the children were camping with the school all the way across the heather fields reaching the outskirts of amersfoort and walking back from there barefoot and under quite a hot sun"


"still trying to keep up the walking at first making it with the whole family from the zuylen castle north of utrecht all the way to the city center and then to the south of town feeling very proud of my children also the weekend later driving their mother to meet their former colleagues in amersfoort and with the children crossing the whole natural reserve comprising of three deserts reaching soest and during the week with the children at school and the weather getting colder and rainier still making it to the arboretum for tai-chi havint to watch out for the wind and all the branches and acorns falling from the big oaks and the chestnut trees and walking more in the weekend with the children still taking their mother to meet her friends and having much fun with them crossing rotterdam and making it back through by the river later also taking a smaller walk in den bosch to get silvester and arrow and a bow for his fifth birthday but feeling quite fed up of all the partying and shopping people making the day after to breda with the kids however not so willing to walk in the forest where their mother grew up and after leaving her and them to their grandfather crossing the entire city and making it to their grandmother ultimately with the weather getting cold and crisp taking the children and silvester's little friend joes for a major walk across the dunes north of rheden and into the forest all the way to the carolina hoeve farm and then back with them not even feeling tired after so many hours on the march"


"with a depressing winter weather setting in spending more time outdoor starting with just taking the usual walks to the arboretum and with taking a nice little walk with myrthe's relatives from the fort down the river to the fort further down but then alone walking the same path starting from our house and with the children and myrthe taking a nice walk in the kampina natural reserve walking on the western edge to then make it back all the way to the east through a rather straight path in the forest at times covered in good chestnuts i picked with little strong livia and with also her brother crossing from one side to the other of amsterdam starting in the south station and ending up in the the central station but also walking out to the public library once even babysitting myrthe's friend baby walking with him and the kids all the way to the cheese farm and even when giving my first lecture in years arriving at the destination in utrecht too early and walking down the river towards ameliesweerd later taking another big walk from the south of leiden across the dunes to the beach just north of scheveningen and back on the bike path with little livia and silvester marching like little indians and with the weather getting sunny again exploring the gorgeous forest on the hills south of rheden feeling rather sad about all the traffic some sunny weather generates and with the weather turning cold again still managing to walk with the children from utrecht south station along the old railroad all the way to grift park then having to walk all the way back with their mother and visit friends in lunetten and in a rainy day with the children wanting to stay at home taking a very long walk all alone from the forest of de bilt north east of utrecht all the way to houten in the deep south"


"stepping down from the intense walking of the previous month yet still feeling inspired about the pygmies and the relation i have with them with both nature and being very active within it and also trying to involve my family in walking despite the bad weather and with the fall vacation going to the forest on the veluwe hills north of amerngonen enjoying the n colours there and the peace made even more peaceful by the autumn fog and then exploring the forest north of the austerlitz pyramid letting the children bike with myrthe and i walking behind them and also letting them bike along the linge river in the open countryside and one time reaching them after working at the bakery in amsterdam where their mother brought them to a museum walking from amstel to the museum square to then walk with the whole family through the old city all the way to the park on the west end and doing a similar thing in leiden but not finding the city that exciting with also the weather being quite gloomy and with myrthe being busy several weekends in a row having to fetch the children at her father in breda walking from the station all the way to the south where he lives and then walking all the way back to the city with the children and even making it to the other side to the north to have dinner with their grandmother and in the same weekend going for a long walk with my baker friend in the natural reserve of kampina this time also letting my children and his children with their bikes and venturing all the way across the heather fields making a full round and beside that keeping up my daily walks in our village to reach the arboretum to do tai-chi there and also once with a blue sky making it all the way up to the dike and then back along the river also every day having the children to walk to school and back and several times to pick one another at their friends' house"


"still making it a point to walk every day going to the arboretum to do my tai-chi and several times over the dike to the cheese farm or across the muddy fields but with the weather getting considerably worst and will always work at the bakery quite on the way managing however to take the children and their little galician friend for a walk on the hills east of rhenen and then with their mother getting sick also on the dunes in soest with however many dogs to avoid having to cross a forest to make it to a lees middle-class colonized and wilder dune area also with my sweet daughter making one day in utrecht to search for little shops where to hunt for special presents for our friends and relatives in italy and going later back to utrecht making a very long walk still in the totally gray dutch winter weather and finding some joy making it from houten all the way to the old rhine and then following it all the way into the city with only blisters bothering my march making me want to walk barefoot and lastly taking also my baker friend along for a walk in the fairytalish town of vuursche making me realize once again how the little wilderness in the netherlands is totally colonized by rich people with their obscene villas and their obsession for dogs and bikes leaving no peace to the forest and those who want to merge with it"