"dreams inspired first by my staying in india on the beach and later in the countryside facing also the heavy urban condition there and later getting much influence by the movies watched going back and having a bit of traveling to do back in europe yet feeling quite influenced about my staying in the mountains with my girlfriend and polish friend but also about movies watched later with august and the video-game i bought him"
"a month traveling back and forth to sweden and mostly staying in the netherlands nonetheless getting quite some dreams about hostels and still some from the mountains and the people there slowly stopping to dream about them and getting a few nightmares related to stupid series watched with myrthe but also getting affected by writing my thesis"
"a period having a little trouble sleeping normally now traveling too much and being impressed at first by the people i met like a violent and aggressive finnish guy getting some horror in my dreams but also the chant of being invited with my parents to a bar in venice only for rich people and dreaming about it and starting to get affected in my dreams also of the idea of moving to venice and go live in an apartment"
"a month having quite regular dreams despite the traveling and much related to my upcoming future like the apartment bought in venice and my girlfriend pregnancy but also getting quite affected by walking extensively both in sweden and the netherlands now merging several landscapes together with also that of the mountains and dreaming of the new people i meet in hostels"
"finally dropping the work in sweden and all the unsettledness related to it with years of commuting and in the netherlands getting good nights of many dreams affected by all the bike riding there but also strongly affected from all the illustrations i make and at last coming to venice and having to resettle mentally here doing too much work and waking up too early to remember any dreams with the seagulls walking me up"
"having quite some dreams in venice sleeping well despite the heat and dreaming of the guest situation there but then traveling briefly to sweden and taking some time to dream more in the mountains with myrthe getting a bit of dreams relating to my future with her in the netherlands and some with my son and his mother"
"a month being affected by the television watched every evening after working very hard in the mountains under the sun and back in holland getting affected by the new landscape but also by some worries about the future and the prospect of a new baby getting quite some dreams of it and of our mountain village where we will probably end up living but also getting affected by the many messages sent on my phone and the songs heard while plastering the house"
"dreams written while in the netherlands having many of them despite don't sleeping so well at night at first also taking some magnesium and dreaming of my new situation of an unemployed and of my former swedish colleagues but also a lot of the people in the mountains and getting affected by particularly an underwater documentary and a film of a mother being kept in a shed with her son"
"a period dreaming not so much for all my traveling to begin with to sweden getting affected by an horror movie watched with august and then back in holland getting some worries in my dreams and absorbing myrthe worked stress but getting several dreams talking to one of her friends' boyfriend after talking about his trips and also getting affected by the renovation work in her house till at last going to italy but not sleeping that much and dreaming little"
"a period dreaming quite intensively in holland but then traveling back and forth to italy and having many nights without dreams but starting to get many a dreams related to the mountains and particularly at the field where i am building my cathedral there and also getting a few dreams fully inspired by some films i watched with both violent and sex scenes and finally also dreaming of my future daughter"
"initially dreaming a lot with the gray winter here in the netherlands and myrthe no longer going to work due to her pregnancy but then starting to watch an american tv series together every evening and not having any dreams for sometime but at last getting used to the watching and dreaming again often taking in elements from the tv series but also still dreaming a bit of our mountain place and the upcoming baby"
"a month with not a single night of full sleep with baby livia waking up every two hours with tummy ache nonetheless managing to dream now also beginning to have more dreams in our dutch house and quite many definitively inspired by watching the news as well as an american series"
"a period beginning to dreams about babies affected by my daughter but still somehow dreaming of the mountains and also of all the driving i had to do as well as in the end getting affected by myrthe's work stress after traveling to provence and camping with august without really dreaming if not getting small nightmares about bad people"
"dreaming regularly beside watching series in the evening and getting affected by it and also getting quite some sexual dreams now leaving the netherlands and spending time in italy working hard in the forest and sleeping far less with less dreams and some related to my days spent falling trees or driving"
"affected by mauro corona's mountain stories and then by all the biking in the netherlands before driving to italy and at last getting to dream about the people there after four years i got to know them and also the places like my tractor shed and my fields but not sleeping that much with all the physical work to do and having not so nice dreams now with the apartment in venice giving me troubles"
"a month back in holland getting regular dreams despite all the waking up of livia in the night and at times having no dreams with little sleep having to look after her in the morning and getting quite affected by the news as well as by some movies but lastly becoming more disciplined and going to bed earlier and without watching any tv and sleeping much longer also thanks to a new bed with a better mattress and a lot of walking in the dutch landscape"
"regular dreams now sleeping in our dutch house with a regular life and in my brain mixing the nature in the mountains with the nature in holland also getting quite affected by the decisions to be made concerning my museum and about the newly renovated apartment in venice with many dreams related to my driving with the car"
"a month getting affected to begin with playing video-games with august and later also watching tv and documentaries and even the news seeing the natural calamities in my native alps but also having several dreams related to all the time spent biking here in holland"
"dreaming quite regularly in the netherlands getting used to be awaken at night by livia and then traveling and almost having no dreams until finally settling in the mountains and dreaming again regularly with several dreams related to my traveling by car but also related to old friends"
"a period watching too many series and and waking up too early in the morning to work thus not remembering so many dreams and often having them affected by the very series now also losing the outdoor scenery of my mountain village and mostly having dreams taking place indoor reflecting my life here in the netherlands"
"many dreams related to all my walking berlin during my stay there despite always walking up very early to work on my project ad fixing the images of my acquaintances evoking them in my dreams or evoking people a subconsciously overlap and other than that back in the netherlands watching tv series in the evening and getting very affected in my dreams by them"
"having quite regular dreams in the netherlands watching series there and getting affect especially by an isreaeli one and also getting affected by august video-games while visiting him in sweden before going to italy and getting generally little sleep and some very vivid dreams"
"not so much dreaming in the mountains working too hard on my installation and nonetheless getting affected by all the stories about women told by davide and then also getting quite affected by the fight with the hunters there and about the imprisonment of my uncle but also getting quite affected by the grimm brothers stories i read and also later in the netherlands about the world stories i started reading as well as the european elections watched on tv"
"in sardinia getting several water related dreams but also still considering my situation up in the mountains and the permits for my installation still not granted and also dreaming a lot about driving after spending much time in the car and generally only watching one time a fantasy film and getting much disturbing nightmares from it"
"still dreaming of sardinia and the sea but then spending most of my time in the mountains and beginning to dream about it and its people and also having nightmares about the hunters and their brutal way of blocking my installation beside having many dreams related to driving and also getting dreams with other girls mostly inspired by watching some movies"
"a month away from the mountains in the netherlands now resuming to watch tv at times and getting affected by it and in particular getting affected by all the situations with the hunter revolt against my project in the alps and the political debate around but at last also getting affected reading remarque's account of world war one and dreaming several aspects of the book"
"a month in the netherlands getting affected watching films with some erotic scenes and also not really managing to sleep continuously with baby silvester and livia crying at night and making dreams related to the making of my tebah and the textures but also start dreaming our dutch house and the surrounding landscape before going to hamburg and almost having no dreams there"
"a month with several nights being woke up by baby silvester and even livia still dreaming about my installation in italy and the situation with the hunters there and being quite stimulated in my dreams watching several movies with also erotic components and also getting affected reading herodotus description of the ancient world"
"getting affected in my dreams during christmas holidays by the many walks taken outside in the dutch landscape especially on the dunes but also getting affected by the books i read especially about tibet and getting an increase image of our dutch house as well as of my baby kids but also not sleeping long enough at night with silvester waking up to eat and going up to work instead of forcing myself back to sleep"
"really starting to dream of our dutch town of culemborg with its places and also dreaming intensively about my small daughter getting also many movie inspired dreams with sex and some violence but also some dreams inspired by all the time i spent out in the landscape walking and kind forgetting about my mother's family after having cut our relationship"
"a month affected by the reading of old stories and the watching of movies now having really no other ways to travel outside our dutch small town due to the coronavirus outbreak and nonetheless also getting much influenced in my dreams by my daughter and the time spent with my kids also no getting to sleep alone in our bedroom and not being woke up by little silvester anymore"
"sleeping a little better now with little silvester waking up less frequently in the night and getting dreams inspired by movies and cartoons but also the interface to select them and dream a few times of my bad teeth and the actual lock-down we are experiencing due to the pandemic forcing us in our little dutch village beginning to dream more and more about it"
"a period getting quite distorted dreams watching some really bad american series but also getting some dreams inspired reading old stories from my anthology and having little silvester breaking up my night crying for milk making it at times hard to remember them and in the mountains in italy dreaming quite a lot with little internet and no television even dreaming for the first time while taking an afternoon nap"
"a period spent in the mountains at last able to work on my installation and getting quite some fresh air but not dreaming so much with both kids being quite uneasy at night and often taking naps in the afternoon and even dreaming then at times at last forcing myself to sleep longer and dreaming several times of the installation site"
"quite some dreams related to my stay in the mountains and the work to build the structure of my museum there with a few nightmares related to my fear of falling and then making it back to holland slowly shifting also my dream landscape and getting quite affected by all the documentaries and stories read in the evening with little silvester now allowing me a little bit longer sleep"
"dreaming rather regularly with still little silvester walking up several times in the night but nonetheless getting in a good rhythm despite being disturbed by the situation with my venice apartment tenants making a mess there and getting also a few dreams with trucks and cars based on the days i spend outwith my kids also at last reactivating the car to travel around and getting at last some natural landscapes back in my dreams along with some disturbed dreams mostly based on an action series watched on television"